Braille and Audio Reading DownloadBARD stands for the National Library Service's Braille and Audio Reading Download. This is a free service featuring thousands of downloadable Talking Books and magazines and is a second way to receive digital books in addition to those delivered via U.S. Mail.

Patrons can register for BARD online. You must be registered with the Roanoke Public Library Talking Book Service, have an active email address and high-speed internet as well as knowledge of downloading, unzipping, and transferring files to download books. Once books are downloaded they can be stored on a flash drive or digital talking book cartridge.

For additional information about BARD, check out their website!

The Talking Filibuster Proposal: The talking filibuster proposes to bring the filibuster back into the Senate chamber before the American people. If a determined minority of at least 41 senators (assuming all 100 senators are voting) voted for additional debate, then additional debate would occur.

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Many of you have asked me for further details on the talking filibuster and how it would work. This memo discusses the mechanics and the benefits. Please feel free to follow up with me with any other questions.

Advantages of the Talking Filibuster: There are three basic advantages to the talking filibuster.

 1) it would require time and energy to filibuster.

 2) it would put the filibuster squarely in front of the public.

 3) it would allow the public to weigh in with their senators.

The talking filibuster would change that by putting the source of obstruction squarely in front of the public. Citizens would be able to judge whether the filibustering senators were heroes or bums. Are they defending a core principle or key policy, or simply working to paralyze the operations of the Senate to prevent it from debating and deciding issues?

The majority would benefit from the talking filibuster by forcing the filibuster into the public arena and forcing the filibustering senators to make their case. In some cases this could eliminate frivolous filibusters. It would also enable the majority to take to the floor to make their own arguments on an issue, potentially mobilizing the public to help move an agenda or at least aim their frustration over obstruction at the right target.

The talking filibuster would also be fair to the minority. The minority would have the full ability to maintain the supermajority requirement for 60 senators to vote to close debate. Moreover, they would have the opportunity to persuade the public that their opposition to the bill or nominee really is merited.

On the other hand, if the item the Senate proceeded to was non-privileged, the talking filibuster would end and consideration of the bill or nomination would be effectively ended (as under current practice).

However, if during the talking filibuster an amendment was made pending and was debated, that debate would still be under the continuous debate requirements of the talking filibuster on the underlying bill.

Yes. During the period of extended debate there would be no limit on how many times a single senator can speak. For example, two senators could trade off covering the floor for two hours at a time, or a dozen senators could each take two hours per day. Regardless of the schedule, the talking filibuster would take time and energy and would be in full public view.

As currently planned, a talking filibuster could extend through a weekend and beyond if the senators returned to DC the following Monday. Filibustering senators could not be forced, however, to stay longer, such as over a week-long in-state work period or an August recess. If the majority tried to extend the talking filibuster for more than a weekend without reconvening, the filibustering senators could demand the presence of a quorum and effectively put the talking filibuster into a recess.

No. The talking filibuster would come into play only after a cloture vote is held and senators vote to continue debate. Senator [Frank] Lautenberg has a separate proposal that would require senators to talk both when the motion is ripening and during the 30 hours of debate after a successful cloture vote. Failure to talk would shorten these time periods. His proposal would therefore serve a different but valuable mission.

Yes. This could either be done through reconsideration of the original cloture vote or through the filing of a new cloture motion (as under current practice). As long as the talking filibuster continued, however, cloture votes would still require 60 votes to succeed.

The talking filibuster could end in one of several ways:

 1) A cloture vote gains 60 votes and ends debate.

 2) Senators quit talking and a simple majority cloture vote gets 51 votes (assuming all senators vote).

 3) Senators can, by unanimous consent, agree to return to regular debate or to suspend the talking filibuster for a specific length of time.

 4) Senators can, by unanimous consent, negotiate a deal to terminate the talking filibuster and set the terms for completing debate on the bill.

 5) The Majority Leader can utilize the same system we have now to end consideration of a bill or nomination. Namely, the leader can end consideration of the bill or nomination by making a motion to move to other business.

Absolutely. All the opponents would have to do is keep one filibustering senator on the floor. It is important to recognize that the talking filibuster would only occur when at least 41 senators oppose ending debate. Therefore, any individual senator would have a lot of potential partners with whom to organize to keep a single filibustering senator on the floor.

No. The talking filibuster would provide strong tools to protect the minority from getting trampled. These tools would not, however, apply in the context of the reconciliation process under the Budget Act. Under that process, the majority can and has passed major legislation by simple majority. Reconciliation will continue to be an instrument through which the majority can seek to change policy in areas of major concern to minority caucuses, such as health care policy.

An important first step is deciding who you want to talk to. You need to feel that you can trust the person you are talking to. 

There are counsellorsExternal Link who specialise in talking to young people or families. They can provide counselling in specialty areas, including:

This free, by-mail service provides both reading machines and specially designed, digital talking books to play on them. These digital audiobooks are professionally recorded through the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, a department of the Library of Congress. The talking book collection contains complete, unabridged books ranging from classical literature to current best sellers and covers a wide array of subjects in both fiction and non-fiction for adults and children. A number of monthly and weekly magazines are available in this audio format as well.

Talking therapy sessions are delivered by a professional, such as a counsellor, a clinical or counselling psychologist, a psychotherapist, or a psychiatrist. People can have some types of talking therapy over the telephone or online. This includes counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

Talking therapies can be effective for people in the early to middle stages of dementia. Talking therapies are unlikely to help if a person is in the later stages. This is because they are likely to have problems with their attention, communication, understanding and memory, which are all key to being able to benefit from talking therapies. However, there are other ways to support people in the later stages of dementia, such as through sensitive listening or sensory stimulation. See our advice on communicating in the later stages of dementia.

There are many different types of talking therapy. The main ones are explained below. The most suitable type will depend on what the person wants to get out of it, their stage of dementia and the symptoms they are having.

If the person with dementia has died, talking therapies can help carers to cope and manage upsetting and stressful thoughts. Therapy may also help them to accept the past and plan for the future. For example, it can help someone to come to terms with their new situation and any loss they may feel. Some talking therapies are specifically focused on helping people deal with losing someone close to them, such as bereavement counselling or bereavement CBT.

Whatever the subject, and however old the child you're talking to, there are lots of ways to make it easier for you both. We have advice to help you decide how to talk to your child in a way that's age-appropriate and supportive. However you know your child best so trust your judgement about what will work for your family best.

The Parentalk guide to your child and sex

By Steve Chalke

A father of four children, the author takes an honest and humorous look at how to overcome the embarrassment factor and offers practical information and advice for parents on talking to children about sex.

Listening to children: talking with children about difficult issues

By Nancy Close

Aimed at making nursery teachers, parents, doctors, nurses and therapists feel comfortable when talking with young children about uncomfortable issues. Encourages adults to have faith in what children are saying, and to encourage them to communicate. Discusses children's fears, anger and aggression, reactions to death and loss, and conceptual knowledge. Other topics examined include sibling relations, child development and self-esteem. e24fc04721

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