The Illinois Department of Transportation is in the process of developing the Data-Driven Decisions tool, allowing us to improve how we determine investment decisions for capacity projects throughout the State. The concept of Data-Driven Decisions for project selection is used throughout the nation and encouraged by the U.S Department of Transportation. The Department evaluated 34 projects for inclusion in the State Fiscal Year 2023-2028 Highway Improvement Program. A cover memo is provided explanation of the selections.

With the exception of the United Kingdom, these adequacy decisions do not cover data exchanges in the law enforcement sector which are governed by the Law Enforcement Directive (Article 36 of Directive (EU) 2016/680).

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The Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) publishes a comprehensive volume of Agriculture Decisions for each calendar year. Two books comprise the annual volume: Book One, which contains the decisions and orders issued from January through June; and Book Two, which contains decisions and orders issued from July through December.

Parts One, Two, and Three of Agriculture Decisions incorporate the following: (1) Initial Decisions issued by the Administrative Law Judges, Decisions and Orders issued by the Judicial Officer on appeal, and selected court decisions; (2) a list of Miscellaneous Orders and Dismissals entered by the Administrative Law Judges and complete texts of any Miscellaneous Orders entered by the Judicial Officer; (3) a list of Default Decisions issued by the Administrative Law Judges; and (4) a list of Consent Decisions. While Agriculture Decisions generally does not include full texts of Miscellaneous Orders, Default Decisions, or Consent Decisions, those decisions and orders are available in their entirety on the OALJ webpage.

A nonprecedential order is one that the Board has determined does not add significantly to the body of MSPB case law. Parties may cite nonprecedential orders, but such orders have no precedential value; the Board and administrative judges are not required to follow or distinguish them in any future decisions. Please note that some nonprecedential decisions will not display paragraph numbers. In contrast, a precedential decision issued as an Opinion and Order has been identified by the Board as significantly contributing to the Board's case law. See 5 C.F.R.  1201.117(c).

In January 2003, the Medicare Appeals Council (Council) initiated the posting of certain significant decisions and actions on the web site of the Departmental Appeals Board (of which it is a component). The following decisions and actions were selected for posting since they involve the adjudication of issues that may be of interest to various stakeholders in the Medicare appeals process. They are searchable as well as indexed by primary topic area. This compendium of Council decisions will be supplemented periodically.

The Law Reporting Bureau's Site Search functionality has changed. Any searches conducted with the search bar above will search all of To search our website specifically, please add "" after your key words inside of the search box. To search for decisions, use the Advanced Search function.

Civil and criminal motion decisions on appeals from cases decided in the New York City Civil and Criminal Courts, Kings, Queens and Richmond Counties, as well as appeals from the District, City, Town and Village Courts in the Second Department. Coverage begins in March 2004.

Various internet sources estimate that an adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day [in contrast a child makes about 3,000] (Sahakian & Labuzetta, 2013). This number may sound absurd, but in fact, we make 226.7 decisions each day on just food alone according to researchers at Cornell University (Wansink and Sobal, 2007). As your level of responsibility increases, so does the smorgasbord of choices you are faced with.

In all likelihood, we probably employ a combination of several of these decision-strategies in a situational manner in order to deal with the sheer volume of decisions we face. However, our approach to decision-making is the first critical choice we have.

However, there are also decisions that are seemingly inconsequential (e.g. Do I change the cable channel?) and an argument can be made that some of these are rightfully ignored, long-deferred or left to the input of others. And before you think yourself above this particular decision-strategy, consider the fact that some decisions just get missed in the flurry of the thousands we face. These overlooked decision opportunities would also be categorized here.

Values-based decisions significantly help us make better ethical choices, occupational-career choices, faith-related choices, political choices, and relational choices (Rokeach, 23). They can also help speed up our ability to make choices by way of helping us recognize the values preferences they contain (Rokeach, 23).

Your most critical decisions don't just impact your circumstances and the circumstances of others. Your most critical Tier 1 decisions are the primary shapers of your character. For instance, when you face disappointments and trials in life, your response dictates the character that will be created in you as a result. If your tendency is to have a pity party, then you'll be some combination of pitiful and pathetic. If you get resentful or angry on a level that leads to a pre-occupation with mechanisms of self-protection or vengeance, then you'll either become withdrawn, vindictive, bitter or hardened-of-heart. If you ignore these occurrences or attribute them to random luck, you'll become ignorant and apathetic.

In conclusion, if we want to make better decisions as leaders, we would do well to remember that our decisions impact others and compound over time.  Some decisions carry more weight on the outcomes we generate than others. As a result, they should be elevated when determining the decision-strategy we will use, as well as in the resources of time, talent and energy we devote to them. The decision-strategy we use will likely dictate the outcome, so it needs to be our first decision when we step up to the choice buffet (yes, we even have a choice about how we make a choice).

Our decisions as leaders have the potential to all collectively work together in taking us to some pretty significant places in life. Over time they will create positive or negative trend lines for us, as well as for our organizations (see the illustration above). The good decisions can take us to the heights of heaven....and the bad decisions can take us to some very dark times and places. We need to celebrate the good decisions and the outcomes they lead us to, because what gets celebrated is more likely to get repeated.

There are currently over 5,000 full-text LIRC UI Decisions, full text UI court decisions, and UI court decision summaries available online at this site. Please note that this is not a collection of all of LIRC's unemployment insurance decisions, but only of a limited number that have been archived based on a staff assessment that they might be useful as research tools. Neither the inclusion nor the omission of any particular decision should be taken as an indication of the commission's views on the general significance of the decision.

For example: the query "drug test" -misconduct will find decisions that do include the phrase drug test, but that do not include the word misconduct.

Please note that these decisions have been converted to an online format, and for that reason they should not be considered exact reproductions of the originals. These versions of the decisions are provided here as an aid to research only. Copies of decisions may be obtained at the commission's offices.

While the names of all of the members of the commission are listed in the signature block in the decisions, this is not necessarily an indication that all members signed the decision. In earlier cases, the information as to which members signed is not reflected in the version of decision at this website. In most decisions issued since early 1998, that information is provided by the indication " /s/ " before the name of each member of the commission who joined the decision.

Open Records Decisions are formal opinions relating to the Public Information Act (formerly the Open Records Act). These decisions usually address novel or problematic legal questions and are signed by the Attorney General. Open Records Decisions may be cited as precedent in briefing to the Open Records Division.

To transform the systemic barriers, we need new approaches and solutions to childbirth care that promote quality, dignity, and equity. We are developing solutions that enable all expecting families and those who care for them to make decisions together in ways that are proven to be feasible to implement, effective at improving wellbeing, and financially sustainable. Our core strategy includes:

OCAHO decisions that may be cited, used, or relied upon as precedents in future adjudications are available electronically under the heading Published Decisions. Unpublished decisions or other information covered by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) may be requested from EOIR's FOIA Contact.

The Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer publishes decisions that have been selected for and may be used as precedent pursuant to 5 U.S.C. section 552(a)(2). Each decision has been given an OCAHO Reference Number for publication purposes.

Decisions are available in bound volumes, entitled Administrative Decisions Under Employer Sanctions, Unfair Immigration-Related Employment Practices and Civil Penalty Document Fraud Laws of the United States. The bound volumes and the looseleaf volume of the most recent decisions are available here electronically through the links below. Decisions in the looseleaf volume, which are not yet published in the form of a bound volume, may be cited nevertheless as part of their respective volume (See Appendix I (Citations)). 17dc91bb1f

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