The bodies of stone giants had a gray to grayish-brown skin tone, hair that ranged in a spectrum of dark grays and bluish-grays, and eyes of a silver or steel hue. They also tended to wear clothing that was of a similar color to nearby rocks, which altogether made it easy for their race to blend in with their environment when needed.[6]

Stone giants preferred to fight using ranged weapons such as boulders, but if forced into melee they wielded gigantic stone clubs.[4] Some were fond of simply flinging their smaller enemies through the air.[17]

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The stone giant race began with an individual by the name of Obadai, one of the mortal children of Annam All-Father and Othea, who in the kingdom of Ostoria was ceded control of the Underdark.[18] Within this mighty kingdom they created some of the greatest works of giant art.[19] For example, they would regularly carve stalactites and pillars so that they resonated in the wind, thus creating a sort of song that was attuned to whoever stood before them.[20]

The strongest stone giant nation was Cairnheim in the Underdark.[25] It was a village[26] located in the western part of the Darklands[27] in the Upperdark inside the Giant's Run Mountains under the rule of the stone giant lich Dodkong.[26]

Stone giants that spent too much time on the surface, either during their dream quests or as a result of banishment from their communities, became dreamwalkers, driven so far into madness by their isolation to the point that reality itself bent around them.[2]

Stone giants were powerful enough to survive and make a living in the Underdark in the face of competition.[25] They had a tendency to gather in larger individual groups the deeper the given group was located,[29] but were primarily denizens of the Upperdark, though their numbers were small even there.[25]

Stone giants were known to speak the general giant language Jotun. But they also possessed their own language known as Jotunstein, which was derived from both Jotun and Auld Dwarvish.[7] The written form of this language was known as "Metamorpherie".[30]

Like all true giants, stone giants worshiped Annam All-Father as their chief deity, but unlike the other races they envisioned him as being an artist whose skills were perfection.[32] Their patron deity among Annam's children was Skoraeus Stonebones, though lesser deities Hiatea and Iallanis were also known to have a significant following among the stone giants.[33]

Priests of Skoraeus felt that their duty was to oversee their society's affairs and ensure that the stone giants as a whole continued to progress towards greater achievements in art and intellectual thought. But in order to accomplish this goal, they believed that their race needed to isolate itself from others, with the exception of individuals who might help expand upon their mastery of craftsmanship.[34]

Animal domestication was not common among them, though many were known to raise colonies of giant bats as a warning system and source of food.[35] While others have been seen in the company of giant goats[36] and cave bears.[6] Out of all animals they considered purple worms to be the greatest of pests, since they could effortlessly burrow through their homes and destroy prized carvings.[35]

Maybe I'm just too much of a peanut brain for this, but I've been trying to branch into vet trials and vet HM's and, since my tank is a DK, stone giant seems to be a mandatory skill, but I cannot for the life of me maintain good uptimes on it. I suck at tanking, I'll admit that, but I've gotten pretty good at most parts of tanking and at maintaining my buffs/uptimes on most things except this one, apparently mandatory skill.


Improved Rock Catching (Ex)

A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex save when attempting to catch a thrown rock with rock catching. This ability otherwise works like the rock catching ability.


Improved Rock Catching (Ex): A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex save when attempting to catch a thrown rock with rock catching. This ability otherwise works like the rock catching ability.

Thank you! My party ambushed and killed Teraktinus, but let one giant get away. They then got complacent and spent 2 weeks crafting and downtiming. So raiding party 2 is coming down led by one of these guys.

Stone giants fall to the ground when killed, and can crush an adventurer in their path while doing so. Disabling a stone giant and knocking it to the ground before killing it is wise. However, knocking stone giants to the ground can cause them to topple onto you.

Stone Giant is an action-filled game developed by Naxeex Action & RPG Games. Here, you will get to control a character who turns into a stone giant with unique abilities. You can use your abilities to either help the citizens and be their hero or punish the enemies and become an evil destroyer.

