A Gallery control can show multiple records from a data source, and each record can contain multiple types of data. For example, use a Gallery control to show multiple contacts with each item showing contact information that includes a name, an address, and a phone number for each contact.

Each data field appears in a separate control within the Gallery control. And you can configure those controls in its template. The template appears as the first item inside the gallery:

Download Gallery Data In Powerapps

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AllItemsCount - Count of items that are loaded in the gallery. This may be less than the actual number of Items of the data source. More items may be loaded when the gallery is scrolled.

Screen readers will announce when items in the gallery change. The AccessibleLabel is also mentioned. This gives context to the announcement and is even more important when there are multiple galleries on the same screen.

If clicking anywhere in a gallery item is meant to select it, there must also be way for keyboard users to select the gallery item. For example, adding a Button that has its OnSelect property set to Select(Parent).

In this tutorial, you'll customize a list of records, called a gallery, and make other changes in an app that was generated automatically in Microsoft Power Apps. Users can manage data in the app even if you don't make these changes, but the app will be easier to use if you customize it for your organization's needs.

For example, the gallery for this tutorial matches this graphic by default. The email address is featured more prominently than other types of data, and users can sort and filter the gallery based on text in that address:

However, your users might be more interested in the account name more than the email address, so you'll reconfigure the gallery to highlight, sort, and filter based on the key data for your organization. In addition, you'll change the title of the default screen to differentiate it from the other screens in the app.

This tutorial starts with an app that was generated from a specific data source. However, the same concepts apply to any app that you generate in Power Apps, whether from a list created using Microsoft Lists, a SharePoint library, an Excel table, or some other data source.

If your users might have neither touch screens nor mouse wheels, configure the gallery to show a scrollbar when the user hovers over it with the mouse. That way, users can show all accounts even if the screen can't show them all at once.

In this tutorial, you've customized the gallery and made other changes to the default screen for browsing records in a generated app. You can also customize the default screens for displaying details and creating or updating accounts. As the browse screen contains a gallery, the other two screens in the app contain forms. You can change, for example, which types of data the forms show and in which order.

Show a list of items from any data source by adding a Gallery control to your canvas app. This topic uses Excel as the data source. Filter the list by configuring the Gallery control to show only those items that match the filter criterion in a Text input control.

Before you do any other customization, ensure that the layout for your Gallery control most closely matches what you want. From there, you can further modify the Gallery template, which determines how all data in the Gallery control appears.

Set the Gallery control's Default property to the record that you want to select by default. For example, you can specify the fifth item in the FlooringEstimates data source:

The variable is set on a button

"Set(varInventeringFilter;Filter(InventeringMain;TextInput2.Text in Rubrik Or TextInput2.Text in Enhetsnamn Or TextInput2.Text in Kategori Or TextInput2.Text in Geografiskplats Or TextInput2.Text in Inventeringsdatum))"

But for some reason the gallery is not refreshing and showing the patched data.

as the In filter must not be causing you delegation issues.

You could still set the variable as you do now if you use it for other things and the gallery would refresh when this is done to the data source.

The problem you have is that the gallery is set to a variable which is never updated. Your source data is updated, but the variable contains a separate copy of the information which needs to be refreshed. You can either issue the Set() command again every time the source data is updated, or you can modify your Gallery1 Items to refer to the source data directly instead of using the variable. Basically just place "Filter(InventeringMain;TextInput2.Text in Rubrik Or TextInput2.Text in Enhetsnamn Or TextInput2.Text in Kategori Or TextInput2.Text in Geografiskplats Or TextInput2.Text in Inventeringsdatum)" in the Items property. Directly referring to the source data has performance implications, but it is also the least maintenance way to keep the list updated.

I have a PowerApp that is a gallery showing a list from SharePoint and also an input mask for said list in SharePoint. The input part works flawlessly for me and my collegues, but the gallery part which should be showing the data from the SharePoint list is giving me a headache.

When they first open the shared app they have to accept a prompt from the SharePoint connector & I have given them all access to the specific SharePoint list. Yet they still don't see anything in the PowerApp gallery that should show the SP data.

I checked the connections in the App setting and the SharePoint connection works. Also I can see the data. Although the connector is showing my personal SharePoint account, but afaik by granting the SharePoint access on the first opening of the App this should take care of that.

Big shock / same problem. The card IS in the gallery, but none of the data is visible on the card. I can click on the card and get the ThisItem data returned to a field / variable, so I know it's all there. Appears to be an issue with components in PowerApps in-tandem with the gallery control.

As a result, I decided to add a timer and it appears as if it may have fixed the issue. Am allowing one second between the population of the dataset that fuels the parameter that fuels the component's gallery and resetting of the form.

So far, I've been able to filter this data, via three seperate dropdowns, in a gallery or a datatable with no issues. However, now I need to take the data from the gallery and then send it in an email. Emailing in PowerApps has been covered in a few threads already. I know that the best way to do this is have the data put into a Collection and then email it.

I'm building an application that requires some extensive form use. I have approximately 40 fields - connected to a dataverse Table - on a single Edit form (per customer requirements). Within this edit form, I have a requirement to add one or more "Subjects". To submit a Subject, it is another 30 fields on a separate screen/form - connected to a separate dataverse table.

So my current conundrum is this: I've inserted a gallery into a datacard on my edit form on the main screen as a means to add one or more "Subjects". Apparently powerapps doesn't like this practice though, the gallery is non-selectable, adding icons + OnSelect actions are unclickable - it's as if the Gallery is behind the datacard, but still visible - like a "Send to Back" in powerpoint with a 100% transparency pane in front of it... I had to create a collection just to get data to display. I need the gallery to work as I need to be able to view and/or edit the subjects submitted. Per design/requirements - the subjects need to be ~in the middle of the form.

tldr: Have a Edit Form with a Gallery in a Datacard. Gallery is un-selectable, adding a button + OnSelect logic to the gallery is unclickable. Need a work around to display one or more items in the gallery in the middle of the form and still be able to edit/view those items in the gallery. Gallery is visible but appears to be behind an invisible barrier.

Hi, good day for you all! I'm having some trouble trying to save multiples records in a gallery. I was able to do a single record with every single item together in the gallery, but that is not what I want. I wish I could make a formula that send all the items present in the gallery to separate data records in the database (SharePoint) with a bottom or something... Do you guys have any idea?

Users expect a gallery to include all recent updates to a datasource. Many times this happens automatically with no extra effort required by the developer. But sometimes a manual refresh of the datasource is needed.

Gallery data does not automatically refresh when connected to a cloud datasource (SharePoint List, Dataverse, etc.) but no CRUD operations were performed before entering the screen. In this scenario update, the gallery before the screen is loaded using the Refresh function.

Do not update the gallery with new search results as the user types into a text box. This causes poor performance. Each keypress triggers a new query to the cloud datasource and renders the output on the screen. The consequence of multiple queries being executed at once will be slowness in the app.

Nested galleries are known to cause poor app performance. They are slow to load and consume a lot of memory. In some cases they have been known to cause crashes in apps with large memory usage. Use collections to create a grouped gallery instead of nesting.

Hey Matthew, when you say avoid nested galleries because of performance I have a question. I have a gallery in which has project data, but the contact information for that project is in another table. Nested galleries will show that. Recently I went back to using a lookup field in the gallery instead of a nested one. Which one one would you say is best? I thought I had read that loading time would be slower when using lookups. e24fc04721

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