To create, edit, and pick the tiles for painting onto a tilemap, refer to the Tile Palette (menu: Window > 2D > Tile Palette) documentation for more information on its features and tools.

I have a base level scene that all the levels are inherited from. I was trying to implement pathfinding, so I reparented my tilemap to a Navigation2D in level.tscn and saved. However when I opened up another level that was inherited of the base level, all the tiles were replaced with the empty tiles from the base level.tscn. I have some questions:

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this problem happens when you rename the tilemap node or one of it's parents. it is a bug with godot (github issue), but you can fix it yourself manually. this problem happens because when you rename a node in the parent scene (or the name of a parent node), the node name isn't changed it's derived scenes. so for example i got this bug to reoccur when i renamed a tilemap called "WorldTiles" to "world_tiles". to fix it, you have to open the .tscn file for each derived scene in a text editor and change the node name manually (example). this can be a little annoying if you have a TON of derived scenes (as i do..) but it works.

Hello everyone! I've got problem with tilemap navigation layers. I have a tilemap, where enemies follow the player, and I want to make an enemy(green) that can only move on the red road. I decided to use second navigation layer for that road and enemy.

But here is a problem. It looks like navigation agents can use only one type of tilemap navigation layers in entire scene. Because this green enemy can't find path to the player. If I'll set nav layers in tilemap with red road to first, then now red road is working, but for all enemies. I was trying to add new tilemap, with navigation layer for new enemy, but it didn't work too.

If you go into the asset editor and go into the menu where you draw the tilemap, you can select it and use the copy shortcut! Then you can paste it into another game, but the problem is that that only works on the same computer.

I have created a Tilemap in 2D Toolkit. I am trying to use the A* Pathfinding Project to move an object from one side of the map to the other. The problem I am facing is that when I run a scan to create my grid graph it appears to ignore the colliders in the tilemap. Does anyone have any advice?

Confirmed in 2022, you need to change the composite collider to use Polygons. I found lowering the grid size to be slightly lower than the tilemap density and increasing the circle size in the path object was a necessary tuning after that as well.

Player has rigidbody, and 2d collider, and the mountain tilemap has a static Rigidbody2D, Tilemap Collider2D and a Composite Collider. when the player enters an adjoining tile, it just sticks to it. Wish I could make it work the way I feel it should. I tried several work-arounds (edge colliders instead of a box on the player, for ex), none of which worked.

Besides the performance gains, tilemaps can also be mapped to a logical grid, which can be used in other ways inside the game logic (for example creating a path-finding graph, or handling collisions) or to create a level editor.

Some popular games that use this technique are Super Mario Bros, Pacman, Zelda: Link's Awakening, Starcraft, and Sim City 2000. Think about any game that uses regularly repeating squares of background, and you'll probably find it uses tilemaps.

Since tilemaps are an actual grid of visual tiles, it is common to create a mapping between this visual grid and a logic grid. The most common case is to use this logic grid to handle collisions, but other uses are possible as well: character spawning points, detecting whether some elements are placed together in the right way to trigger a certain action (like in Tetris or Bejeweled), path-finding algorithms, etc.

Isometric tilemaps create the illusion of a 3D environment, and are extremely popular in 2D simulation, strategy, or RPG games. Some of these games include SimCity 2000, Pharaoh, or Final Fantasy Tactics. The below image shows an example of an atlas for an isometric tileset.

In fast games that might still not be enough. An alternative method would be to split the tilemap into big sections (like a full map split into 10 x 10 chunks of tiles), pre-render each one off-canvas and then treat each rendered section as a "big tile" in combination with one of the algorithms discussed above.

In fast games that might still not be enough. An alternative method would be to split the tilemap into big sections (like a full map split into 10 x 10 chunks of tiles), pre-render each one off-canvas and then treat each rendered section as a \"big tile\" in combination with one of the algorithms discussed above.

The PaintTo routine simply loops over every cell, gets a tile index, and calls tilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), tiles[idx]);. This seems simple enough that nothing could go wrong... and yet all the tiles are rendering black.

Found the problem. For whatever reason, Unity was creating the Tilemap with a Lit material by default, and I didn't have any 2D lights in my scene. I can't help but wonder when this changed; I've done tilemap-based stuff before and never had to care about lighting. 17dc91bb1f

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