I just made a website for a french restaurant. The website is in english, but I guess there is enough french on the website (labeled pictures of menu items) to prompt the visitor to translate the website if using Chrome.

// Just for instructions// Do not copy or pasteconsole.log("The first div don't alows translateing. But the second, alows it.")console.log("Open the translator and see the efect.")DIV1 Try translating me! Ol - Hello - Hola DIV2 Now, you can do it! Ol - Hello - Hola

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This has the benefit here is that it will "disable" the offer to translate the page for you (because it will know the source language correctly), but for other, non-native readers, they will still have the option to translate your site into their own language, and it will work correctly.

I then added the 'older' solution to the tag and that finally stopped it from offering it. This was despite the page having basically no content (it's just a redirect page), but it seemed to keep thinking the .mobi TLD was in Arabic!

For many years I extract sound from google.translate.com by Chrome DevTools and the Network tab. When click the sound button in the Network tab mp3 file appears. I just click on it and download for further educational purposes.

translate plus are a Top 7 Global language services provider by revenue, with offices around the world, offering tailored solutions to help you expand and maintain your global business strategy and increase your return on investment.


 I say requiring the use of Mandarin in Arabic writing on the site, and allow questions about the dialects therein

Hi! Thanks for the tips. But I still can't select the URLs that I want to exclue from translation. My website has exceeded word limit of free plan by 2,000 words. Hence, I am trying to exclude some sections of my website from translation.

The problem is when I go to the translation setting on weglot, I cannot paste or select the URLs that I want to exclude from translation. This is my website created by squarespace: -jointresearchunit.org/.

Hello, I am running into an issue doing the export - import. I am using Seal Subscriptions app and would like to translate in French some text found in the auto-charge section of the widget. I have exported into CSV and located the fields (as they don't show up on the Translate and adapt app fields). I have populate the French wording and saved the file. I imported the file. When I switch the store to French, that section is still not translated.

Hello, I have more than 2000 Products and i need to translate them along with their metafields, how would i map the product data to the exported translation file which includes only an unknown id to me ? what i wanted is the file to contain anything unique in the product that is included in the product export file, any clue ?

This value is a or representing the abscissa (horizontal, x-component) of the translating vector [tx, 0]. The ordinate (vertical, y-component) of the translating vector will be set to 0. For example, translate(2px) is equivalent to translate(2px, 0). A percentage value refers to the width of the reference box defined by the transform-box property.

\n This value is a or representing the abscissa\n (horizontal, x-component) of the translating vector [tx, 0]. The ordinate (vertical, y-component) of the translating\n vector will be set to 0. For example, translate(2px) is equivalent to\n translate(2px, 0). A percentage value refers to the width of the reference box defined by the\n transform-box property.\n

Another common use case is eCommerce stores, where you might want to only translate certain products into multiple languages. For example, you might just translate your best-selling products or you might just translate products that appeal to a multilingual audience.

With the URL paths feature, you can use the Exclude Paths From Translation option to exclude certain content from translation by entering its URL path. When adding a URL path, you have three options to target content:

First, you could use the Translate Only Certain Paths rule to tell TranslatePress to only translate the four core pages. It would look something like this (you can see that we used the {{home}} tag to target the homepage):

Whether you want to create a fully multilingual WordPress site or you only want to translate part of your site and exclude WordPress pages, posts, or products from translation, TranslatePress can help you get the job done.

One option is to use TranslatePress to enable sitewide translation but exclude certain posts, pages, or products from translation. Or, you can also go in the opposite direction and disable sitewide translation, while manually enabling it for certain pieces of content.

On both to and from defaulting to en: while I am Spanish and was quite tempted to set this as one of those, English is the main language of the Internet and the main secondary language for those who have a different native language. This is why most of the translations will happen either to or from English.

Translate is extremely easy to use in AWS Lambda functions which allows you to use it with almost any AWS service. There are a number of examples in the Translate documentation showing how to do everything from translate a web page to a Amazon DynamoDB table. Paired with other ML services like Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Transcribe you can build everything from closed captioning to real-time chat translation to a robust text analysis pipeline for call centers transcriptions and other textual data.

The translate attribute in HTML5 indicates that the content of the element should or should not be translated. There is no effect on the rendered page (although you could, of course, style it if you found a good reason for doing so). For example,

The attribute can appear on any element, and it takes just two values: yes or no. If the value is no, translation tools should protect the text of the element from translation. The translation tool in question could be an automated translation engine, like those used in the online services offered by Google, Microsoft and Yandex. Or it could be a human translator's 'workbench' tool, which would prevent the translator inadvertently changing the text.

Setting this translate flag on an element applies the value to all contained element content. HTML5 has a list of attributes that are to be translated by default, but these attributes should not be translated if they are on an element where translate is set to no. Otherwise attributes should not be translated.

If a page has no translate attribute, a translation system or translator should assume that all the text is to be translated. The yes value is therefore likely to see little use, though it could be very useful if you need to override a translate flag on a parent element and indicate some bits of text that should be translated. You may want to translate the natural language text in examples of source code, for example, but leave the code untranslated.

Adding the translate attribute to your page can help readers better understand your content when they run it through automatic translation systems, and can save a significant amount of cost and hassle for translation vendors with large throughput in many languages.

You come across a need for this quite frequently. There is an example in the HTML5 spec about the Bee Game. Here is a similar, but real example where the documentation being translated referred to a machine with text in English on the hardware panel that wasn't translated.

You may also want to use it to protect keywords, code samples or examples from being translated. In the first paragraph of the example below, markup that looks like ordinary English words is being protected from translation. The source code of the second paragraph ensures that the whole paragraph remains in English.

The yes value of the translate attribute is mostly used to override the effect of setting translate to no. For example, we may want to allow the natural language text of the above source code to be translated, while protecting the code itself (ie. the keywords such as label, for, postcode, input, etc.). We could do that by surrounding the natural language text with elements that have the translate attribute.

It can be problematic to deal with attribute values in translation. Generally speaking, attribute values are part of the syntax of the page, and should therefore not be translated. If they are, the page will break. In some cases, however, the values contain human readable text (eg. title, alt, and placeholder attribute values in HTML), although this is not recommended.*

The following example shows how you could protect the word 'English', when it is a link to the English version of the document, when translating a page which is in German to another language. The informative title attribute would be translated. Without the translate flag, online services currently tend to translate the word 'English' to the equivalent in the target language or to 'Deutsch'.

This approach is different from the general approach recommended by the ITS specification for XML-based languages. ITS (see below) recommends that attribute values be left untranslated by default, but it also provides a way of indicating specific attributes that should be translated, independent of their context.

The translate attribute can, of course, be added to a page by a content author who is mindful of how they want the page to appear after translation. This is particularly useful for protecting content when a reader runs a page through an automatic translation service, such as those offered by Google, Microsoft and Yandex. ff782bc1db

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