Silver forces Jim to use the map, directing them to a portal that opens to any location in the known universe with the map as its controls, which Flint used to conduct his raids. They open the portal to the core of Treasure Planet, which is actually an ancient space station built by a forgotten culture Flint commandeered to stow his treasure. The pirates enter and begin collecting the loot, while Jim finds the skeleton of Captain Flint, holding B.E.N.'s missing circuit in its hand. Jim reinstalls the part into B.E.N.'s head, and B.E.N. remembers that Flint rigged the planet to explode upon the treasure's discovery. As the planet collapses, Silver attempts to escape with a boatload of treasure, but abandons it to save Jim. The survivors board the Legacy, which becomes damaged and unable to go fast enough to clear the explosion. Jim rigs a makeshift sailboard and rides ahead, setting the portal to Montressor Spaceport, and Doppler steers the Legacy through the portal to safety.

Jim finds Silver below decks and allows him to escape. Silver gives Jim Morph and half the treasure he managed to take so he can rebuild the Benbow Inn, believing Jim will "rattle the stars". Sometime later, a party is hosted at the rebuilt and improved Benbow Inn; Doppler and Amelia are married with quadruplets; B.E.N. has become a waiter at the inn; and Jim, matured under Silver's mentorship, has become a cadet at the Interstellar Academy through a letter of recommendation from Amelia. He looks to the skies and sees an image of Silver in the clouds.

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In the eyes of industry, cars are not about community and responsibility but escape andpleasure. That's why auto ads routinely feature vehicles poised on the edge of a precipiceor speeding into a desert sunset; imagining cars as part of the frontier experiencedistracts us from how we actually use them -- to sit in traffic jams day after day. Many SUVowners don't even know how to engage their 4-wheel drive, but that doesn't matter: thepoint is that they could hop the curb and drive away across the field, if only they didn'thave to take their kid to soccer practice.

Outside the auto industry, some are trying to tell a different story of return ratherthan escape. Commuter bus and rail lines market themselves as ways to get home quickly andeasily; Vice President Gore talks about the personal damage sprawl does by stealing hoursfrom family life. But as attractive as images of sustainable society may be, they runafoul of deeply ingrained cultural beliefs, like the identification of the automobile asfreedom on wheels.

We know very little about Philolaus' life. Only one brief and not veryreliable ancient life of Philolaus survives, that of Diogenes Laertius(VIII 84-5). Diogenes includes Philolaus among the Pythagoreans;indeed he is, in fact, one of the three most important figures in theancient Pythagorean tradition, along with Pythagoras himself andArchytas. The central evidence for Philolaus' date is Plato'sreference to him in the Phaedo (61d-e). Socrates'interlocutors, Simmias and Cebes, indicate that they were pupils ofPhilolaus in Thebes at some time before the dramatic date of thedialogue (399 BC). The passage suggests that Philolaus was no longerin Thebes in 399, but there is no indication that he has died. Inorder for Philolaus to have been a prominent teacher by the laterfifth century he must have been born no later than 440. There areother indications that he was born even earlier. Both Philolaus andEurytus are identified by Aristoxenus as teachers of the lastgeneration of Pythagoreans (D. L. VIII 46), who were in their twentiesin 400 and active in the first half of the fourth century. Philolausis also said to be the teacher of Eurytus (Iamblichus, VP139), however, so that the tradition makes most sense if Eurytus isborn ca. 440, and Philolaus belongs to the preceding generation and isthus born ca. 470. Such a dating would also fit with the traditionthat Philolaus was the teacher of and thus somewhat older thanDemocritus (D. L. IX 38), who was born ca. 460. It is even less clearwhen he died, but one report suggests that he may still have beenalive in the early 380s, when Plato first visited southern Italy(D.L. III 6). If he lived from ca. 470 to ca. 385, Philolaus is anapproximate contemporary of Socrates. Plutarch's story that as ayoung man Philolaus was one of two to escape the burning of thePythagorean meeting place in Metapontum in 454 (On the Sign ofSocrates 583a) would be consistent with this dating, but earlierversions of the story do not mention Philolaus (Aristoxenus inIamblichus, VP 249-50) so that it is far from certain that hewas involved in the incident (see Huffman 1993, 2-3).

4.2 Astronomical SystemPhilolaus' astronomical system is famous as the first to move theearth from the center of the universe and make it an orbiting planetinstead. Copernicus referred to Philolaus as his precursor in thepreface to his De Revolutionibus (see Kahn 2001, 26 forreferences). Unlike Copernicus, however, Philolaus did not replace thegeocentric with a heliocentric universe. The central fire rather thanthe sun is at the center of Philolaus' cosmos. The heavenly bodies arearranged in ten concentric circles around this central fire. Beginningfrom the outside, the fixed stars come first, then the five planets,the sun, the moon, the earth and a mysterious counter-earth. Thesystem can account for the basic phenomena with elegantsimplicity. The fixed stars serve as the backdrop against which theother heavenly bodies move. All of the bodies have only one circularmotion around the central fire, from west to east. The moon completesits orbit in about a month, the sun in a year and each of the planetshas its own period of revolution. Thus, bodies move more slowly, thefarther removed they are from the central fire, so that the fixedstars moved either extremely slowly or not at all. These motionsaccount for the basic apparent movement of the sun, moon and planetsthrough the zodiac, although there is no attempt to explain moresophisticated planetary phenomena such as retrograde motion, where theplanet appears to stop and move backward before continuing itsprogress through the zodiac. Retrograde motion was only firstaddressed almost a century after Philolaus by Eudoxus. The earth hasby far the fastest motion, completing a circuit of the central fire in24 hours. It is the motion of the earth that accounts for the apparentdaily motion of the sun across the sky and hence for night andday. The much faster moving earth, which rotates on its axis so as tokeep our side always turned away from the central fire andcounter-earth (see below), leaves the sun behind so that day lasts aslong as the earth is facing the sun, and night occurs when the earthturns away from the sun as it moves around the central fire.

Only the atoms are immortal. In a universe so constituted, Lucretius argued, there is no reason to think that the earth or its inhabitants occupy a central place, no reason to set humans apart from all other animals, no hope of bribing or appeasing the gods, no place for religious fanaticism, no call for ascetic self-denial, no justification for dreams of limitless power or perfect security, no rationale for wars of conquest or self-aggrandizement, no possibility of triumphing over nature, no escape from the constant making and unmaking and remaking of forms. be457b7860

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