Stanford's Digestive Health Center offers experienced dietitians with special expertise in the low FODMAP diet and other medical nutrition therapies for digestive disorders, including IBS. Our dietitians know how challenging it can be to modify your diet. We provide counseling and support to help you implement a low FODMAP diet into your lifestyle.

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. In simpler terms, FODMAPs are carbohydrates (sugars) that are found in foods. Not all carbohydrates are considered FODMAPs.

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FODMAPs are osmotic, meaning that they pull water into your intestinal tract. When eaten in excess, they may not be digested or absorbed well and could become fermented by bacteria in your intestinal tract.


 Stanford Health Care offers experienced dietitians with special expertise in the low FODMAP diet to address your specific symptoms and needs. 

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Enjoy Life no longer maintains FODMAP Friendly certification for any of the foods we make. Beginning around 2018 and ending in 2021 Enjoy Life worked to certify several of our treats with the FODMAP Friendly Food Program. The FODMAP Friendly logo represents a trusted worldwide certification program for products that have been laboratory tested to be low in FODMAPs. It is designed to enable consumers with symptoms of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) who are following a Low FODMAP diet to easily identify and select suitable packaged food products.

We made the decision to end our participation in the FODMAP Friendly program in order to better focus our resources on creating new foods free of gluten & 14 allergens. We understand this is disappointing news for many customers who adhere to a low FODMAP diet. When we started with the FODMAP Friendly program you shared with us messages of relief and gratitude for making foods that allowed you to eat freely. We did not make this decision lightly, but we do feel it is the right choice to focus all of our efforts on the food allergy community.

While many of the Enjoy Life items previously certified as FODMAP Friendly did not change when certification ended, we can no longer recommend these items as part of a low FODMAP diet. We encourage customers that require low FODMAP foods to consult a dietitian and explore the growing list of options at

The items listed below were previously verified to be low FODMAP foods through the FODMAP Friendly Program. While many of these products did not change when Enjoy Life ended participation in the FODMAP Friendly program, these foods are no longer certified FODMAP Friendly and we do not recommend them as part of a low FODMAP diet.

Many people are not familiar with FODMAPs or a low-FODMAP diet, but over the years it has emerged as one of the fastest growing diets as being an effective treatment for individuals in managing digestive symptoms related to IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) estimated to affect 1 in 7 people today. 152ee80cbc

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