I found similar posts but not how to remove properly save.

 Uninstallation of UrBackup Client on linux I have installed Urbackup version 2.0.32 as a client on CentOS 6.6. I have changed my backup server, so trying to uninstall and reinstall the client package but not able to find where to uninstall. 

 How to properly unistall urbackup client on linux client depending my computers (linux ubuntu, debian, opensuse) on some of them the client seems working properly on some others the client seems to be working the gui is always saying bad things even if the backup seems working i want to complete uninstall the client on some machines before making a new install. is there a proper way to do that

First I tried installing owncloud-client from the Ubuntu repositories. Installation seemed to complete, but when I ran owncloudcmd only three of the directories on the server were synced, and the one I really need was not. Also, when I tried running the gui version of the client, is crashed with a seg fault.

I read somewhere in these forums that I should not use the Ubuntu repository; I should use the owncloud packages. So, I removed owncloud-client and tried this (both the manual method and the INSTALL.sh). Both methods give this error:

Download Ftp Client For Ubuntu

Download 🔥 https://urluso.com/2y4Q61 🔥

I was looking for a torrent client for ubuntu server a few weeks ago.I didn't found anything interesting but Torrent server.It runs a web interface which can be accessible from serveraddress:8000/gui.

Be aware that others using that documentation have run into trouble since usage of these client also requires some additional Pulp configuration that we have not yet added to that documentation, so make sure you also have a look at this thread: Ubuntu Suites and Components

Sadly, the desktop client does not start any more. I remove the software and dependencies completely, and reinstalled the package from the official ubuntu software repo, but its still not working.

I looked into the original ownCloud repo and saw that the latest version available there is for Ubuntu 21.10:


So am I too early with testing or is something wrong with my maching?

Hi again. Finally managed. First installed PHP 7.4 and set to default, then followed this recipe on how to avoid the key signing issue ( -22-04-gpg-error-the-following-signatures-couldnt-be-verified) then apt update and install owncloud-client.

I know that this is not great, but when one of the three most important programs for my work breaks, there are not a lot of options. And I want to avoid going back to windows after five years of daily driving ubuntu, which was basically my plan b.

@silvain not sure which packages you installed. Ubuntu calls the integration packages nautilus-owncloud, whereas in our repository, they are called owncloud-client-nautilus etc. The extension works fine here.

Note: The Ubuntu Advantage Client or UA client has been renamed to the Ubuntu Pro Client in line with the rebranding of Ubuntu Advantage to Ubuntu Pro. Specific commands have also been updated to refer to Ubuntu Pro rather than Ubuntu Advantage.

FIPS is supported on 16.04 ESM, 18.04 LTS, and 20.04 LTS. When enabling FIPS with the Ubuntu Pro client there are two options: FIPS and FIPS-updates. FIPS is the set of packages that were officially certified by NIST. These do not receive updates past the initial certification process.

Please file a Launchpad bug for ubuntu-advantage-tools so our team can take a deeper look in it.

To make it easier for us, please run sudo pro collect-logs and send us the resulting tarball attached to the bug report.

Why is not desktop-client available for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS???

There is no PPA for it.

I am really disappointed how it can be possible. Most popular linux distro and it is not supported???


@Wesley_Stout I have also problem with autostart. It does not work for me. Did you resolve how to fix autostart of client? If you did, please explain how to fix it?

Tutorial is welcome.

Thank you.

If you are on Ubuntu 20.04, you have to make sure, that the latest version 3.something is installed from this ppa: ~nextcloud-devs/+archive/ubuntu/client. After that you can add the line showExperimentalOptions=true to the [General] section in the nextcloud.cfg file. The file is located in /home/yourusername/.config/Nextloud. After adding this line the option for Virtual Files should apear in the UI, when you add a new account.

Ubuntu 20.04 endpoint in UAT environment with BigFix v9.5 agent installed.

Do the BigFix client logs on the endpoint show any successful network communications with your BigFix UAT server (as appears in your masthead file?)

I did update the service file with the environment variable found in another solution, but after installing the latest awsvpnclient it reverted the service file. So I don't think you need to do that.But just in case it doesn't work after doing the above

I removed the client completely and reinstalled. Then on the 1st login I specified to use folder: /home/(user)/.seafile-config as its base folder. I had to create it 1st of course. Then the client stuck its config files in there out of the way. Simple and easy to replicate on other clients.

