
for about 2-3 weeks now, the mobile phone camera in the zoom app of one of my clients has been displayed in a kind of wide-angle setting with a narrower image width, which makes working together very difficult. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find out what this new setting could be caused by. He continues to use the same mobile phone and has not updated the Zoom app either. There are also no options on the mobile app to change the camera.

While using teams during a call the other day (Android teams app -> Desktop App) the user on the other end was zoomed in (I basically could see his forehead in detail). He reported that on his screen the image displayed was the full camera view.

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I tested this out on another call - I made the call from my iOS teams app to someone on a desktop app and they noticed the same issue. I could see what the camera was seeing in corner - and it was fine. But on their screen I was zoomed in to the upper portion of my camera. There is no obvious settings that change this that I can see. Unsure what is causing it either. Any ideas out there?

For what it's worth, I recently figured out that turning your phone horizontal fixes this issue. The landscape version shows a more true-to-life picture than the crazy zoom of portrait mode. Would still like to have control over the vertical video, but landscape worked great!

@Russell Moir We are seeing this same issue with all of our phones using the Teams mobile app. It appears to be zooming in FAR too much. In comparison, the regular camera on the phone (ours are iPhones) do not exhibit this issue.

Just want to point out that I am experiencing this issue as well in Teams meetings with folks who are joining on their android phones. I can 'pinch' them into proper zoom when I'm conferencing on my ipad, but within seconds usually Teams snaps them back to ultra zoom closeup!

I only want to use change camera zoom event and Time delta () to zoom out until the camera value is 0.5. But I am trying for 1 day I saw many tutorial in youtube but still I failed to do that.Any help will be thankful. To help to understand,

I want when my player is in distance with an apple of 200 pixel camera will zoom out to help to see the tree.But after I eat the apple it will zoom in to normal size.I know how to do that but it zoom in and out so fast. I want to make the zoom smooth.

I think you are done with the timer part, just the default zoom speed is too fast for you. but if you start from the beginning, I recommend to your attention this complete video tutorial from gamevisualz Full Tutoiral How To Make interactive camera zoom Gdevelop 5 - YouTube. this is a complete guide to how to do the camera zoom, and he show how to adjust zoom speed.

I saw that tutorial. It was not very helpful for me.

I want when my player is in distance with an apple of 200 pixel My camera will zoom out to view the tree and if I eat the apple it zoom in again.


Total Security is intermittently blocking access to my camera while using Zoom even though Zoom is a trusted application. I'm using Windows 11 and I did find the following thread, but it is two years old and for Windows 10.

I just wasted 2 hours of my life and bought a new camera for my computer because of this issue. Kapersky blocked Google Chrome (without my requesting it) so I wasn't able to use my camera on zoom. Spent full hour with zoom support to find out that Kapersky was blocking my camera. VERY FRUSTRATING!

See I use Ctrl + Right click to zoom in and it normally goes into where my mouse location is, so when my mouse is on foot it should zoom on the foot but you see the black circle? No matter where I am it zooms into that and rotates around that black dot making navigating really hard

So, I had the idea of having the inventory be a belt the playable character has that you can zoom into to interact with. I managed to get the zoom working if you hold the designated button but I want it to be a toggle so that you don't have to hold the inventory button while also interacting with it and for whatever reason I can't get it to work.

Are you on about the zoom setting on the camera drop down menu when in flight?

If you are and want to save the zoom you set there you have to go into the pause menu, go into camera and adjust the zoom level there, then click apply/save and it will keep the setting.

The cause was that before setting up custom camera views I had used the default cockpit camera settings to adjust. Resetting the height, position and zoom sliders back to default 50 on those and then setting up custom camera views solved it.

In summary, no matter what zoom level is saved with the custom camera, the in-game zoom slider will always be set to your default zoom when you first switch to your custom camera. So you can then zoom in/out even further, beyond any normal limits.

What would be the best approach for the same behaviour in BabylonJS?

I was thinking using onAfterCameraRenderObservable to update panningSensibility and wheelPrecision based on camera radius, but maybe there is a working out-of-the-box method.

I agree it is a pitty that Babylon has no proper arcrotation camera like other engines since it is heavily used for product visualization, also it is used in the demos and the behavior on mobile devices is pretty weird.

The pinch zoom should work as it work in a photo meanwhile in Babylon in seems to depending on the distance to origin or something like that (and too fast by default), the same thing happens on panning it is not controlable and it is far away from being an smooth experience. Rotation is better but still not perfect. To test that controls you should use a mobile device.

I have a simplified example coded to exhibit my problem. I've decorated the globe with just a few points to give you a general reference. The user can rotate to a location on the globe using the four arrow keys, and I'm allowing zooming in and out using the + and - keys. I've tried various methods to zoom: measuring the distance between the camera and surface, translating the camera eye; adjusting the "scale" factor; and adjusting the "field of view" angle. None of the results are working adequately and I suspect that I'm just not using this API correctly. The problems I have are

My original attempt was to translate the camera in Z-axis. But, how to measure the distance the camera is from a given point? The globe (Group) is in its own coordinate system and has undergone rotate transforms. I couldn't make sense of the Z measurements I took.

Instead of a 10% change use a scalar formula based on radius from center of globe. Using the 10% change is cheap and easy but it does not scale properly at close or far distances. The scalar should simply use the radius as a way to reduce the rate of change for a zoom in action. This will make it more fine grain the closer you walk in to the globe. Pro Tip: Test for Control down for an additional scalar to make it even more fine (crawl) or Shift Down for an additional scalar to make it much faster (run).

What did you expect if you don't bound your zoom action? Just add logic that ignores the zoom when the distance between the camera and the center is below a certain amount. (another reason why you should be translating the camera)

You didn't by any chance enable the Enhance (zoom) feature, did you? If so, you can click on Cancel Enhance (the icon in the lower left corner with a minus sign inside an outline of a square) in the Nest app.

Hey @queenbee this is more dependent on your camera itself keep in mind, some cameras don't have the capability to change the 'ratio' e.g. my built-in MacBook camera, however, you do have the ability to change the original ratio of your camera within your Zoom settings > Video (ensure HD is unchecked)

The other thing I do is add a second camera, in the same position, parented to the main cam, but with the sensor size set much smaller. Drag both cameras into the viewport to generate a couple of HUD elements and you can easily switch from one to the other with a couple of clicks on either HUD item.

Hi Brian, you can use the Filmzoom/move tools and than use Undo View (cmd+shit+Z) to get back. But thats of course nasty if you do several Move/zoom operations. But for just zooming in and going back its the easiest way. A script to set and store the default and than go back easily would be great of course.

When I am taking a video with the back camera of my shiny new iPhone 13 ProMax and I drag my finger across the zoom, as the zoom moves from 0.5 to 1.0 there is an obvious jarring hiccup as the cameras change. When I continue to zoom from 1.0 through 3.0, the video hiccups again and the lighting is processed (it usually looks cooler) by the third camera.

So for example, when zooming between 1x and 3x, you're reducing the resolution of your video as soon as you go above 1x until you hit 3x, assuming good light. If light is low, the iPhone won't ever actually use the 3x lens but will continue to zoom digitally. ff782bc1db

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