Basically, you can only use fonts available on Adobe Fonts, if you want them to show up in the mobile Xd app. A lot of google fonts are also available on Adobe fonts. Unfortunately, Merriweather Sans isn't one of them.

You can add your own fonts to Creative Cloud, as you have already discovered. I thought if you had the CC app on your mobile device, along with Xd, they will sync and show up, but apparently that sync is only for desktop devices (for now). Here's a

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Seems the prototype in Android is rendered as the actual elements in Xd (text is actual text), while in the web prototype, everything is converted to static graphics, even text. So for you to see the font on Android, that font will have to be available on the device as well. Otherwise it is replaced with some defaults. I think there was some mention of licensing issues with making used fonts available on the device, but I can't find the thread right now.

Otherwise, I was under the impression fonts available on Google Fonts worked, but Merriweather Sans is available there and you say it doesn't. Maybe you can try installing it from Google fonts instead of fontsquirrel, in case there is some difference in the naming of the font and it can't identify it (this has happened to me before).

You can add your own fonts to Creative Cloud, as you have already discovered. I thought if you had the CC app on your mobile device, along with Xd, they will sync and show up, but apparently that sync is only for desktop devices (for now). Here's a quote from the help page:

"Can I add fonts to Creative Cloud to use on my mobile devices? 

Currently, adding fonts to Creative Cloud will give you access to your fonts on desktop devices only when you sign in to the Creative Cloud desktop app. This feature will be available to Creative Cloud mobile apps in a future update."

Hi, i'm coming here from Google search results trying to resolve the same problem. Sometimes the app displays fonts and sometimes it doesn't. Usually mutilple restarts will get it to display the same font it refused to display 30 minutes earlier, is that not a bug, not a limiation?

This answer isn't a programmatic solution, but the actual ttf fonts seem to be stored in the /system/fonts directory. Use adb shell ls /system/fonts to list them, or adb pull /system/fonts to transfer all of them to the connected computer (adb will create a folder named "fonts").

Android includes 3 base fonts, but unlike iOS, allow you to use just about any font you'd like. You can simply embed it with your app, instead of being limited to a preset list of fonts like Apple does (Apple doesn't allow font embedding). Pretty convenient.

And I have try to install some fonts in my system. But I can't find it in the Android Studio Editor Font but it shown in the Android Studio Default System Fonts.

So How can I change the fonts of Android Studio's Editor to display Simplified Chinese ? Thanks A lot.

Agreed, this feels like a Bitwarden bug. Assuming the Android font size is set to Default, the fonts in Bitwarden look as expected. However, if the system fonts are set to anything larger than default, the fonts in Bitwarden are much larger than the system UI or other apps on the same device.

Any updates? S21 Ultra user, just migrated from LastPass and have semi large fonts on my phone. I can barely understand the Bitwarden interface because it displays only a few letters of a word due to the humongous font.

Great question. Unfortunately, Android has limited font support. It is a function of the OS. For desktop computers, you can download free fonts and install them on your computer. This is not the same process on Android/iOS.

I still don't understand why other drawing apps like Medibang Paint have a very wide selection of fonts available while Sketchbook only has a very limited selection of fonts to choose from (on Android).

Yes, and besides, Google has provided now a functionality where apps can connect dictly to a font provider (e.g.: Google Fonts) and download fonts on the go. Saying Android support for fonts is lacking is an utterly bad feedback from a company such as Autodesk. They could at least make Sketchbook open-source so we could implement those changes... C'mon Autodesk, you have everything to be great!

From it seems to me the site is loading with the fonts ok for my tests. Could you try to clear your mobile phone browser cache? Perhaps that might not be fully updated. If you still experience the issue, I would try to view the site from a different android browser.

@cyberdave, the site literally just started displaying webfonts correctly on multiple devices/browsers. I was just doing more testing too and, bam, all of a sudden, it started working. We were testing at the same time

Hi @CynicalKiddo, I am not sure what happened, but biggest culprit could be the cache. I was never able to reproduce the fonts issue. Once you publish your site, it does not just change by itself, so changes would have to be made in the designer, and then manually published to affect your published site.

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit. Android Studio is set to use the GTK Themes. I have also added the following options to andriod-studio/bin/studio64.vmoptions and android-studio/bin/studio64.vmoptions as described in this post on Super User.

I just upgraded my phone to a Samsing Galacy A51. After adding some new checkbox lines to my shopping list on the PC, the fonts for the new lines ONLY on Android appear smaller, like 10 point (old lines) to 6 point (new lines).

Fortuneately, I was able to find a 'zoom' feature (120%) on the Android which make the old lines large and the new lines legible... Just don't understand how the Android can have two different size fonts in the same note and neither can be changed.

All fonts included with Creative Cloud can be used on mobile on iOS13.1 (and newer) apps that support Apple's custom font APIs. Search for your favorite font families or discover new ones with just a few swipes.

Normally, web browsers can only display the fonts pre-loaded into the operating system or added later by a user to OS or browser. The browser will search for the font specified in the webpage and if the preferred font isn't there the browser will display a default 'fall-back' font, like Helvetica. MacOS has never loaded Agency FB and Android certainly doesn't, there are only 3-4 fonts pre-loaded into Android. Agency FB is an old font from the early days of the web.

Problem Solved! The Community to the rescue again. Your reply and a separate e-mail from Chris at Editor Tricks caused me to go back in and re-look at how I installed the custom based on Chris' tutorial onhow to install custom fonts: -to-install-any-font-into-your-weebly-site.html I found that I had missed one important step. I had copied the wrong font family into the "fonts" folder that I had created in ASSETS in the code. Now renders properly on iOS and Android.

I was able to figure it out! I used this site, , to replace some of my @font-face CSS coding, specifically the italicized portions below, and it worked! All browsers are now displaying the custom fonts.

I'm experiencing this same issue where my custom fonts aren't rendering on mobile devices or Windows, only on my macOS. I've followed the steps outlined here: -Editor/Why-can-t-I-get-more-fonts/m-p/295#M21 and here, -to-install-any-font-into-your-weebly-site.html. However, still no luck. Would you be able to take a quick look and see if there's anything I'm missing or if I'll have to use different fonts? I thought I'd check before I change them to other fonts that might also not work. Thank you for your help!

Hi @vickyhu I was going to say that it is probably because the theme is custom, but when I look at your mobile site the fonts look to be the same as the desktop version. Is there a particular page or section that is showing different fonts for you?

My custom fonts are appearing on my published site when I'm on my laptop, but not on mobile phones or Windows desktops. I didn't have any troubles with using the fonts on the site, only viewing them on different devices after it's been published.

@cindix You are up against one of the many limitations of running Word on a device other that a Windows computer. While you may have the fonts installed on your computer, there is no way of installing them on an Android device so that they can be used for editing a document in Word on such a device.

That's weird.

I can edit my files when using a Google Font like Lora, but the fonts I paid for... (With Lora the file shows correctly in my tablet, and the Word app gives no message of limitations. I can edit text normally, and this font is not a MS Word original font nor an Android font).

It is not an Android limitation, as I can add fonts in apps like IbisPaint and Hancom Office and edit text normally with them.

So the limitation on fonts is solely on the Word app. Again, with some fonts (Non-Android/Word fonts) the app works, others it doesn't, randomly I would say.

What is more annoying to me, is that my fonts show normally. The app just won't let me edit with them, as if it were a license problem, not a technical problem. 2351a5e196

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