Developers can access the power of both Windows and Linux at the same time on a Windows machine. The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets developers install a Linux distribution (such as Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Kali, Debian, Arch Linux, etc) and use Linux applications, utilities, and Bash command-line tools directly on Windows, unmodified, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dualboot setup.

You can now install everything you need to run WSL with a single command. Open PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator", enter the wsl --install command, then restart your machine.

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The first time you launch a newly installed Linux distribution, a console window will open and you'll be asked to wait for files to de-compress and be stored on your machine. All future launches should take less than a second.

The above command only works if WSL is not installed at all. If you run wsl --install and see the WSL help text, please try running wsl --list --online to see a list of available distros and run wsl --install -d to install a distro.To uninstall WSL, see Uninstall legacy version of WSL or unregister or uninstall a Linux distribution.

If you want to install additional distributions from inside a Linux/Bash command line (rather than from PowerShell or Command Prompt), you must use .exe in the command: wsl.exe --install -d or to list available distributions: wsl.exe -l -o.

To install a Linux distribution that is not listed as available, you can import any Linux distribution using a TAR file. Or in some cases, as with Arch Linux, you can install using an .appx file. You can also create your own custom Linux distribution to use with WSL.

Once you have installed WSL, you will need to create a user account and password for your newly installed Linux distribution. See the Best practices for setting up a WSL development environment guide to learn more.

We recommend following our Best practices for setting up a WSL development environment guide for a step-by-step walk-through of how to set up a user name and password for your installed Linux distribution(s), using basic WSL commands, installing and customizing Windows Terminal, set up for Git version control, code editing and debugging using the VS Code remote server, good practices for file storage, setting up a database, mounting an external drive, setting up GPU acceleration, and more.

To set the default Linux distribution used with the wsl command, enter: wsl -s or wsl --set-default , replacing with the name of the Linux distribution you would like to use. For example, from PowerShell/CMD, enter: wsl -s Debian to set the default distribution to Debian. Now running wsl npm init from Powershell will run the npm init command in Debian.

To run a specific wsl distribution from within PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt without changing your default distribution, use the command: wsl -d , replacing with the name of the distribution you want to use.

To change versions, use the command: wsl --set-version 2 replacing with the name of the Linux distribution that you want to update. For example, wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2 will set your Ubuntu 20.04 distribution to use WSL 2.

If you manually installed WSL prior to the wsl --install command being available, you may also need to enable the virtual machine optional component used by WSL 2 and install the kernel package if you haven't already done so.

To learn more, see the Command reference for WSL for a list of WSL commands, Comparing WSL 1 and WSL 2 for guidance on which to use for your work scenario, or Best practices for setting up a WSL development environment for general guidance on setting up a good development workflow with WSL.

WSL supports running as many different Linux distributions as you would like to install. This can include choosing distributions from the Microsoft Store, importing a custom distribution, or building your own custom distribution.

Try the most recent features or updates to WSL by joining the Windows Insiders Program. Once you have joined Windows Insiders, you can choose the channel you would like to receive preview builds from inside the Windows settings menu to automatically receive any WSL updates or preview features associated with that build. You can choose from:


So i've got this issue for a while now, my processor is at 100% all the time on windows 11.

I have an intel i5-8400, even if i close everything, even on background, it's still at 100, everytime something turns off, another system app take the space (like WMI Provider Host, Windows Search, Anti malware...)

Is there something wrong ? am i missing a driver or something ? or is it just my cpu being too old now ? I just downloaded latest gpu drivers but maybe i should try to re install windows...

I feel like it's affecting my running apps, they feel kinda slow all the time...

Thanks :)

If your Intel i5-8400 CPU is consistently running at 100% utilization on a Windows 11 system, it could be due to several reasons, and you may need to investigate further to identify the specific cause. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

Check Task Manager:

Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc or Ctrl + Alt + Delete and selecting Task Manager. Look for the processes or applications that are using a significant amount of CPU resources. This will help you identify the culprit.

End Unnecessary Processes:

In Task Manager, you can end any processes or applications that are using a lot of CPU resources and are not essential. Be cautious not to end critical system processes, though, as it can lead to instability.

Update Drivers:

Ensure that your CPU and graphics drivers are up to date. Outdated or incompatible drivers can cause high CPU usage.

Scan for Malware:

Malware infections can cause high CPU usage. Run a thorough malware scan using a reputable antivirus or anti-malware software.

Check for Windows Updates:

Make sure your Windows 11 operating system is fully updated. Microsoft often releases updates that address performance and security issues.....................

I just did both, Microsoft Defender Offline did nothing as i can see in history and Windows Memory Diagnostic didn't find error, as said in windows logs.

I still did not contact MSI tho, is that the only solution left ? So it's not bcs of my cpu itself ?

Reasons such as lack of storage and less powerful hardware can be the suspects for slower speeds. From cleaning out unused programs and apps to hardware upgrades, there are some things you can do to speed up Windows 10 and get your PC up and running back to optimal performance.

To check for updates, open the Windows menu, then select Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Check for Updates. If updates are available, select Install now. Restart your PC and check to see if it runs better.

PC performance can take a toll when there are many programs and apps opened at the same time. Many installers will instruct Windows to run their programs as soon as you start up your PC which slows down your system performance.

One of the features built into Windows 10 is Disk Cleanup. It allows you to get rid of unused temporary files that build up on your PC, including image thumbnails, downloaded program files and temporary internet files.

Windows 10 comes with a bunch of special effects that makes the user experience look and feel nicer. These are applied by default in Windows and in other features programmed to fade in and out from view. Other special features that can slow your speeds include translucency and animations.

Besides spending your system resources to display features like animation, Windows 10 also uses transparency effects for certain features such as the task menu. This seemingly light and simple effect is quite complicated and takes up more system resources than you think.

Windows 10 has a built-in feature which performs routine system maintenance tasks. These include tasks such as defragmenting the hard drive, scanning for updates and checking for any malware and viruses

Upgrading your storage can help greatly improve the speed and performance of your PC. Most PCs come with spinning disk hard drives (HDD) but improving your storage hardware to a Solid-State Drive (SSD) turns your system into a more powerful machine.

(Having this integration would save us a lot of time - else we'd have to figure out some sort of an automated process checking each and every Windows Server instance to see if XDR is running and if so, disable Defender.)

It is currently impossible to manually upgrade a Tails USB stick while running from itself. This scenario requires creating an intermediary Tails on another USB stick, from which to upgrade your Tails.

Laptop models evolve too rapidly for us to be able to provide an up-to-datelist of recommended hardware. Below are some guidelines if you, or yourorganization, are considering acquiring a laptop dedicated to running Tails.

For example, if you log into different accounts on the same website in asingle Tails session, the website could determine that the accountsare used by the same person. This is because websites can tell when2 accounts are using the same Tor circuit.

To prevent an adversary from linking youractivities together while using Tails, restart Tails betweendifferent activities. For example, restart Tails between checkingyour work email and your whistleblowing email.

If you worry that the files in your PersistentStorage could be used to link your activities together,consider using a different Tails USB stick for each activity.For example, use one Tails USB stick for your activism work and another onefor your journalism work.

Your Internet service provider (ISP) and local network cansee that you connect to the Tor network. They still cannot know what sites you visit.To hide that you connect to Tor, you can use a Tor bridge. 152ee80cbc

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