To be clear, many pranks are mean, and even more of them are a waste of perfectly good office supplies. But there are a few pranks that are still pretty good, even for people who aren't members of the "epic prank" community.

You don't have to be a kid to play practical jokes and funny pranks on friends and family members; adults like to make some mischief, too. The key is to make sure your prank is hilarious instead of harmful. Avoid rude, dangerous, damaging, or hurtful tricks, and always keep your audience in mind. These good prank ideas for friends and adults are perfect for a little grown-up goofy fun.

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When it comes to "how to prank someone?" There are lots of ways to try. This list of pranks involves food or drink. Before trying these tricks, always be sure your "victim" doesn't suffer from food allergies or other health conditions. You don't want a silly prank to become unintentionally harmful.

When it comes to adult pranks, you can't go wrong with googly eyes. Get several sets of googly eyes and add them to different things on the shelves in your refrigerator. When they open up the fridge, they will be a little startled. But they are sure to get a laugh out of this funny, practical joke. You can make it even more fun by adding eyes to jars that already have a face or eyes on them.

The night before you plan to do this prank, pour some cereal and milk into a bowl. Then place the bowl in the freezer overnight. The next morning, offer to make breakfast and place the frozen cereal and a spoon in front of your "victim." Watch and enjoy as they try to take a bite during this funny prank. This would make a great April Fools prank for your parents.

Pranks to do on friends go beyond just food. You can do things around the house, too. These pranks are perfect for roommates and family members. Make sure the "victim" isn't in a hurry when performing these pranks, since that can result in anger or hurt feelings.

Does your friend or family member live behind the wheel of their car? If so, you can have a lot of fun performing harmless car pranks. From resetting the settings to covering a friend's car in plastic wrap, you'll love these fun and safe ideas.

Whether it's the best prank idea ever or not, it is essential to consider the feelings of the person you are pulling the prank on. You might not want to pull the prank if there will be any adverse consequences, especially if it involves damage to property, people, or relationships or, you're trying to pull an April Fools prank on a teacher. As long as you keep these considerations in mind, everyone will find your prank as funny as you do. After you're finished with these pranks, it's time to find some pranks to do to your siblings and explore some jokes to tell your friends. You're about to become the funniest person anyone knows!

Once they reached the tree, they realised that they had in fact made history. My friend laughed so hard he swore he wet himself a little, as he plonked down at the top of this peak, he wondered, what kind of motherfucker brings an 8 foot plastic tree to Antarctica and what kind of motherfucker climbs 13 hours with an 8 foot plastic tree just to plant it, a good day or twos hike from the nearest hint of civilisation. Whoever it was, he swears it was the funniest damn prank he'd ever fallen for and to this day calls respect on that pranksters dedication.

Update Holy awesome day!! I've just spent the entire day reading brilliant pranks. Thanks for all the posts and upvotes! I intended to post my favs but honestly, there are so many I don't even know anymore. I like these , here and here. I also like the guy who wrapped everything in his mates apartment in tin foil and the guy who wrapped everything in his mates room in christmas wrap ( -up-room-443347).

Most offices have that one office clown who spends an inordinate amount of time just winding people up. Sometimes its funny, most of the time annoying, but at least it breaks up the monotony of the day. With that in mind, here are 10 of the most despicable yet ingenious office pranks.

Ever needed a 'get of the phone excuse machine', talking toiletpaper, poop dough with mold, fart whistle or wasabi gum balls (Icertainly have!). Here you'll find completely out of the ordinary goodprank stuff, ordinary gags you've never seen, hilariously funny gifts, and other stupid stuff that willentertain you for years to come!Perfect Prank Goodies To Buy

The Museum of Hoaxes - Definitely one of my favorite websites!They have a page called "The Top 100 April Fools Day Hoaxes of All Time"An absolute must read for all Prank lovers!These pranks did not only cause a lot of sensation at the time but they are guaranteed to put your prank mind into 1st gear!

You will also find a very interesting page on the ORIGIN and the HISTORY of APRIL FOOLS DAY in the Additional April Fools Day content!What's more is they have a COMPLETE DATABASE of April Fools Jokes arranged by YEAR from the year 1700 to 2014 - I call it: perfect pranks heaven!!The Top 10 Worst April Fools Pranks Ever is another good read as well as Fake Viral Images! Just click on the link below for more mischief makers joy.

