Hello from Thailand. I need help to fix the problem of Thai font "Sarabun" which is used in formal documents in Thailand. The problem is in Google Sheet, like a shared link I've attached here _HlxJli4ZKC2_BbKTyycKi6XExgEfKY/edit?usp=sharing , when I want to print it out or even just save it as PDF, the font size is changed to be smaller and that affected to the paper arrangement also. I didn't find this problem in Google Docs. There is just the problem in Google Sheets that need to be fixed. Thank you.

Have you submitted feedback yet inside of the Google Sheet by using the "help Sheets improve" button inside of the "help" tab? 

I will say I did play around with the print option (only have access to saving as PDF since I don't have any printers available to me) and I can make it all fit on the sheet if I chose portrait mode with "fit to page" for the scale. I am not able to reproduce that only the Thai Sarabun font gets smaller when printing. If the Thai Sarabun font gets smaller, the English font also gets smaller and the ratio between the two stays the same for me.

Download Font Thai

Download Zip 🔥 https://urllie.com/2y38JH 🔥

I need to translate a video to Thai from English (among many other languages). I get documents from the translator in Microsoft Word, in "Angsana New" and the Thai font looks great (meaning, any accents that are stacked above a character are correct). However, when pasted into Adobe After Effects, the accents get "crushed down".

This particular one is .ssa ( Divergent.2014.th.ssa ) but it does the same with .srt subtitles. English ones display fine. I would imagine it would have issues with hebrew, russian or anything that does not use the english fonts.

That's not true. I've been using MS office for mac since 2011 and there was no problem with Thai until I upgrade mac to OS Sierra, then the only Thai font it keeps going back to default name "Krungthep" even when I set default font to Arial. At times, it displays correct alphabets thought going back to Krungthep font all the times, and once in a while it turns everything to small boxes.

Arial font contains Thai characters, as I've been using it for a very long time. What appears when I use Arial as default font on the MS Word when upgrade to OS Sierra (which as a matter of fact requires reinstall of the MS Office), the font in Arial first appear correctly, then changed to boxes... Sometimes, it changes first to Krungthep font, which I've never heard or used before, and then boxes again, which was very odd.

Go to Applications > Font Book. Select Arial. Do View > Repertoire. Do you see any Thai? Do View > Show Font Info. Do you see the list after Scripts? Is Thai there? If your answers are Yes, what is the font version number? I have 5.01.2 and it has no Thai. Perhaps mine is old?

Krungthep is one of the standard Thai fonts long provided by Apple with MacOS. Others are Ayuthaya, Sathu, Silom, Sukhumvit Set, and Thonburi. Fonts often present which have multiple scripts including Thai are Microsoft Sans Serif, Tahoma, and Arial Unicode MS.

I was having the same problem, lacking Thai fonts. Even when I converted PDF files to Word, Thai characters displayed as squares. I cannot vouch for the safety of this procedure, and am leery of third-party sites offering free anything, but I needed Thai fonts. So use at your discretion. It worked for me.

and downloaded and expanded the Zip file. I opened the Mac Font Book application, then to File > Add fonts. I downloaded the fonts and installed them into Font Book. When I re-started Word, the Thai characters displayed correctly.

Tried it just now for a friend who was having a problem on a new MacBook with Word 2011 for Mac... The fix does work... Thanks Phillip from Chiang Mai... You rock the BIG HOUSE with that Thai font fix!! I was thinkN that the friend would have to scrap plans to use Word and go with Pages, which I am guessing is more foreign language font friendly, right from the GIT_GO... but that is not really a good solution as the friend is already semi-familiar with Word and wanted to use that app rather than Pages...

Just about every other app I know of is more foreign language friendly than Word for Mac. Have the look at the limited number of keyboards which Word officially supports, and consider all those for middle eastern, indic, and s.e. asian scripts including Thai which are absent. Even though you may get a font to display, there may well be other bugs which make it advisable to use something else for your work.

I love Zorin English font but not Thai i want to change it to IBM Plex Sans Thai font for only Thai English and Number still Default from Zorin please help me (sorry for bad English ig)

See on Zorin Appearance > Character Types > change font. I searched for the font that you want but it misses, maybe you want to download it on GNOME Software, scroll down and click Extensions.

Schermata da 2023-09-28 12-04-541366768 29 KB

To change system language, Settings > Region & Language.

Yes, I know, it's a bug, you should reopen the Extensions section several times until you actually see the fonts or open System Monitor and kill gnome-software, when you reopen it it should work without any problems.

There are quite a few posts on the Autodesk Knowledge Network regarding fonts being replaced with ?????? and most posts tend to relate the issue to a missing font file (SHX). Also.... MTEXT objects can support multiple languages, so that might be the reason why it shows different than the single line (single line text objects cannot support multiple languages) as mentioned in the link below.

Yes I probably found the same posts you refer to as a result of my "Googling" and if it hadn't displayed correctly at all I would probably have stopped there and attempted to get the missing font on my machine. It was the fact that the single line displayed correctly that made me question whether the missing font was the problem.

Yeah that's the part I find interesting..... why does it show correctly in one piece of text and not the other? If the font was missing shouldn't it not display correctly on BOTH types of annotation? Also, not sure why but on my machine, and my VM (tested it on there - completely fresh Windows/ACAD installs) it showed up correctly. The company I am at (located in Canada) does no international work regarding different languages so I highly doubt they would have installed some extended font package to cover Thai, etc. Not certain however.... but my fresh OOTB installs on my VM, the text shows up on both strings without any ???? marks. Anyway, thanks for messaging back, I will follow this one as I am very curious if this is a missing font (seems probable) or something with how ACAD interprets single line vs. multi-line from a combination-language approach (English and Thai characters). Again good luck Paulio!

If it is a missing font, I'm happy to accept that as the solution, I'd just like to understand why AutoCAD seemingly is able to display the characters without the font present in some instances but can't in others, and why it displays correctly for you with no additional fonts installed.

If the Cordia font name is somehow embedded into the single line text string and not accessible through the interface anywhere, that would explain why it then showed up when it was converted to Multiline text. My problem is that if the Cordia was embedded, it shouldn't display the single line properly either. It's surely not the case that AutoCAD just randomly picks a font for those characters when it converts to Multiline text, so it must be in there somewhere.

Could you show how to deploy and use the custom file on Jasper Report Server? previously, I exported the font into fonts-extention.jar file, add it into /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib and restart it. but it isn't working. Then, I need your supporting for this case. and thanks forward for your supporting.

I'm developing an iOS app that has many Thai text. If I understand correctly the system font for Thai font is Thonburi? It is so ugly and I hates it. Do i have any other choice? and when will apple replace Thonburi with another nice Thai font? What is my solution? I saw some article says that implementing custom font into lots of texts in iOS is a nightmare. I'm a solo developer, I need solution for my project, not the ugly Thonburi font. How can apple live with it for 10 years in iOS? omg

The font was deployed via GPO by copying the font from a shared network drive and manually adding the registry key. The behavior is identical on multiple Windows 10 computers on which it was deployed.

I haven't designed a menu in 20 years - so I'm well out of practice. Looking for typeface (family) recommendations that has a "thai look", and reads well at smaller sizes (take out menu is small). I'm donating my time to help them out - their current materials is as bad as I have ever seen, but the food is a good as anything I have ever had. My budget is about $75, give or take. I just can't seem to find anything in my library that looks good. I already designed a great logo, if I do say so myself, so I'm ready to get this done. A search on myfonts didn't help much.

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