However, unlike ASCII, characters 128-255 were never standardized, and various countries started using the spare slots for their own alphabets. Not everybody agreed that 224 should display tag_hash_106, not even the Greeks. This led to the creation of a handful of new code pages. For example, in Russian IBM computers using code page 885, 224 represents the Cyrillic lettertag_hash_107. And in Greek code page 737, it is lower case omega: tag_hash_108.

EXAMPLE: You're typing in your name in the first field on a page that has a form that hasn't been properly setup I am always annoyed when I, press tab, and then it suddenly jumps to the City name, followed by the address line 2, then to the zipcode, etc. You get the idea. As far as I know everyone likes to input that information in the order in which you'd hand write an address on an envelope. Name first, followed by address lines one and two, then the city, state, zip, and finally (if neccessary) the country assuming that it's required.

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Additionally, some older implementations of languages that translate code into tokens (not true compiling), can spit out the same code in an editor using the, say, German equivalent; my first experience with Microsoft Office's VBA was like this when I was a student in Germany.

Many English-like programming languages, including C#, Java, and others, now allow variable names and method names in Japanese, as long as the source code is encoded in UTF-8 or another suitable encoding. It wasn't common to have even comments in Japanese in C, however, unless you were using a compiler that supported Shift-JIS or Unicode. String literals in C were almost always escaped using the literal encoding method unless you had an external resource file format to work with, as in Visual Studio.

In practice, many programs written by Japanese teams that don't expect to require maintenance outside of Japan are written with comments or javadoc/docstrings/etc. in Japanese. My wife generally writes code with a sort of Japanese-like English, using terms that didn't necessarily match my own use or understanding of English ("regist" for "post" or "story", regist_date for publication date), and occasional comments in Japanese or Janglish.

Well, technically, yes, I do believe it could, and, in fact, early implementors wanted to be able to store their Unicode code points in high-endian or low-endian mode, whichever their particular CPU was fastest at, and lo, it was evening and it was morning and there were already two ways to store Unicode. So the people were forced to come up with the bizarre convention of storing a FE FF at the beginning of every Unicode string; this is called a Unicode Byte Order Mark and if you are swapping your high and low bytes it will look like a FF FE and the person reading your string will know that they have to swap every other byte. Phew. Not every Unicode string in the wild has a byte order mark at the beginning.

Use SCSU. This format compresses Unicode into 8-bit format, preserving most of ASCII, but using some of the control codes as commands for the decoder. However, while ASCII text will look like ASCII text after being encoded in SCSU, other characters may occasionally be encoded with the same byte values, making SCSU unsuitable for 8-bit channels that blindly interpret any of the bytes as ASCII characters.

UTF-16 sometimes requires two code units to represent a single character. It is therefore a variable width encoding, and just like some of the East Asian legacy character sets such as Shift-JIS (SJIS) code units alternate between two widths. People familiar with these character sets are well acquainted with the problems that variable-width codes can cause. However, there are some important differences between the mechanisms used in SJIS and UTF-16:

Emoji supported by twemoji always count as two characters, regardless of combining modifiers. This includes emoji which have been modified by Fitzpatrick skin tone or gender modifiers, even if they are composed of significantly more Unicode code points. Emoji weight is defined by a regular expression in twitter-text that looks for sequences of standard emoji combined with one or more Unicode Zero Width Joiners (U+200D).

One approach to debugging encoding issues is to use a tool like the UTF-8 Validator, which can help identify common issues with encoding. Additionally, you can use console.log statements to output the encoded and decoded data, and then compare them to see if there are any differences.Another helpful technique is to use a tool like the iconv library, which can convert data between different character encodings. This can be particularly helpful when working with data from external sources that may use a different encoding than your application.

Previously, for some special cases, Prettier tried to detect that this syntax was used and to preserve it. As an attempt to solve an unsolvable problem, this limited support was fragile and riddled with bugs, so it has been removed. Now if the parser option is set to flow or babel-flow, Flow comments will be parsed and reprinted like normal code. If a parser that doesn't support Flow is used, they will be treated like usual comments.

First, she suggests that reading his code is like being in a house built by a child, using a hatchet (a small axe) to put together what he thought was a house based on a picture. She is saying that the code shows a lack of command of the language being programmed. This is like the common expression "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." New programmers make use of the same techniques repeatedly, using them for situations where other techniques would be far more efficient or faster.

Second, she suggests that it looks like a salad recipe, written by a corporate lawyer on a phone with auto-correct that only corrects things to formulas from Microsoft Excel. She is saying that the code is verbose and the corrections that were done are illogical. This presumably relates to the developer not being an expert in their craft, and fixing the problems as they come up instead of re-examining the problem and solving it in a better way.

Many crying-face emoji are possible if variables can include full Unicode (e.g., ?,?,?,?,?), as well as faces with sweat drops that are often mistaken for tears (?,?,?,?). In some programming languages it would be impossible to use them in variable names, as the symbols would break the language's syntax rules. Exceptions to this include Swift and Perl ([1]), but most languages with compilers that support Unicode characters can include this kind of emoji, even for languages that predate Unicode like C++ and Lisp. be457b7860

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