While many fonts have a particular weight corresponding to one of the numbers in Common weight name mapping, most variable fonts support a range of weights providing much finer granularity, giving designers and developers more control over the chosen weight.

People experiencing low vision conditions may have difficulty reading text set with a font-weight value of 100 (Thin/Hairline) or 200 (Extra Light), especially if the font has a low contrast color ratio.

Download Font Exo 2 Bold

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I would like to have only one word in Bold in text editor.

As soon as I change font or change size, it is not longer showing bold text anymore. Even though in text editor is in Strong/Bold.

Hi, I am new to building pages with BB. I created a webpage and within a text block I bolded some texts, and in the Text editor they were all shown bolded with . Yet, when the page is viewed, certain texts were not bolded. No matter what I tried, unbolding and re bolding again, still certain text will not bold.

I'm trying on Windows XP with the last version of JUCE to write some text which is both bold and italic, but I have not found any way to make it work. I get plain text instead each time. Nevertheless, when I choose only the Font::bold, or the Font::italic attribute, they are considered and I get the expected result. I have tried several things like that :

I recently heard (and actually I don't much believe) that when you define @font-face with font-weight eg 700 and you use somewhere in CSS font-weight: bold that the browser may render that font-weight itself using faux bold type. Is there really such a difference between 700 and bold in such case?

I am asking if when you define @font-face with numeric value eg 700 (or vice versa) and then use its quivalent somewhere in CSS (at this case bold) some browsers could use faux bold text instead of the one defined via @font-face.

Did you try the Headline element to add the headings in the post? This method will also avoid the usage of custom CSS. However if you need to use the custom CSS to make some headings bold then you can add the following code in the Theme Options > CSS:

I have investigated the page why the Open Sans bold is not displaying properly and I found out that you have inserted incorrect html codes. You have several unclosed tags and other invalid codes. For example, you have added this:

Ok, First, try clearing your browser cache. Then upload all the three types of the font together if available.

OTF is preffered over TTF for web fonts. See OTF vs. TTF Fonts: Which Is Better? What's the Difference?

Hey @AlexManyeki and @Koen are you uploading all the font file types for maximum browser support and naming them the same name just different extensions? -of-font-file-types-for-maximum-browser-support

I have a problem that is driving me nuts. Just one font of mine will not convert to PDF in bold. It is Futura Standard. Everything else from the Word document converts and it used to do so for me in the past.

I recently got a new computer and upgraded to the latest version of Word. No matter what I do - either using Word's own PDF making tool, using Acrobat X Pro or using a rival PDF tool - the result is always the same and this one font won't show up as bold when I convert.

Are you sure you actually have a bold version of Futura Standard installed on your system. Regrettably, Word (and other Microsoft Office documents) allow for faux embolding. If you don't have an actual bold version of a font installed, Office will make believe that you do have such a font installed and artificially embolden it within the application if you select the bold attribute. Similarly, if you select the italic attribute, Office will oblique the regular style to simulate italic.

Many thanks indeed for such a quick reply. You might be onto something. It was actually Futura Standard Medium with Bold selected in Word that I was using. I can see from my list of fonts that although there is a Futura Standard Medium Oblique there is no Futura Standard Medium Bold.

Selecting Futura Standard Book (a very similar font) and using Bold it does work in a PDF - even though there is no Futura Standard Book Bold in my list of fonts. This might do for me as it's close enough but I'm just curious about what is happening. Before upgrading Word I used to be able to convert a bold version of Futura Standard Medium and now I can't.

I am using Hypatia Sans for my body copy, which is a preloaded font. I am using 300 weight and the default bold is very heavy. I would like to bring the bold down to the 600 weight. I have found how to adjust the bold across the entire website, but not for just the body copy.

In my system the path to arial bold is: /System/Library/Fonts/SupplementalArial Bold.ttf/ I wonder why it is not working in Makie. I am not in my computer now so I cannot try but you could try that path.

I am faced by a very strange problem regarding the generation of PDF files. The main idea is to format a PDF a little more user friendly. The Designer returns the results as they should look, but when I tested the same on the server all bold fonts are gone.

Bold font should be supported I believe on the server since it is not a custom font.

Can you try using HTML tags? Something like Replace([Your field],[Text that you want in bold],"" + [Text you want in bold] + "")

I've lost the ability to make text bold in Affinity Publisher. I am using Adobe Fonts (Freight Text Pro) and recently Adobe had a bug which removed all system fonts, which they have since rectified with an update.

Based on the font metadata, sometimes all the weights are grouped into the main font family, and sometimes they are grouped seperately. In the latter case, you generally can't apply Bold. However, there is a reasonable workaround based on character styling. If you look at the predefined character styles, you'll see that Emphasis applies italics and Strong applies bold. However, character styles can do pretty much anything with regard to font choice, size, and traits. If Body is your paragraph style using Freight Text Pro and Freight Text Pro Bold is in the font list, but grouped into a different font family, create a new character style Body Strong or Body Bold. There, instead of setting the bold trait, set the Freight Text Pro Bold font.

One nice thing is that having an explicit character style lets you set up things like Initial Words, not just ad-hoc text styling. As a strong advocate of explicit styling, I'd argue that you should be using a Bold character style rather than the raw Bold font trait directly anyway.

As related in another thread, I recently purchased licenses for two large font families from the same small foundry. One of them groups all the weights into a single font family. The other groups each weight into its own font family of just a roman and italic of the same weight. I had to develop this workaround in order to anything useful with the latter font family.

As a related issue, I downloaded the cinzel font family and the font drop down menu shows multiple options under the cinzel family, but they all are labled "regular" and essentially are identical to the base font. Even though the files installed are definitely for the entire font family.

Bold and Italic are not available options when editing in Nitro, unlike Word processors. For example, if I you are using Calibri and you want to make a section bold, you'll have to swap to the 'Calibri-Bold' font.

Click on the Edit tool, then select the text. The format tab will appear and here you can change the font type using the dropdown menu.

To be honest... I could've quite believe my eyes either, when I eventually discovered this. The suggestion above is unfortunately hardly helpful at all, as it just changes font of the whole text box. What if I need to just bold a sentence or a couple of words, inside of it? It seems not at all possible upon testing, with the above suggestion... I must verily say that such a function can be incredibly crucial at times!

[Edit] Not that you should pick a font based on the number of weights it has, but Google Fonts has a filter to help find those that support many styles and weights. Sarabun, for instance, is one of the nicer ones that supports all weights between 100 and 800.

You can tell CSS to use whatever weight you want, but if that weight is not supported by the font you are using, CSS falls back to a weight that is. This is not an Axure limitation. This is a CSS/browser limitation.

After I updated Joplin to Version 2.7.13, I noticed that bold formating does not appear green anymore. Is this an intended change? (If so, it is a pity: I like(d) the color emphases additionally to the bold formating. The difference between bold and normal text is not very pronounced.)

Cheers, Peter

I'm new to using obsidian and I'm finding that there isn't much difference between bold text and regular text, the bold is only slightly thicker and its hard to notice the difference. Is there a way to make bold text bolder? e24fc04721

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