The traditional approach to robot programming is online programming. This involves programming the robot with its teach pendant while next to the physical robot. While this is still a popular approach, online programming causes unnecessary downtime and can reduce the quality of your programs by pressuring you to spend less time optimizing them.

Planning can involve deciding on the robotic components you might need (such as end effectors or additional axes). It can also involve manually walking yourself through the task to understand the steps.

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Simulation tools can help you avoid errors in your robot programming by allowing you to test the program in a virtual environment. There are various types of simulators you can use in a manufacturing business.

You can access advanced functionality and the powerful capabilities of your robot by using the software wizards provided by your offline programming software. For example, RoboDK includes various wizards, including those for robotic welding and robotic machining.

A good robot offline programming software should have many resources available to help you learn how to use the software. These resources can include documentation, online forums, and video tutorials.

Offline programming gives you the opportunity to try out new ideas and program updates without affecting production. This is very valuable as it can help you find new and better ways of programming the robot in a risk-free environment.

In the past, the only way to try out a new robot model was to get your hands on the physical robot. This is no longer the case. There are now many ways to try robots without investing in the robot yourself.

Keep your offline programs well organized so you can easily find parts of the program when you need them. You can do this by creating subroutines for distinct steps of the program or by editing the names of targets with descriptive labels.

A significant benefit of using the right offline programming software is the ability to share your programs with others. This allows you to get feedback on your robot solutions from your colleagues and clients.

With a good offline programming software, you can more easily keep up with these changes. For example, at RoboDK we are constantly adding new functionalities to the software to respond to changes in the robotics field.

As mentioned before, this is currently implemented as regular workflows that are just .xaml files that are beeing called and that seems to not work on unattended robots.

That is why, I published the control center workflow and one of the sub-workflows locally, and tried to do the same thing as before when I just invoked an .xaml file (I do have to pass some parameters back and forth).

In my work I need to send a generic Kuka robot to take an object in a box and place it on the top of an actuator (The position of the objects and actuators are known). After that the robot should place this actuator on a generic XYZ coordinate.

The thing is that I don't have a robot or a simulation program to do it. I need to write the program with help of Orangeedit for example.

All the material I found explains how to teach the robot each point and I'm having trouble to find a material that shows how to write a program from zero.

Additionally, you can do all the programming, offline (orange edit even provides simple in-line forms), leave the points as '!' and when you're there, the only thing you need to do is teach the points and rename them.

The lower-left frame of the OE window will show a list called Settings (ILF). You want to expand the Motion one that matches the KSS version your robot is running. You will probably get a list of PTP, LIN, CIRC. By putting your cursor on the correct line in the program, then double-clicking the motion you want, OE will insert an inline form at that program line, just as if you were creating points on the pendant.

I still have a question about the points for movement.

Do I necessarily need to give the coordinates manually to the robot?

If I have the position of the robot and objects in a CAD file for example can't I extract these coordinates and write it directly in the program?

And after that send the program to the robot without further modifications

You could then extract the XYZ data of points from the CAD and put them into the robot program directly. However, the rotation data (ABC values in KRL) is more tricky -- robot simulation software can usually be used to export this data in the correct format and frame of reference for a specific brand of robot (every brand uses their own), but generic CAD, probably not. You might have to do some creative translation. If you want to play in this area a bit, the free version of RoboDK can help you understand just how this works.

The final problem is that the CAD data seldom ever matches the real world closely enough. Even the major robot users, like Ford, GM, BMW, etc, struggle with this. The "holy grail" is to build an entire robotic plant in CAD, create all the programs in simulation, then, when the hardware is all in place, simply download all the programs to all the robots and hit Go.

Have robot vac 200s. Firmware is 1.6.202. Today I opened the Wyze app and it had an error banner saying the vacuum was offline. Strange as no wifi issues were occurring. Followed the suggested to reset vac but no luck. I manually started the vac (depressed power button) and it started a whole house clean. It returned to base to charge and I powered it off because I was leaving. Upon return, I see both buttons on unit are flashing white (wonder what that means?). Thought maybe I need to delete and re-install app. Any suggestions??

The litter robot 3 connect disconnect most of the time. We have a in our home a quite good connection. But somehow when i leave the house of during other moments (not sure when it exactly happens) the robot disconnect it self with hour wifi and doesnt reconnect automatically. That means i need to plug out and plug in the adapter everyday image11252436 180 KB

This is your complete and comprehensive guide to offline robot programming (OLP). After introducing the topic, it addresses common misconceptions, the problems it resolves, benefits, and real-life example of its successful implementation.

Robot Offline Programming (OLP) is a method of generating robot programs in computer software (virtual environment) based on 3D CAD data. Once the robot program is generated and verified in the software, it can be downloaded to the physical robot.

Imagine programming a robot to weld a circular part on a metal workpiece. The robot needs to move the welding torch in a 3D arc around the circumference of the part, and at the same time maintain a precise orientation with respect to the surface.

The first industrial robots were programmed by teaching. That is, the arm was moved to the point required, and the position was saved. (The operator or programmer sees this as saving the pose (x,y,z coordinates, and rotations) of the tool center point (TCP) at the end of the arm, i.e. the program saves the position of each joint motor.)

Robot simulation emerged in the 1980s. This used CAD to show the robot, its movements, and the workcell or environment. A little later, techniques were developed for post-processing the position information from the CAD program, to generate a robot motion program, similar to producing machining paths for CNC machines.) This is what became OLP.

Today there are two flavors of OLP. Most robot manufacturers offer a robot programming package in addition to a teach pendant. Alternatively, a robot user may opt for an OLP product from an independent source. This has the advantage of being agnostic to the brand of the robot being programmed.

An OLP product is an additional purchase. However, it only needs buying once and can support whatever brands of robot a facility uses. (This also helps a facility avoid being locked into a single robot vendor.)

Every robot application is a candidate for OLP; the only requirement is to have digital models of the workcell, parts, tooling, and fixtures. (And today everything is designed in CAD, so that should not be a problem.) However, the benefits are magnified as robot paths become more complex and more points need to be taught.

While any manufacturer using robots will benefit from OLP, the biggest gains are seen where batch sizes are small and production runs short. The problem is that, when programming at the robot, frequent changeovers and setups will eat into availability and running hours. However, with OLP, programs are tested virtually and downloaded to the robots while physical aspects of the cell (fixtures, grippers, and so on,) are being changed. Prudence suggests running the robot through a cycle at low speed to check for collisions, after which the cell is ready to restart production.

Afrit, a South African manufacturer of large trailers, implemented OLP. They saw the time spent on robot programming cut from two weeks in the cell to four days offline. Ferdi Beukes, a Mechatronic Engineer at Afrit, said,

In Finland HT Laser performs small-batch robotic cutting and welding using robots from several manufacturers. They adopted OLP to save programming time and increase production capacity. Janne Tuominen, Product Development Manager at HT Laser, said,

Visual Components has long been a leader in 3D manufacturing simulation. As OLP grew out of robot simulation, the two technologies became complementary. This is why Visual Components Group acquired Delfoi Robotics OLP software, (which is built on top of the Visual Components platform) in October 2022. This acquisition paved the way for Visual Components to introduce their own OLP product: Visual Components Robotics OLP.

Manually Programming a robot at the workcell is slow and imperfect. It ties up the cell for days or weeks and delays the start of production. OLP solves these problems by enabling programming in a virtual environment. Then, when ready and verified the program is downloaded to the robot and production can begin. 006ab0faaa

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