I want to get the Flutter documentation site offline using HTTrack website copier, but I only got the HTML with no CSS, javascript, or design. When I tried other websites it works; is there any other way?

Objective: When I use Android Studio to develop a Flutter app, there are times when I don't want to be connected to the internet. I just want to refer the documentation offline. I can't always use Ctrl+Q or Ctrl+F1, because I might not remember the command. This is where it either helps to have the API documentation as a PDF or if the IDE could list out all the available commands in the same way that it is shown in the Flutter docs website.

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Firestore provides out of the box support for offline capabilities. When reading and writing data, Firestore uses alocal database which automatically synchronizes with the server. Cloud Firestore functionality continues when users areoffline, and automatically handles data migration when they regain connectivity.

When persistence is enabled, Firestore caches every document for offline access. After exceeding the cache size, Firestorewill attempt to remove older, unused data. You can configure different cache sizes, or disable the removal process:

You're building a beautiful mobile application with Flutter MapLibre GL. You're just about to wrap upthe meeting to finalize the requirements when someone says asks "what happens if the user losesnetwork connectivity?" Spotty networks and even intentional offline use are one of the challengesmobile developers are often expected to deal with. This tutorial will walk you through one way toimprove your map-centric user experience: offline tile caching.

To enable offline use of our application, we'll use thedownloadOfflineRegionmethod. This method takes three arguments: a region definition, metadata, and a callbackfunction to receive status updates. The last two arguments are technically optional, but youprobably want them. Let's dive in with some code.

The underlying offline manager (from MapLibre Native) describes offline regions in terms ofbounding boxes. Even if your area of interest is a more complex shape, you'll need to turn itinto a box, defined by a southwest and northeast point.

The Stadia Maps Terms of Service allow for limited cachingof map tiles on mobile devices, subject to certain conditions. To give a rough scale, you can download an areaapproximately the size of Long Island (if you are using vector tiles) for offline use to a user's device.

We won't spend a lot of time on metadata. It is completely optional, and lets you specify a Mapthat is stored with the offline region. This is most frequently used to attach a name or other identifierfor future use when you want to manage downloaded regions (for example, deleting them when they are no longerneeded).

The underlying MapLibre Native library is capable of storing multiple distinct regions offline.When it's time to clean up unneeded tiles, you must tell it which previously downloaded region to discard.

When you remove an offline pack, any resources that are required bythat pack, but not other packs, become eligible for deletion from offline storage. Because the backing store used for offline storage is also used as a general purpose cache for map resources, such resources may not be immediately removed if the implementation determines that they remain useful for general performance of the map.

We have published a full example repositoryon GitHub which visualizes a set of earthquake data. This is analogous to thecluster example for MapLibre GL JS, and we'vealso included a very simple offline flow!

Amplify DataStore uses AWS AppSync to make it easy to build apps that need to support offline and low-latency scenarios. DataStore also makes working with distributed, cross-user data just as simple as working with local-only data by providing a programming model for leveraging shared and distributed data without writing additional code.

Keep in mind that pub generates a lockfile. If theonly version of some dependency in your cache happens to be old,offline dart pub get locks your app to that old version.The next time you are online, you will likely want torun dart pub upgrade to upgrade to a later version.

I'm developing, using Firebase as a backend, an application that works online and offline. The event (which has missions) is created and edited online, and when it is going to be "played", the application needs to start working offline. For that, I need to pass all the data of an 'Event' to the local device.

At this moment of transition between online/offline, the logical solution I found was to create data types within Flutterflow, replicating the same collection structure that I have in Firebase. So, I created an App State Event (Data type: Event), and when the user clicks on the "Play" button, everything inside the Event in Firebase is copied to this app state.

However, within the Event there is a list of missions (document references), and when looking for something in Firebase to save in the App State, I cannot save the reference only, because the App State Events needs to receive all the content of the Mission documents, because it will work offline.

