Use our free cursor collections! To add them to Custom Cursor extension - just click on the "Add" button under the one you need. After that, they will be available for choosing in extension pop-up window.

However, when the cursor hovers on links, it defaults to the hand cursor. To be expected I suppose!

Could you please further explain how to define a custom cursor image for each state of the cursor?

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I am trying to have a static custom cursor site wide, which then becomes an animated cursor when it is hovered over a link element.

Could I achieve this by uploading a gif animation as the hover-over state of my cursor?

Thanks for the quick response! I had the code in the custom code field on the project settings. I just tried adding the HTML element with the above code and image link and still a no-go. I have it pointing to the .section .hero subclass.

Likely there is an issue with the url. to test this instead of using default use crosshair and see if the cursor changes, also not the style might be cached in the browser so on most browsers Ctrl+F5 should reload the page without cache.

I've been trying to set up my own cursor on my website. A big crosshair. Here is the code I've used, including the active URL to my png (not live now - as it was not working I've replaced it with HTML basic crosshair -> cursor : haircross) :

So I used an online cursor converter to convert my .png icon to a .cur icon. And when I tried it out, the icon was off about 10 pixels to the right and the top. After some googling, I found out that the cursor's hotspot was set "incorrectly". I tried to edit it from the VS 2012 Image Editor. It wouldn't let me.

I'm creating an application and based on the button the user clicks I want the cursor image to change. I have little to no clue how the toolkit works but after browsing a lot of people recommended that.

A major problem I am having with the toolkit is that I dont know how to add my custom images to it and I also do not know how to add a Point object to it... I tried MouseInfo.getPointerInfo() but that still will not work, neither will "new Point(0,0)" I am extending JPanel in this class already so I don't know if it is possible to extend Point at the same time...

The problem though is that that pointer is supposed to appear in a 100+ places in the project and I was wondering if there is a way to just override cursor: pointer with my custom pointer with only a couple of lines of code in css.

I want a custom mouse cursor visible, and I want the mouse confined to the viewport unless the user presses esc. I'm able to confine or capture the mouse successfully, but neither does what I want. Confine lets me move the mouse outside of the window and changes back to the standard pointer. Capture makes no visible cursor at all.

Am I missing something about these modes? Should I be capturing, and then implementing the custom cursor differently so it isn't hidden by capture? Is this the wrong idea entirely, and I should be clamping the mouse position to the viewport bounds?

I'm developing a custom widget for Web AppBuilder 1.2 and I'm using the setMapCursor() function to display a custom mouse cursor. It works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, but unfortunately it's not doing anything in IE 9, IE 11, or Edge. The code looks like this:

It's been awhile since you posted this, and you may have already figured it out. For posterity, though, I believe the problem here is that IE only supports custom cursors in .cur and .ani format (not .png).

the custom cursor only duplicates when i click on the spacex logo image/button above the mute in the learnmore scene please advise on the changes i should make to get rid of duplicated cursor, only the background movie clip is looping i suppose since i've a stop(); command in all my scenes and the background is suppose to keep looping.

This library contains computer mouse cursors for Microsoft Windows systems.There are two types of cursors supported directly by Windows operating systems:static (.cur) and animated (.ani). Both types are present in this library.Learn how to download cursors.

If you change your cursors frequently, consider using a free tool that allows you tochange cursor from Windows Explorer context menu. Beside changing cursors one by one, the tool also allows exporting and importing cursor schemes.

If you do not want to install any software, just click on Control Panel in Start menu, then double-click the Mouse icon andswitch to Pointer tab. Here you can change the cursors used by Windows in differentsituations to the downloaded ones.

Important: only cursor authors or copyright holders may add cursor to the library.If you are using pictures downloaded from internet to create cursors, you must make sure the author of the picturesallows this use of their work.

Important: always create 32x32 pixels cursors unless you have a serious reason not to. While it is possible to make cursors of non-standard size, Windows will automatically resample them decreasing image quality.

Online I have found a code that should make my cursor have a little hummingbird flying next to it, as we have on our current site. I found the following code online, on, and did the following to try and install it:

I had no big hopes and it is not working, after trying some different ways to put it.

I have no idea whether this is correct though in any way, I am just learning css and this does not seem to be the standard coding used for other implementations. Could you please offer some advice?

The cursor would need to be like this everywhere on the site and I have found some advice on how to change the colour of cursors on this forum, but nothing else..

Thanks for updating in! Sadly no animated cursors for some browsers as I have checked. Unless you do something crazy like hide the cursor (cursor: none;), track the mouse position with JavaScript, and display something entirely custom. For more better option, please check out this link:


I recently reinstalled Zorin OS and understand that downloaded cursors should be extracted and put into /usr/share/icons. However, I do not have "permission."

image782282 12.5 KB

I have used Sudo Su but then tried to move it with gui and it failed. What am I meant to do to move the cursor folder to /icons?

@Storm is correct; cursors will appear by your chosen theme whether placed in Root or in Home.

But you may want to place Icon themes in /usr/share/icons

So for future reference:

Open terminal then elevate to root;

I have to build a functionality very much similar to erase or pencil using (Square or Circle Tool) where the size of the Square(SIDES) and Circle(RADIUS) can be changed by the user so sides of square and the radius of the circle need to be changed. As the cursor moves around in the Drawing area.

Hey @gwillems I am using gtkmm-3,24, on some search I found this -3-2/demos but unable to find the cursor and the paint demo that you mentioned. Can you guide me where exactly I can find those examples?

Recently, Unity has the default cursor option in the player settings. This sets that texture as the cursor. As for the poor drawing, What is the quality setting that your are using? (Fast, Fastest, Good, etc). BTW Posting a picture of the issue would help a lot.

I am trying to update the cursor on the site to have two different cursors (one for the default state, and one for hovering over links), however when I implement the code, I only end up with one type of cursor image, which is currently the one for hover.

I have copy and pasted the code into theme.liquid, unfortunately this did not work and it still only shows the one type of cursor as default, but once it is hovered over a link, it disappears and displays the default "hand" cursor.

Would I need to upload the image for the .cur to work?

I can't get Firefox to use some custom cursors. Firefox is only recognizing the cursors that came installed with Ubuntu. Any of the cursors I installed will default to DMZ-White, but Firefox is using those cursors that came installed with Ubuntu.I tried defining the default cursor in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme but did nothing as well.Also I tried with the cursor in /usr/share/icons and in /home/name/.icons and firefox cannot get in any of those.

David Eckel reported that browser UI elements--such as the host nameand security indicators--could be spoofed by using a large, mostlytransparent, custom cursor and adjusting the CSS3 hotspot propertyso that the visible part of the cursor floated outside the browsercontent area.

Any such spoofing can be made less effective by customizing the appearanceof your browser. Right-click on an empty toolbar area and select"Customize..." to move, add, or delete toolbar buttons and other elements.

Whether the cursor as established by this property will or will not display when the mouse pointer is over this element is also dependent on the value of the ForceCursor property. Also, event-related considerations such as an active drag, mouse capture, text editing modes within controls, and so on, will also affect the cursor with higher priority than the value you specify in this property.

The null default really means that determination of the practical cursor value is deferred here and should be obtained from elsewhere. If presented with no programmatic values from any source, the default cursor over a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application will be an arrow.

Each movement of the mouse over a WPF application raises a QueryCursor event. The event bubbles, and any element along the route has the opportunity to handle the event and to set the value of the cursor via the arguments of this event. If that happens, the fact that the event is handled and has a changed value in the arguments takes precedence over the value of the Cursor property at any level, unless ForceCursor is set. 9af72c28ce

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