I am quite new to blender game engine and am designing the audio for a wee game. I just wondered how people would go about getting footsteps sounds to trigger each time the player animation takes a step?

So I've been playing the game since launch and hadn't had any issues but I noticed since yesterday the audio of Link's footsteps has disappeared. It's weird because you can hear it when he lands from a fall or jumps but when he's walking or running around it's completely silent. I've tried different footwear and even barefoot and it's all the same. And it's the same on different terrain too, it's always silent. All other sounds are normal, it's only the footsteps that have mysteriously vanished. I find it really disconcerting and distracting to play without the sound of them since I'm so used to it. Anybody else have this problem or know how to fix this?

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I'm done with COD I think. Year after year its complaining about the same bullshit. I took a break and came back and I quickly remembered why I even quit. The game is plagued with campers, footstep audio is absolutely broken so I can't even hear a guy behind me but I can hear him thru the walls. Makes no sense. MW2 is shit too, and I'm expecting MW3 to be the same. If I play the beta this weekend and it feels anything like MW2 and MW3 I think I'm retiring this game for good.

To test I ran two instances on the same machine (also tried packaging and running two instances on the same machine via executable). On one instance I push the forward key to have the player move and then quickly alt-tab to leave the player in a constant state of motion. Then I move to the next instance and go to the player that is moving to see the animation of the player working but not hear any sound emitting from the players footsteps. I can do the same test for shooting by holding down fire and quickly alt tabbing to the next instance. I can hear the other player shooting on the second instance.

After few hours of testing things, and after many reverse boosting, you can clearly hear the game helps you hear more footsteps with a newbie SBMM, with enhanced footsteps sounds and filtering other noises as ADAV, explosions and gunshots :

Ok so I know games with crappy SBMM were way more quiet than sweat SBMM but you can clearly still hear people running with an ADAV above my head, I heard footsteps LOUDER than anything else with the reverse boosted SBMM. After playing normally I almost had an headache with all that sound pollution added to that like non-existent footsteps.

I have left leg sound fx and right leg sound fx.

The main reason I seek to do it this way. It is because the character has over 300 animations where the timing for the footsteps on the ground vary from animation to animation.

Furthermore, i no more be able to hear footsteps of other people on many surfaces but i dont know exactly if i have to take that like a consequence of studying to better stick with reality (ex. in turrets o cargos the volume of steps was clearly increased, and its very reasonable).

I dont want an unnatural level of footsteps sound, that in fact was first in the opposite way maybe, but IRL i think that a running person just behind a corner at 1 meters to me have to make a way loud effect.

I think that definitively all other sound is great (with little reserves), and the footsteps rework is good in principle, but the RUNNING level of footsteps, at least in short proximity (2-7 meters i say) should be increase on all surfaces and stances.

The problem is that the footsteps of other people, when you are behind an obstacle or inside a building and they are outside that obstacle or building, is no more audible neither in very short distance (1-5 meters). Are not you aware of that?

This also throws me off. I use Beyerdynamics 770 pro, and their frequency response curve is flat and detailed, meaning that footsteps already popped out very clearly before this change. Many gaming headsets are more heavy on low end, and may not experience this issue as much as a result.

Right now Widow, Mercy, and a few more sound like they are using shoes that are a mix in between step dance shoes and dutch wooden shoes. CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP even when they are far away. I think something is bugged with spatial audio.

At least close by enemies could use some footsteps and metal (weapons, armour) clanking sounds. This is not down to my sound card settings. Also the back stab sound does not always play on time, often it plays when I get hit or later than it does on average. Not sure if this is down to a type of attack (some are obviously quicker than others).

Also this guide does not address the remaining issues: general lack of audio queues (especially for beastmen, I can hear clanking of armour/weapons on Chaos faction fairly well), footsteps and the game director spawning enemies in your close proximity. Backstab audio queue isssue is still there, latency or not.

