Narrated Abu Huraira:The Prophet said, "On every Friday the angels take their stand at every gate of the mosques to write the names of the people chronologically (i.e. according to the time of their arrival for the Friday prayer) and when the Imam sits (on the pulpit) they fold up their scrolls and get ready to listen to the sermon."

The following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by tag_hash_106___________________________________________________________________________________________, broadcast live on tag_hash_107______________ by Palestinian Authority television:

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Discourse discussions have not received much attention from linguists, even though discourse is a cluster of sentences that has a communicative information unit. Discourse analysis reached a new stage of development in the 1970s. Language studies include grammar and meaning that need to be supported by context in a communication process. The process of communication will succeed if it meets the universal pragmatic requirements, specifically cognitive understanding, statement validity, honesty of speaker and listener, and conformity with the normative bases of the speakers. The method used in this research is descriptive. The source data are khotib or preachers who preach in the cities of Bandung and their surrounding areas and mustamik or Friday prayer attendees who at that time listen to the sermon. This research is expected to give an overview of how the mustamik or comprehend the sermons delivered by the khotib. Results show that most of the mustamik (69.57%) said that they actually understand the khutbah discourse delivered by the khotib. The mustamik comprehension to the khutbah will be used as a representative model in making the text of the Friday khutbah in accordance with the results found in the study.

Our objective was to assess the acceptability and feasibility of using sermons for health promotion in American Muslim mosque communities by deploying a tailored sermon in two mosque communities. With input from a community advisory board and resident imams, sermons communicated four health-related themes: (i) good health is a grant from Allah, (ii) one's body is trust and must be cared for, (iii) trusting in God's plan does not preclude taking actions to care for oneself, and (iv) community members are caretakers of one another. Self-administered, post-sermon questionnaires asked attendees about the acceptability of the sermon and the sermon-giver, and to identify survey themes. Data analyses involved descriptive statistics and regression modeling to assess variance in acceptability across race/ethnicity and gender. Of the 235 respondents, the majority found the sermon content acceptable and desired to hear health-based sermons more often (72 and 67% respectively). There were no significant differences in acceptability of sermon or sermon-giver by gender or race/ethnicity. Our study demonstrates that theologically-framed health messaging is acceptable within sermons in American Muslim mosque communities. This study underscores the potential utility of mosque sermons for health education programs and for health behavior interventions in American mosques.

On Friday, March 1, 2019, Dr. Hisham Altalib, president of IIIT, gave a sermon at George Mason University. George Mason University has one of the largest populations of Muslim students in the United States. The lecture given by Dr. Hisham was about the different aspects of Islam, including the story of Cain and Abel and Abu Bakr RA time as caliph. There were 100 students in attendance.

Still, rhetoric in its comprehensive concept is an important and influential means in the hand of the media, the educational system, missionary work, in times of war and peace, for better or for worse, for the weak or the powerful. The Friday Sermon, apart from any other sermon, is characterized by many features that give it an importance much higher above any other sermon. The Friday Sermon has a very special status being a weekly worship that unites the Muslims in the mosques where they sit, they listen and they get moved by the words. Through this sermon they get their full share of being called to goodness and warned against perversion and evil.

As for its importance, the Friday sermon has a considerable impact on the individual and the society at large. The words uttered by the speaker on the pulpit have great leverage and importance. A good speaker can influence the reality of people and add a lot to them. The importance of the Friday sermon and its impact can be summarized under the following points[7]:

So if the Friday sermon has this significant effect, then the speaker must always revise the level of his performance in such a way that helps him promote the topic of the speech and promote his own level to help the Islamic discourse restore its significant role driven from its original source and being able to cope with the problems of the age and always flow with the spirit of vitality, giving and modernity.

Challenges facing the Friday Sermon:

 The Friday sermon is a single unit in the general system. Hence if the general system of the Muslims is backward and deteriorated, the same thing will apply to the Friday sermon being a single unit in this system. If we tackle the topic of the declining role of Friday sermons we will discover that it is no longer influencing the people as it used to do for two main reasons:

There are many other negative indications that we see a lot in our orators and they reduce the chances of benefiting from the sermon and hence reduce the chances of introducing any positive impact in the lives of the people. Among these negative indications we have; some orators have no realization for the conditions and nature of the audience and this reflects negatively on their choice of the method mostly appropriate for speaking with them whether they were educated, half-educated or illiterate. Consequently they lose any response or reaction from their audience. The wisdom here is to always use the right words with the right people at the right time! When the audience is mostly ordinary people from a lower class area, things have to be totally different than when delivering a speech on an educated audience in a high class area. Each audience comes with a different method, different language, different needs and different effects. In addition to that the orators do not choose the topics that capture the interest of the people and they only talk monotonously about repeated topics at the time when people need to listen to sermons that tackle their own reality and problems to be able to form a better understanding for them.

The other thing is that orators rarely answer this most obvious question for the audience: So what can we do? Hence each orator must take into account the sequence of the elements of his sermon, and set a goal and a final answer for what is required of the audience. The orators also have very low observance for the state of religions-emptiness many people are suffering from. Some of them tend to arouse controversial issues and if a listener has some convictions about some issues then listens to the orator attacking his convictions he will end up leaving the whole place. Consequently we must avoid the controversial issues and only build on the agreed issues.

One of the main drawbacks of the present day is using the pulpits for political purposes to promote specific ideas. There is no harm in tackling the ongoing events and discussing them from the legal perspective so as to benefit the people. But to end up mingling media and promotion with rituals defies the whole purpose of the Friday sermon that seeks to unite the people rather than drive them apart.

The challenges can be summarized under the following points[13]:

 Concerns of the society and the orator: Some orators totally ignore in their sermons the ongoing events that impact the reality of the Muslims, their existence and their future. So the Muslim audiences find no outlet for their emotions, their worries and their pains. The result is that they listen heartlessly and without any reaction.

Having no consideration for the public: The sermon is actually a bilateral effort that engages both the orator and the public. Hence the public act as an important aspect and maybe even the most important aspect in the whole operation. So if the public are not affected by the sermon emotionally and intellectually the sermon will never be able to achieve its purpose. For this to be achieved the orator must be aware of the patterns of people who attend his mosque to be able to pick the suitable topics and the suitable language. The audiences of the sermons are the public so they can never be on the same level of learning and understanding. The good orator is the one who knows his audience well and knows how to talk to them. Still some orators totally miss this whole point and they choose a very difficult language and discuss scientific or philosophical issues doing injustice to a huge sector of the audiences who could benefit from the sermons and interact with them.

The multiplicity of topics without any need for it: Many orators get into multiple topics in their sermons without any logical link between these topics. Had they divided these topics on the various sermons (giving each topic it full share of study) they would have achieved much better results.

Friday sermons played a pivotal role in the long march of Islam. Through this Islamic platform that got spread in all the Islamic countries various issues were discussed ranging from doctrinal concepts to Islamic teachings to the biographies of prophets and warriors. Through this vital and renewable platform problems were tackled and solutions were posed in every time and place. Through this ongoing weekly platform many sincere and skilled orators were able to revive the spirit of struggling against the invaders and renegades from whom the nation suffered throughout its history. Through this effective platform the mosques received delegations of penitents who started their journey to faith from the Friday sermon that kindled in their lost souls the passion of guidance. e24fc04721

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