I would like to know if there is a way to hardcode a DHCP client id inside /etc/network/interfaces. Preferably in a way that would supersede the client's mac address as a determiner for obtaining a lease.

It would be convenient to differentiate the dhcp clients using a client option passed from /etc/network/interfaces. I'm not exactly sure how I should be passing this parameter to dhclient from the command line nor the config files either.

I came across your post while I was trying to figure out the same thing for Ubuntu 18.04.In 18.04, there is a file /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf that allowed me to change DHCP options. On my VMs, the default client id was generated using the hostname and I didn't change my hostname after cloning the VMs. Changing the hostname fixed the problem.

When installing gtk4 on Ubuntu 20.10, the meson _build . instruction fails with the error below.

I have installed all wayland-client packages I could find: libwayland-client-extra++0, libwayland-bin, libwayland-client++0

Does anybody have a clue what I am missing?

Hi, I've just bought a RLC-411WS on Ebay to be used as a webcam displaying current weather at my location. Buying the camera was based on what looked like very good specs and the fact that it seemed to be based on embedded version of Linux. I was therefore somewhat surprised when I discovered that there was no way I could access the system from my Ubuntu Linux client. All my browsers (Firefox, Chromium) just presented me with an option to download a Windows client.

I did a portscan just in case you had enabled ssh protocol. That would have made it possible for me to log on to the system and accessing snapshots or videos on the built-in microSD-card. I discovered that you had enabled port 554 (RTSP), 1935 (RTMP), 6001 (X11 ?) and 8000 (another HTTP server ?) in addition to 80 and 443 (HTTP/HTTPS) but nothing that looked like ssh (normally on port 22). No FTP either as far as I could discover.

I managed to get vlc to display the RTSP stream but not the RTMP stream. The fact that I can't administer the camera from Linux (upgrading, accessing files, etc) makes it somewhat useless and I may have to consider returning it.

My question is if you are planning to make a Linux client for the camera ? Or if you have any other ways of giving a Linux enthusiast ways of controlling the camera without the need for Windows or Mac client ?



Hi and thanks for your reply. The issue now is that I have to upgrade my camera with the latest firmware in order to get Flash support and I can't upgrade unless I have a Windows system.

The camera is installed at a remote location (my cabin used during summer) and my plan was to either have the camera send short, 30 secs of video to a server I have or to access the camera remotely in a secure way. Enabling either ssh server in the camera or having the camera use ssh client (or scp) would provide a secure channel for communication.

Would enabling ssh be something you would consider for a later firmware release ?


I've been trying to run the Reolink client under Wine 3.0, on Ubuntu 18.04. I presume that the NVRs firmware is the latest version, as I purchased it a couple of weeks ago.

I have downloaded an executable DvrWebClient.exe from http://{ip-address-of-dvr}/. When I execute this with wine DvrWebClient.exe I get a dialog popup with Path Not Found. The only b**ton is OK, which when pressed exits the application.

When I set the WINEDEBUG=+relay environment variable and re-run the application then, I get a lot of information, however it seems to be having trouble running cmd /c uninstall.bat i, indicating that uninstall.bat can not be found.

As a wine newbie am I doing anything wrong? Has anyone got this working under Wine and if so it would be helpful to know exactly how?

Kind Regards,


There are two kinds of client that can be used to add our device: one is Windows Client, the other is Mac Client. Sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. For the clip issue, could you please send an email to support@reolink.com? Our support team will check it for you soon. Thanks.

@carl: Ok i will do that.

@Crimp on: The goal is to run the reolink client to access/view/config multiple cameras or nvr's, maybe do shots or records, too. It's also possible to run the reolink client as a kind of survellaince server. It would be nice to get this working on linux, too. 

Alternatively we could connect the cameras to motion/motioneye/motioneyeos. It's an nice open source-thing running on linux, but i miss some features like clip/zoom.

A few days ago i released a blogpost for that:


It's in german. Mostly you need the right url's. I tested with an rlc-420-5mp, but i have to reduce the resoltion to get this working with motion...


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