When recording the data, I originally gave my tubes long names. Then I exported my files and changed the fcs file names to numbers - 1 2 3 4 etc. Loaded them into flowjo and files were displayed at 1 2 3 4 because I ask to show a short file names in my workspace.

Sign into your FlowJo Portal account (cloud.flowjo.com). Click on your FlowJo Portal avatar on the upper right and choose Admin Tools from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the administrative tools where you can manage licenses and user access to the various FlowJo software products available from your FlowJo Portal suite. You can choose the product to manage by selecting on the appropriate tab at the top of the page.

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Individual Site License Access: You will be sent an email invitation that will include instructions on how to create a Portal account and join the Portal site license. Once this has been completed you will be able to sign in on up to four different devices with your Portal credentials (one at a time) and manage those devices yourself by signing in to cloud.flowjo.com and following these instructions.

A couple of days ago I turned to flowjo (really only a beginner) for some Cell cycle analysis because I wanted to try something new (and better) than an old version of ModFIT I was already using with my FACSCalibur. Flowjo gives me more free handling in determining Gaussian peaks of G1 and G2 than ModFIT which is great for some really distorted histograms that I get with some treatments of my cells, where ModFIT is usually inadequate (don't know if I used the proper word to describe it). But then I found myself with a problem, or should I say a challenge. With ModFIT I always get the Sum of G1, S, G2 phases as 100%, whether I have a lot or none G2 cells. In flowjo, if I have a histogram with a lot of dead cells (usually in my treated cells) the sum of the 3 phases is not a 100%, not even close, and thus the data analyzed this way isn't comparable to ModFIT's data, or any older data I have. The real question is what should I do now? Can a flowjo be modified so that sum would always be 100%? I cannot exclude dead cells because it is a very important part of my data, and I don't want to overlook a clear error done by ModFIT in a few bad histograms. 


logical: By default, if flowjo_to_gatingset finds multiple FCS files matching a sample by total event count as well as sampleID and/or keywords specified by additional.keys and additional.sampleID, it will return an error listing the duplicate files.If greedy_match is TRUE, the method will simply take the first file with either filename or $FIL keyword matching the sample name and having the correct number of events.

A flowjo_workspace is generated with a call to open_flowjo_xml(), passing the name of the xml workspace file. This returns a flowjo_workspace, which can be parsed using the flowjo_to_gatingset() method. The function can be called non-interactively by passing the index or name of the group of samples to be imported via flowjo_to_gatingset(obj,name=x), where x is either the numeric index, or the name. The subset argument allows one to select a set of files from the chosen sample group. The routine will take the intersection of the files in the sample group, the files specified in subset and the files available on disk, and import them.

FlowJo is a privately-owned life sciences software company in Ashland, Oregon. Based on technology developed at Stanford, the company was founded in 1997 and provides the leading platform for single cell flow and mass cytometry analysis. Their software innovations enable collaboration, discovery, high-throughput analysis, and data leadership in flow and mass cytometry. For more information, see www.flowjo.com. e24fc04721

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