I'm confused with my team class. I don't know how to add 11 players to the class and provide an input parameter for the player instance. I'm unsure about my app class because I don't know how to use the football team instance (object) to display the information requested in the lab.

I have an assignment which I have to program that creates a standings table from match list input. I used the word "infinite" because input size is unknown so I have to create a program that works until there's no matches left. I created a football class for this(input contains 2 other sports and their own matches and teams indicating the sports type with first letter of the sport with "F, B, V" for example, they're only different in scoring part, so I though if I can make football work, I can make anything else work) that contains everything required in standings table, and methods for match results which looks like this:

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Since the input is static, I used arrays to work around. My problem with my code is I cant find a way to store my teams without duplicates and the variables that comes within and update whenever that team has another match.

For the main program, you don't want to create a new team every time - only when a team is first encountered in the file. Put all the teams in a List. When parsing a new game, first try to find the team in the list. If it is not in there, add it.

I'm not sure if I have the spelling correct or not, but what does everyone think of Gary Java on Big Red Reaction on the radio? I can't stand him. He doesn't sound professional and I think he's rude to callers who don't tow the party line.

Yep, he's awful...Never has anything interesting to say, and has a hard time saying anything through stuttering and all the "uh". Having the team suck is bad enough, and he is trying to put on a post game show about it! I just turn the radio to something else when I hear his voice.

I've been wondering for a while, what happened to John Bishop (sp)? He's been gone for a while. Did he get fired or something? Sorry, I listen to the games but rarely the post game or pregame. I don't know everything that goes on with the radio stuff other than Jim Rose is beginning to question things. If Jim Rose questions anything NU does then we all know just how bad it is.

Even though he's questioned some things, Jim Rose was very articulate how he got a jab in at Solich. I think it was in the 4th qtr. when Rose was talking about the 3 senior LB's at Kansas, he was quick to point out that they were all 3 snubbed as Husker recruits. Well here's a newsflash Rose, KState has been the powerhouse football team in the state. If they were that highly touted recruits, don't you think KState would have went after them? I'm guessing all 3 were 2 star or less. IDK, i'm just speculating. KU's D was good no doubt about it. I don't think they were great, and I think Texas will show us just how great they are next week!

On 1 October 2022, a fatal human crush occurred following an association football match at Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia.[4] Following a loss by home side Arema to rivals Persebaya Surabaya, around 3,000 Arema supporters invaded the pitch.[5][6] Police said the rioting supporters attacked the players and the team officials. The police attempted to protect the players and stop the riot but the crowds clashed with the security forces.[7] In response, riot police units deployed tear gas, which triggered a stampede of people in the stadium trying to escape from the effects of the gas. A crush formed at an exit, resulting in fans being asphyxiated.[8]

As of 24 October 2022, 135 people were killed, and 583 others were injured.[9][1][2][3] The disaster is the second deadliest in the history of association football worldwide, after the 1964 Estadio Nacional disaster in Peru which killed 328 people. Thus, it is the deadliest in Asia, and the Eastern Hemisphere.[10]

On 6 October 2022, Indonesian police chief Police-General Listyo Sigit Prabowo announced six suspects: the director of the match organizer PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB), Arema head of security officer, Arema match organizing committee for negligence, and three police officers for the use of tear gas.[11][12]

Football hooliganism has had a long history in Indonesia, with at least 95 football-related deaths between 2005 and 2018.[14][15][16] Several teams' fan clubs have so-called "commanders", and riot police units are present in many matches, with flares often being used to disperse rioting crowds invading the pitch.[17] In 2018, riots at Kanjuruhan following a match between Malang's Arema and Persib Bandung had resulted in a fatality after riot police employed tear gas to disperse crowds.[18]

Although FIFA regulation 19b states that tear gas should not be used in stadiums by pitchside stewards or police,[19] it is employed by Indonesian police riot units for securing football matches.[20] FIFA regulations are optional when an association or confederation arranges an event by its own competition regulations. Therefore, the regulations may only serve as guidelines.[19][a]

In the immediate aftermath of the riot, the players' lobby and changing rooms were used as makeshift evacuation posts, with Arema players and officials helping to evacuate victims still in the stadium. The victims were taken to hospitals by ambulances and Indonesian Army trucks.[30] Many died on the way to or during treatment.[32][40]