DID YOU PLAY A PERFECT PRANK ON SOMEONE?If you are reading Perfect Pranks and Good Pranks then chances are you have! Share your pranks with us! Write at least 300 words to create your own prank page on FUN STUFF TO DO, otherwise use the contact form in the left column.

The Amazon Ring camera sold 1.7 million units globally in 2021, making it the most popular doorbell camera on the market. Debuting in 2013 (then known as DoorBot), the Ring camera allowed users to connect the device to their smartphone, so they could see who was at the door and respond using the intercom system.

For many consumers, protection is a big factor when purchasing a smart device. Homecare company Hippo conducted a survey of 1,000 smart tech fans and found that 16 percent reported using their device for protection and security. Some 17 percent used their device to monitor their home while away, with 31 percent owning a security camera and 16 percent a video doorbell.

It is also important that you are not trying pranks and gags on sensitive friends who might not take it sportingly. We bring you some interesting ideas in this post that are easy to try and have utmost fun.

Consider getting a convincing, funny temporary tattoo that looks like a real one when you visit your friends. Then, gather all your friends and inform them that you have an important announcement. Watch their reaction as you show your tattoo to them.

Create a fake order confirmation email for a bizarre or funny purchase, such as a unicorn or a private plane. Send it to a friend and observe their reaction as they desperately try to cancel the imaginary order.

Engage in legal pranks by adhering to rules and respecting boundaries. Familiarize yourself with the potential consequences and create a harmless prank that does not cause physical or emotional harm. Consult local regulations to understand the limits of what you can do. Obtain consent and permission in advance before executing a prank. It may also be helpful to seek advice from experienced pranksters to learn from their past experiences.

Ah, the sweet taste of revenge! You must be sick of being outsmarted, outdone, and out pranked by your brother. Well, it's time to turn the tables by making your brother scream, squirm, or just make a complete fool of himself because of your awesome pranks!

The Process: Using a simple WAV editor like Audacity, open a commonly used system sound file such as the e-mail notification alert (typically found in the Media folder within the Windows directory). First, add 15 to 30 seconds of silence to the end of the file. Then, after the silence, tack on the sound of a sheep baaing, a fly buzzing, or whatever else tickles your funny bone. (You can find plenty of free sound effects on sites such as and

If you didn't get caught messing with your victim's phone...great!

 Now you can just wait to see how the texting fun goes.

 If you are like me and my husband where we literally text each other even in when we are in the same room, all it takes is for me to entice him by texting him a "I love you" message and that will reel him in on the fun. lol

 What will happen is that every time he tries to text the original words, the replacement words/ phrases will automatically replace it. So at first your victim might be busy looking at the keyboard and not notice that the message has been tampered with and might send a funny message out. 

 In the picture is what "I love you" and "I like you " becomes.

 ur victim try texting or try to figure out what's wrong with their phone. 


As far as pranks that require purchasing props, this might be the cheapest, most efficient, and most effective way to get somebody. If you're wondering how buying a bunch of tiny rolls of Saran Wrap is cheap, then you're thinking way too smal. That's a waste of time. If you're lucky, you have a friend that works somewhere with access to a large, industrial roll (like Menards, where I worked, or Home Depot or Lowes). If not, they can be purchased for a small fee at places like these.

Take head that you need to be extremely careful when attempting this prank. Broken glass is no joke (it is a great song, though). Essentially, you smash some glass, roll your friend's car window down and put some of the fake broken glass around the driver's side door and in the seat. If somebody is smart, he or she will recognize that it's fake immediately due to the lack of glass around the edges of the windows. However, the average driver will immediately go into freak-out mode about who the fuck would smashed the window! 

Wrapping things in foil, covering them with post-its, or hiding that beloved red swingline stapler are age-old office pranks and decidedly low-tech. Some that continue to work to this day are things like sticking a piece of post it note over the optical sensor on a mouse, or better yet, plugging in a second wireless keyboard or mouse and haunt their machine at random. 2351a5e196

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