To initialize video playback on website or app, your backend has to generatean OTP+playbackInfo using the VdoCipher API. The regular OTP doesnot have permission to be persisted offline. To enable offline playback youwill need to send additional parameters while making the API call for the OTP.

You can specify the time period for which the offline download will beavailable for playback. The time period of validity is called therental duration. Beyond the rental duration the license will expire, and thedownloaded file will no longer play.

A video in your VdoCipher dashboard may be encoded in multiple bitrates (for adaptive streaming). Hence, there are some options regarding what exactly needs to be downloaded. As adaptive playback is not possible in offline mode, you must download exactly one video track and one audio track.

I figured I would take a minute to provide an update on this. I have been leveraging this plugin to rewrite our native iOS and Android fishing regulation apps in a single code base, with the same application logic (huge win!). Also, with Flutter, unlike some other cross-platform frameworks, I only have to write a single UI, and (optionally) tweak platform-specific widgets, thanks to this plugin. I would also note the developers are super responsive and quick to fix any bugs. This plugin meets 90+% of my app's needs at this point. I have bundled a replica.geodatabase file for offline data access. I am adding downloading and syncing (via ImportDelta) a delta.geodatabase file. It looks like the plugin already supports this. It also looks like it supports offline .tpk and .vtpk basemaps, currently. I will be adding a bundled .vtpk shortly. Just wanted to say thank you! This is the plugin ESRI should start supporting.


I have the exact same issue, just as @roual posted.

It would be nice to post a solution here as this is the landing page from Google search.

I could work offline but how can I get my Workspace content back?

The Postman app and site are both unusable for me, even after my IT dept provided me with a proxy. In the past I was able to use Postman in offline mode and sync my workspaces off corporate VPN, but Postman 8 is now unusable and I have to go back to latest release of Postman 7. Scratch Pad seems too limiting to be of any real use. I understand the thought that an API testing app should always be online, but there are scenarios where it makes sense (localhost testing).

Flutter RUM automatically tracks attributes such as user activity, views (using the DatadogNavigationObserver), errors, native crashes, and network requests (using the Datadog Tracking HTTP Client). See the RUM Data Collection documentation to learn about the RUM events and default attributes. You can further enrich user session information and gain finer control over the attributes collected by tracking custom events.

Nakama supports offline matchmaking by enabling developers to query specified indices in the storage engine using the same query syntax as the Matchmaker. This way it is possible to lookup matches based on any player criteria from the collections they elect to index, even when the players are not online.

RxDB follows the Offline First paradigm where an application must work as well offline as it does online. This is done by persisting data locally on the client side and replicating it in the background. RxDB can even be used solely on the client side, with no backend at all.

This page uses v9.7.0 of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android and v6.4.1 of the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS. A newer version of the SDK is available. Learn about the latest version in the Maps SDK offline documentation for Android and iOS.

With the Maps SDK for iOS v5.3.0 and higher and the Maps SDK for Android v8.3.0 and higher, there is no upper limit to the number of tiles your users can download. You may raise the default 6,000 offline tile limit to whatever value you want, and your offline tile usage will be billed as Vector Tiles API or Raster Tiles API requests. Resources downloaded for offline use are not included in monthly active user (MAU) billing. Since you are responsible for the cost of all the tiles your users download, you may want to set an appropriate offline tile limit. Visit the offline maps pricing documentation for iOS and Android for more information.

The Maps SDKs for iOS and Android also automatically cache tiles and other resources that are requested during normal use of the app. These resources are stored in the same database as offline resources, but unlike offline resources, they are limited to 50 MB of space. When this limit is reached, the least-recently used resources that aren't shared by an offline region will be evicted to make room for newer resources.

With the Maps SDKs for iOS and Android, you can create offline maps, access a list of offline maps stored on the device, and remove offline maps that are no longer needed. When managing your offline regions, remember: ff782bc1db

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