
past-tense of spell.

i believe americans have a SPELLINGbee?

i dont blame u tho,

ur excuse is that u r american. and why do we critisize spellin anyway?

ever heard of slang? critisizin is a waste of time.

srry, had 2 let b known


I wonder if youcould make this into a wallpaper, or screen saver. If you first took the 2D image and made a sterogram GIF file like the Shiva stereogram, then the image would follow you around from your computer screen. Or, would the 2D image be missing something?

Dragon Illusion 3d Paper Download

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Looks like he gona bite ya or something.

when standing far away from it, i can see the illusion with both eyes. but up close i close one eye to see it.

I got one watchin me now on top o my screen!

I have seen a much larger dragon exactly like this at the Franklin Institute. It is a very cool illusion, and thanks for the picture so I can print it out. Right now I have one keeping watch right on top of my computer. AWESOME ILLUSION!!!

This is awesome. It seems so real. In my opinion the illusion does work with almost anything like photos or statues as long as the eyes are looking straight. But this illusion is cooler because it seems 3D.

I am so making it! someone gave a link to the how to vid on youtube and in the discription it has even more colors it comes in so there is red blue green purple orange mint & black I am going to make them all and put them on the shelf above my computer it will be sooo hacking cool (yes I watch fred figglehorn aka Lucas Cruikshank but I am just a kid not a grown up so ya)

I made it and it works, but nowhere near as good as the one in the video.. quite gay acctually but cool illusion.. But seriously Dont waste your time people.. you will be disapointed with the result no matter how well you make it..

At first i squinted a little bit and stared at his eyes, taking in the rest as peripheral. Once i could see his head as convex, i found that moving from side to side and up and down fairly quickly actually increased the ease of doing so.

Look at youtube for the answers and how to make/fold the dragon.

search words as dragon 3d..

i let my pupils make over 25 dragons we had fun looking at them, really scared 25 dragons looking and folowing u around the classroom.

As Peter Grynch (above) states the illusion was developed by Jerry Andrus who was an an American from Oregon state. Jerry came up with many optical illusions that can be found in science centers around the world. Check out a memorial website devoted to Jerry to see some of the amazing items he discovered, invented and or perfected. He will be missed by many.

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I now have over 180 of them ranging from a tiny pewter figurine of 1.2cm to a hand made stuffed toy of 70cm. They are made from all sorts of materials including: pewter, stone, glass, clay, resin, plastic, wood, rope, jade, amber and even coal.

The specific dragon that this post is about is made from paper (or card) and can be printed yourself. I already had one made up which was printed on paper using a monochrome laser printer. A while ago a printed a couple using a colour printer onto card, but had not cut them out and made them up until yesterday (after finding them again while doing some tidying up in my office).

While a convex face will appear to look in a single direction, and the gaze of a flat face, such as the Lord Kitchener Wants You poster, can appear to track a moving viewer, a hollow face can appear to move its eyes faster than the viewer: looking forward when the viewer is directly ahead, but looking at an extreme angle when the viewer is only at a moderate angle.

According to Richard Gregory, "The strong visual bias of favouring seeing a hollow mask as a normal convex face is evidence for the power of top-down knowledge for vision".[1] This bias of seeing faces as convex is so strong it counters competing monocular depth cues, such as shading and shadows, and also very considerable unambiguous information from the two eyes signalling stereoscopically that the object is hollow. The illusion can be reinforced even more if a concave face is lit from below, as this will reverse the shading cues, making them closer to those of a convex face lit from above.

Another example of the Hollow-Face illusion is the "Gathering 4 Gardner" dragon. This dragon's head seems to follow the viewer's eyes everywhere (even up or down), when lighting, perspective and/or stereoscopic cues are not strong enough to tell its face is actually hollow. Keen observers will note that the head doesn't actually follow them, but appears to turn twice as fast around its center than they do themselves.[4][5]

The Hollow-Face illusion is weaker among people with schizophrenia and other populations with psychotic symptoms, perhaps as a result of reduced tendency to interpret any kind of ambiguous 3D object as convex. It appears to be related to current mental state, namely in regard to current positive symptoms, inappropriate affect, and need for structure.[6][7] The illusion seems to strengthen among successfully treated patients.[8]

One of the most powerful optical illusions I've ever seen is Jerry Andrus' paper dragon. It is a dragon made of paper which is folded in a certain way that it seems to follow you with his head wherever you go. Very interesting.