Stone giants tend to appear towards the mid-game, or a bit earlier than that. However, digging through rock with a pick axe at any stage in the game has a chance of generating a hostile stone giant, which might be quite a problem for very low leveled PCs. They also appear in the High Mountain Village sometimes.

This solemn, massive figure seems as eternal and unchanging as the granite beneath your feet. Its great size conveys a sense of quiet strength. Slow to anger, but slow to forgive, the stone giant seeks peace but finds only strife. Its tranquility has been disturbed; its home has been invaded. Now it seeks to restore its habitat only way it can: by destroying the ones who have trespassed into its domain.

This huge humanoid has stone gray skin, and she really is made from stone. Before any other living being was created, the elder gods shaped this race from the rock of the ancient mountains. Since all stone and rock is made of their substance, these giants feel all the pain that is caused to the earth, and share its suffering. When the gods descended to the world and erected stone temples, the giants of stone arose and so great was their wrath that the gods had to strike an alliance with the demons to protect their abodes. Since those days, the giants have grown weary of the world, and most sleep deep within the mountains and only a few wake and try to effect vengeance on those torturing the earth, their mother.

Stone giants are massive, powerful humanoids who hurl powerful large rocks at range and hit moderately hard in melee. They appear throughout the Vaults and the Depths, and occasionally in late Dungeon and the Orcish Mines.

Unknown to all but the most intrepid scholar, stone giant elders can speak with stones and bind the earth to their bidding. They believe themselves to be the purest species of giant, from whom all other giants descend.2

The pre-written history of the stone giants is one of constant rivalry with the taiga giants and hill giants. Oral tradition tells the tale of the stone giants as the first of giant tribes, living in verdant glacial valleys teeming with wildlife and game. Not surprisingly, this idyllic situation was not to last: the stone giants were seduced by evil gods, their union resulting in the birth of fire giants and frost giants. The cloud giants and storm giants were elevated by benevolent gods to combat the evil giants, and thus the giant tribes were forever fractured.2

The earliest recorded history of the stone giant tribes is from their alliance with the Thassilonian empire, from whom the stone giants learned rune magic, iron, and advanced weaponry. This arrangement was not without cost: the Thassilonians used their rune magic to create rune giants, magically augmented giants who subsequently enslaved the various giant tribes. Driven by their corrupted masters, the stone giants created massive monuments and cities throughout ancient Varisia, many of which still can be found throughout current the current day Inner Sea region.2

Stone giant society is composed of two main groups: the so-called "high culture", or Rune Road, who use taboo knowledge gained from the Thassilonians, and the "low culture", held true by craggy elders who refuse to give up the old ways.3

The Rune Road culture is fading, soon to become nothing more than runic songs and legends of ancient Thassilon, stories of stone monuments stretching to the heavens, vast subterranean networks extending to the core of the planet, and mountain faces worked to vast visages of gods. These stories always contain elements of xenophobia against the smaller people, their tyrants and slavers.3

The low culture of the stone giant stays true to the pre-Thassilonian ways: living in caves, hunting large prey, finding balance and harmony with the stone around them, and treating their elders with great reverence.3

Stone giant clans are organized as as a zygarchy, ruled by the eldest couple in the tribe. This couple doesn't have a particular title, and their immediate and extended family gains no special benefit from their relationship. The ruling position is seldom sought after or seen as desirable, as the many responsibilities of the role are seen to greatly outweigh its benefits. The eldest couple is chosen for the role as as their age is thought to bestow upon them the patience and wisdom needed to deal with family squabbles, ownership claims, and inter-clan relations.3

Stone giants typically live within the shelter of hollowed out mountains, excavated using the stone giants masterful knowledge of engineering and stone. Stone giant communities consist of living quarters, stables, sheds, workhouses, and barracks. Within the outer walls of the mountain are built large watchtowers, from which stone giant guards can observe the surrounding areas.43

Storytelling is great tradition for the stone giants. Every night they gather in the Great Cave, and the cavern resounds with the low thrum of the stone giants telling the history and legends of their people. The bards and elders who perform these stories are known as "weavers".6 17dc91bb1f

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