i am attempting to use multi file organize for my camera uploads folder. It is a large folder containing about 20,000 individual files. It is not synced to my local devices to save space. Or rather, on the local devices, the folder is marked offline only.

i was able to turn on automation successfully, so new files are being sorted as they get uploaded. Therefore a folder 2023-02 was created. In addition I manually created 2021-12 and put a few files in there. But I cannot organize the vast majority that are already there. Thanks for any help.

Download Folder Organize

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Yes I have tried multiple browsers. To verify again, I just cleared the cache from both Safari and Firefox (macOS 13.2) and disabled all extensions. Same result, see new screenshots below. Then I opened a new private browsing window in Firefox , same result, see below. Same behavior on ios broswers on both ipad and iphone (16.3). Thanks

I tried it on one other folder and it was successful using date uploaded, but all the files were the same month uploaded. It failed when trying date created. I am always using date uploaded as the method when attempting to organize the Camera Uploads folder.

Sorting through unorganized work folders, files, and documents to find exactly what you need, when you need it, can be challenging and frustrating. In fact, 57 percent of U.S. office workers say one of their top three problems is quickly finding files and documents, according to a survey on search and findability issues in the workplace.

Good news: you can save time and learn how to organize digital folders and files with a few best practices. The key is to decide on a system, communicate it clearly to everyone in your organization, and be consistent.

Remember that hybrid folder organization strategies are also possible and might make the most sense for your team. Combining several of these approaches could offer the most flexibility, depending on your needs. 

Build data protection into your digital file organization strategy. Set sharing settings on files and folders so that people outside your organization (like clients and contractors) can only access what they need.

Make use of cloud storage services that offer the most robust data security and compliance. The following features offer granular control and can help you better manage confidential or sensitive files:

Establish a system to determine which sharing settings to use on which files. Share those guidelines with your team and post them somewhere convenient for future reference. For folders with employee-only access, remember to revoke access as soon as an employee leaves.

Save time by taking advantage of automated tasks within your folder organization system. Modern file management systems often allow you to automate file sorting and archiving and can even trigger actions based on specific events.

Check in with your team to see whether your organization system is working and adjust as necessary. Finally, congratulate yourself on finishing a daunting project that will save your organization a lot of time!

I would love to see a way for us to be able to "Folder-ize" WorkSpaces that have been shared to us by others. To be able to group those WorkSpaces by the department that it belongs with to make it easier to find and to support. Especially for those of us within our District who are the ones responsible for training and supporting our licensed users and their solutions.

It would be so helpful to put multiple Workspaces in a folder. As a project manager, I have access to every team member's workspace for their projects. For organizational purposes, it would be nice to be able to put those Workspaces I do not actively use in a folder so I can clean up my workspace to only see the projects I'm over - instead of looking through long lists of Workspaces (projects) I have access to. Thank you!

Sharing/Permissions could be grouped in a tree from the broader Department level to the specific Workspaces within a Department. Then, add the ability to group any of the workspaces that you belong to and organize them into folders inside your own Sheets folder. That'd be awesome!

I have a growing number of Workspaces meaning there is a long list the trawl through when searching for anything. This is particularly painful when trying to "save as new" or link to another sheet as the full list opens, fully expanded, by default.

Some of the workspaces I have access to are owned by other people and I rarely go into them. Some are old projects which I don't want to delete, but don't need to be immediately visible. Some are confidential that I don't want to be seen on the same screen as others.

My suggestion is to be able to put Workspaces within folders, and for those folders to be expandable/collapsable so that my workspaces can be organised better within my own view. In particular this should be a per-user setting so that I can have Workspace A within my "projects" folder, but another person might have Workspace A within their "Important" folder.

I'm currently facing the same challenge. My only hack is using a unique acronym for the beginning of each workspace title. All "archived" ones start with ZZ to push them to the bottom of the list. I have workspaces for each member of my team, and these all start with "RM"(Recruiting Manager) and then the person's name. This way things are at least together on the list.

This is the main reason I held off on using workspaces. But as my projects got larger, it became too tedious to share. I would have had to share every item in the team member's folder individually, vs having a workspace that I share all at once.

We are currently implementing Control Center to manage customer projects. In Control Center, each project is created in its own workspace, so we will have upwards of 200 active workspaces at any given time just for these projects. We also have dozens of internal workspaces.

While I am really excited about Control Center, I am dreading the visual clutter and time sink of scrolling through so many workspaces to find what I need. Grouping them into a collapsible hierarchy would be a real game-changer! Please consider implementing this.

Simply being able to group Workspaces (let alone being able to also manage their respective permissions collectively) would be a great benefit, especially for those of us with dozens of workspaces we have to browse/scroll through in alpha-numeric order only.

Another option may be to give us more metadata/properties/attributes/tags on Workspaces, so that in the 'main' view, we could sort/filter/find our desired Workspace quickly. Being able to re-size the 'main' view would be good.

As the main solution developer for our organization, I own/am shared to a rapidly growing number of workspaces to build/maintain. It would be nice to group workspaces by team/solution to quickly find a given space for updating.

I too, am our main solution developer for our district and am shared to or own WAY too many workspaces and is the reason that I submitted this request. It is far too cumbersome to manage in its current state and while, yes I am the owner I can, and have, worked on reorganizing but far too often the issue comes from when other departments share their workspaces with me due to needing my insight or help. They have even recently learned that if they add an asterix or some other character to the title of their workspace that it will place their workspace at the top of the list (versus alphabetically) which for my particular view just continues to shove down all of my workspaces. I would really like to see this happen and have a better way to manage or group workspaces by the team, department or solution and allow that flexibility regardless of whether I am the owner or that it was shared with me.

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express a concern I have encountered while using the SmartSheet platform. Firstly, I would like to commend your team for creating a versatile and powerful project management tool that has greatly enhanced our team's productivity. However, I have noticed a missing feature that I believe could further improve our experience with SmartSheet.

The issue I'd like to address pertains to the inability to create sub-workspaces within a main workspace. This nested organizational structure can be extremely valuable for complex projects or multi-level collaborations. Unfortunately, SmartSheet does not currently provide the functionality to add workspaces within workspaces, which limits our ability to efficiently manage and segregate projects and tasks. 152ee80cbc

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