On 5 October 2022, the Indonesian National Police confirmed 131 deaths from this disaster.[41] This data echoed the previous report of 131 deaths from the Malang Regency Office of Health. Meanwhile, 133 deaths are reported by the Postmortem Crisis Center Post, established by the government of Malang Regency.[41][42] Aremania disputed the official numbers, alleging that more than 200 people may be killed, as some of the dead bodies are immediately returned to their families instead of being transported to the hospital.[42][43] Thirty-nine children from ages 3 to 17 are also included in the death toll.[44] The number is expected to increase as some of the treated victims were "deteriorating".[45] As of 18 October 2022, the reported number of casualties is 583 injured and 133 killed.[3][9] The 135th victim died on 24 October 2022.[2][1]

The municipal government of Malang paid for the medical treatment of victims.[46] Kepanjen Regional Hospital and Wava Hospital are reported to be full of victims from the disaster, leading to some being sent to other hospitals around the city.[47][48]

The governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, announced that the government of East Java would provide financial compensation for the victims' relatives. Each next-of-kin of the deceased would receive Rp 10 million (USD 699), while the wounded victims would receive Rp 5 million (USD 349).[49] On 4 October 2022, Widodo announced the provision of additional financial compensation of Rp 50 million (USD 3495) from the central government to each deceased's next-of-kin.[50]

As a result of the incident, President Joko Widodo later instructed the association to suspend all Liga 1 matches until all "evaluation of improvement of security procedures" was carried out,[52] followed by joint fact-finding team deciding that all football leagues matches (Liga 1, Liga 2 and Liga 3) were temporarily suspended until the President said it could be normalised.[53] The Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) apologised for the incident and announced a ban on home matches for Arema for the rest of the season.[54][55] PSSI also stated that the decision to continue to hold the match by PT Liga Indonesia Baru, which was the organiser of the match, had been agreed with other stakeholders of Indonesian football.[24][56] In addition, Widodo also ordered all Liga 1, 2 and 3 stadiums to be fully audited by Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono.[57]

On 3 October 2022, two days after the incident, the Head of Indonesian police Listyo Sigit Prabowo removed the Head of Police of Malang, Police Adjunct Chief Commissioner Ferli Hidayat, from his duties. Nine officers from East Java Mobile Brigade Corps were also removed.[58]

Also on 3 October 2022, PSSI announced that the 2023 AFC U-17 Asian Cup qualification group B matches, which was held in Indonesia, would be played behind closed doors starting that night.[citation needed]

On 4 October 2022, a police officer was held in custody for 21 days for making inflammatory tweets about the incident using the official Twitter account of Bantul's Srandakan police in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. He responded to criticisms of the police with "Die!", "Who are you defending?" and "I salute the soldiers! Exterminate!".[59][60]

After the incident, a video showing Indonesian soldiers beating and kicking Arema supporters surfaced. Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Andika Perkasa promised that the act was not considered as self defence, and the soldiers involved would be charged with criminal law.[61]

Following the incident, there were calls from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS), an Indonesian defence and security think tank, and the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) to dismiss the Malang police chief, Adjunct Chief Commissioner Ferli Hidayat. ISESS also demanded the dismissal of the East Java police chief Inspector General Nico Afinta, while IPW requested Afinta to bring the organisers of the match to trial.[64][65]

The PSSI Disciplinary Commission imposed a lifetime ban on football activities on the Arema match organising committee chairman, Abdul Haris, and Arema head of security officer, Suko Sutrisno. In addition, Arema was subjected to a Rp 250 million (US$16,000) fine, and Arema was prohibited from holding matches with spectators as hosts. The match must be held far from the Malang home base, up to 250 km (155.34 mi) from the location.[66]

The National Commission on Human Rights of Indonesia (KOMNAS HAM) plans to investigate the incident and the use of tear gas by police.[67] Although FIFA's rules say that tear gas should not be used inside stadiums, the chief of regional police defended its use, citing the threats posed by the rioters to players and officials.[20] However, the police also stated that they will evaluate the use of tear gas.[68] Investigators are also examining the role of 18 police officers who operated the tear gas launcher.[69] On 12 October 2022, KOMNAS HAM published their findings.[70] On 14 October 2022, Narasi, an Indonesian independent news office, released a visual investigation by presenting the sequence of the disaster, highlighting the abuse of tear gas. Narasi compiled more than 80 amateur videos recordings.[71] 152ee80cbc

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