As a resident of a suburban neighbourhood where all canines are leashed, I was fascinated with the behaviour of the stray dogs in Oaxaca City, and probably could have spent my full five days drawing them. The first one that caught my eye was the one who was napping in the middle of a pedestrian street near a noisy market. Seemingly in a sound sleep as cars, delivery trucks and crowds of people circulated around him, he simultaneously jumped up and went into a full snarl as soon as another stray entered his territory. Needless to say, the other dog skulked away.

Another morning on our way for breakfast, we watched a very muscular sleeping dog on a street corner suddenly leap up and begin stalking his prey. The prey in question? A pigeon that was walking along the sidewalk. The dog slealthily followed the bird for quite some time, hoping to catch it for breakfast, no doubt. When the bird flew away, he was undeterred. He made a quick u-turn and tried to chase down a passing Toyota, narrowly escaping having his legs run over.

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The dog that I finally ended up drawing was one of a group of dogs who dig themselves into the cool sand to take a siesta on the main square. They all seem very well fed and as much a part of the scenery as the balloon sellers and the tamale vendors.

Although there is no conclusive amount of sleep suggested for dogs, one thing that is widely agreed upon is that lack of sleep has a negative impact on welfare. Reported effects include worsening responses to negative stimuli, anxiety, aggression (Banks and Dinges, 2007), reduced sensitivity to rewards (Willner et al., 1992), lower frustration tolerance (Kamphuis et al., 2012) and reduced ability to cope with stressful situations (Vandekerckhove and Cluydts, 2010). This ultimately can be translated to difficulties in managing behaviour, worsening of behaviours of concern and a lack of progress with behaviour modification.

One of the most highly impacted areas in the development of behaviours of concern, and a logical place to start, is with puppies. Similarly to adult dogs, the population norms of sleep for dogs under 12 months do not exist. Kinsman et al. (2020) set out to try to fill some of the gaps in knowledge, with data collected from information on 2,332 16-week-old and 1,091 12-month-old puppies which was obtained via online surveys.

Owners were asked for approximate minimum and maximum hours of sleep during an average 24-hour period, as well as the presence of a range of sleep-related behaviours. The study identified that 16-week-old puppies slept longer than the 12-month-old cohort, which was represented mainly by a decrease in daytime sleep. The mean total hours slept by dogs in a 24-hour period as reported by their owners was 11.2 hours for 16-week-old puppies and 10.8 hours for 12-month-old puppies.

Ā Sleeping DogsĀ  Diane Thiel (bio) Ā  The problem isthey lie. Ignored,they tend to cover the floor,fill the halls, block the door. Eventually,there is not a decent spot to put your foot.They have gathered here for years, taking root,seeming to be sleeping. You have to walk gingerlyto get past them all. Here and there, avoid a tail. Avoidthe growl inside the nightmare. Make your way, stepby carefulside-step.But if the door is blocked, you might still getout whatever windowisn't covered yet.Some of us, historically,are good at this.Some of us learned earlyhow to squeeze through suchtight-lipped passages. [End Page 403] 17dc91bb1f

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