Depends how far you want to go with it! I agree that most commercial synths are not capable of doing this well. They are not designed to add in the random variations in envelope, tone and texture that is inherent in real footsteps. Using an environment like PD changes all that because you can effectively build a custom synth designed for the purpose.

I reckon the most important aspect is to get the space right. If you just create some transients and get the right sounding reverb you will be 70 percent of the way there. I've never tried it but i would take the same route you are, using noise and wavetables. That way you can move through the table to generate subtle versions of different footsteps.

You start from noise or noisy sounds (e.g. inharmonic FM or AM) and then you further shape them by filtering. That's the basis. Wavetable or other forms of "synthesis" could do as well, but those aren't technically synthesis, because they work on prerecorded audio.

The simplest way is to use one synth (or few, if necessary for some reason), use automation as needed and record down different samples. Then edit, treat and piece them together for the finished footsteps. Create new samples when needed. You may also attempt to do most of the sound shaping using MIDI first, i.e. send notes and automate parameters during the note durations, before bouncing down the sounds.

It may seem like it's not going anywhere or you don't know what/how you're going to do it (especially, if you're not very experienced with synthesis), but at some point you should arrive at something that you know how to take it further and how to approach creating new variations. If you're totally stuck: listen to your own foosteps or take a recorded footstep and listen to it, listen to it carefully/analytically. Then proceed to copy it using synthesis. The footsteps that you do may also end up sounding totally crap, but that might be educational for understanding the limits (and exponential complexity, when attempting to model real world sounds) of sound synthesis.

Moaning is usually not very indicative of the drifters' position though, as the audio doesn't align properly with them - it's extremely annoying hearing the zombie moans through 6-block thick walls. The game also doesn't seem to support any kind of surround system, and the moans seem to come from random directions rather than the one the drifter is in.

I don't know if there is some kind of audio rework in the plans (to fix the aforementioned issues, also wind howling inside buildings etc.), but it NEEDS to involve footstep sounds for things other than the player. I know this would need a lot of tweaking, to avoid a cacophony of noises when a horde of drifters is chasing you, for example.

Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare 2 ship with several enhancements to their audio mix. There was a focus on creating more immersive and realistic audio, with the team at Infinity Ward going out into the field to record real-world weapons, cannon fire, and even helicopters.

Instead, Home Theater is shaping up to be the best pick so far. It makes footsteps stand out more in the audio mix, while ambient noises come in slightly softer. However, one downside is its apparent focus on treble frequencies, so gunfire can sometimes sound a little shrill.

When it comes to fiddling with the volume numbers, a lot of that will depend on personal preference. However, the one thing you want to make sure is set to maximum is Effects Volume. This setting is directly tied to how loud footsteps sound, in addition to other sounds like gunshots.

I've been trying to add a footsteps sound effect to my player that will only play when he's walking, and was going to post this as a question to the group, but in the course of explaining my steps below, I was able to analyze the problem better, and now I have it working perfectly!

So in the game, my player character jumps, walks and falls. I have a 10-second clip of the footsteps sound, and it's set to play as a loop. Here's the progression of my attempts to get the footsteps sound to always play when walking, and never play when stopped, jumping or falling :

Attempt #3: Only play the sample when left or right buttons are JUST pressed AND my character is_on_floor. Also added "$WalkSound.stop" to my "jump" code, to completely remove the walking sound during jumps.Results: Almost there! But there's one problem remaining now... at the end of a jump or fall, if I've kept my finger on the same walk button throughout the duration of a jump, and then I land, the sound never re-triggers, because it's only checking if walk buttons are JUST pressed. So after a landing like that, I'm walking without footsteps again...

I have been banging my head off of my desk trying to figure this out. I dont know how to code, i have been following tutorials for adding features to my game but i cant find one to do this? would you consider sharing your source code for this feature? I am an audio engineer by trade, i have recorded some sweet footsteps to use but i cant use them correctly. 17dc91bb1f

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