The project of this dragon is very easy to assemble. It is not an origami, all you have to do is cut on the template lines, fold it and glue some parts. It usually does not work with both eyes on short distance, you may get a better effect by either closing one eye or looking at it from some distance (2 meters is enough). Also, light influences the effect, it is not good to have a direct light spot over it - the less shadows the better. Check this video to see how it works.

Update: a commenter found a different version of the same illusion, with a skeleton instead of a dragon. I didn't assembly it yet, but it seems to have far less folds than the dragon, which may compromise the effect but make it easier to put together. You may find it here.

I did the dragon and it works perfectly :D

I recommend putting a glass between you and the dragon to imrpove the ilusion. If you don't put a glasss try not looking at it to closely.

Have fun! :D

Man, that's very awesome. I had to make twice to work but it was no problem. It really works if u're doing the righ way. don't stay to close, close one eye and watch for light, it won't work with too many shadows. very cool

Illuminate it from below for best effect. Even a flashlight works well. The idea is that the concave head must be fully illuminated - no shadows to give the observer's brain any clues as to what's going on.

is it just me...or are the explainations for the head exactly the opposite? it says "valley fold" and "mountain fold", but from the pictures it doesn't fit at all.. for example the ears...and somehow it doesn't work unfortunately :( maybe because I printed it without colors

Oh, also, if you have trouble getting it printed fully, try printing from your prefrences using the poster settings. Try using the 2x2 or rather the 4 sheets setting. I made a large one using 9 sheets of paper, taped them all together and cut it out. I had to brace it in back because his head was a little heavy but it works great. I'm making a 5' tall one out of wood to put in the garden so when people walk by it will watch them the entire way! If it works, I will try to get it on video and you tube it.

Hello guys,

I'm fascenated by this cool illusion, and I'm wondering if we can make our own illusions of any characters.

I mean, not just dinosaur, but any head of any creature, in my case that'd be a robot's head.

I tried a human head, but that didn't look stereo or following me.

I guess the essential thing is to build the silhouette,

but here comes the problem: human head is a lot different from dinosaur one, mainly on the part of nose and the lower part of the face.

How do I do to simplify a human head into this kind of cubic shape?

When we examine the stomach and legs, we can clearly see what tricks he deploys for this purpose: the hind leg is higher than the front leg. He applies shade to the back of the legs, which runs all the way from the front leg across the thigh. This scaly dragon has a kind of spherical snake-like structure, which Escher works out according to the rules of one-point perspective. So far, this is a classic way of depicting a dragon.

However, the optical illusion that he applies almost ten years later in Print gallery seems far more complicated. If we take the viewer of the art exhibition as our starting point, we look with him from the outside in, into the exhibition space to the work of art that bears a striking resemblance to Senglea.

In 1959, Escher created Sphere spirals. In his inimitably refined way, he once again reminds us of the stark contrast between looking at and seeing something. We see a sphere, but we are looking at a flat piece of paper! As is often the case, it is possible to group an Escher print into various categories. Escher classed Sphere spirals in the group of spiralling bands and rinds. I also believe that this is the last print in the series to depict the conflict between flat and spatial objects. Sphere spirals is the ideal optical illusion. I find the sphere so beautiful, because the spiralling band is golden yellow on the outside and red on the inside. That combination of colours stimulates our sense of reality. It is as though we are looking at a brittle glass sphere around which the bi-coloured spiral is wrapped. But beware: it is a woodcut! All these beautiful details have been cut by hand and applied to paper in different print runs! Truth be told, such a perfect sphere actually impresses me more than the little dragon that passes his head through his paper body. 152ee80cbc

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