This is intended to be the definitive easter egg album compilation. It contains every easter egg song used in Treyarch Zombies (and a few that aren't technically easter egg songs, but still felt that they deserved a spot in this album), including every instrumental released both in game and after the "Insanity Mode" Easter Egg, which were released on Kevin Sherwood's Keybase (Which I actually personally asked for, since I guessed that the lossless tracks wouldn't make it into the game files).

Is there an official way to submit a bug report? Or do we just have to hope someone from WDC reads this and takes note? It seems like a lexical sort bug was introduced with 2.06 and not just with .flac albums (read my first post carefully).

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Same here. using a OnePlus 7 pro. I can play mp3 files fine but when selecting flac files on my network storage they are just ignored by the Sonos S2 app. tried different bitrate all below 1536kbps, 16bit and 24bit depths with 44.1 and 48hz sample rates.

So I'm on the latest build , latest android , s22 ultra. On my note 20 ultra it read pretty much all my flac files correctly. Since I transferred everything over to my see ultra it has placed 75 albums in the unknown artist category. All of them are flac files that were properly placed on my old phone. Is there a fix for this?

Do the problem songs show with any other tag data (title, album etc) or just as something like "filename.flac"? If just the filename, try doing a FULL Rescan in Settings > Library, or even remove the chosen folders from Settings > Library > Music Folders and re-assign them and grant permissions again. Avoid using root-level folders on your SD Card. If you copied your settings over, make sure Settings > Misc > File Access Legacy Mode has not copied over too.

So here's a pic of how it's reading them. No data what so ever, legacy mode is disabled. Nothing I'm doing seems to fix the problem. I don't understand why it's not reading them with all the correct data. Some other flac files are properly listed and divided into individual tracks. It's just one long file

If you do have 'Parse Cue Files' enabled, you will instead see a pseudo-folder containing all of the tracks from the CD, which are created based on the information in the CUE sheet. These individual songs will also appear in the Albums, Artists, etc categories.

'Show CUE Disc Image Files' simply means that in addition to seeing all of the individual songs (created from the CUE info) you'd also like to see that big 45-minute master FLAC file in your folders list too. In your case, the Planisphaerium.flac file has no tag data though, so it can only be shown in the Unknown Artist / Unknown Album areas in lists. Most people don't want this so by default the feature is turned off.

If your music files have already been saved as individual songs, each containing their own title/etc info, CUE files are not necessary. That is the most commonly used system for ripped or downloaded music, so rather than one big file with a separate CUE index, you'd have "Tunnel of Ions.flac", "Geodesic Dome.flac", and so on.

Given the somewhat abstract nature of the file/folder structure, I was more thinking that perhaps there is an issue with the folders that have been given permission for Poweramp to have access. This folder structure doesn't really follow the norm, so my concern was more in that regard. If Poweramp can see all files and they are correctly found, that may not be the case here. But at the same time, perhaps the cue files are using a specific path for the flac files that has changed with this move, that Poweramp cannot restore.

However as @MotleyG has pointed out, the actual music file on your phone is in FLAC format, not WAVE. So the CUE file is referring to a file named "Wormed - Planisphaerium.wav", but that file isn't present on your device as it has been converted to "Wormed - Planisphaerium.flac", so it will fail at that point. If you edit the CUE file in your text editor to point to the correct filename, it should work.

So I got a 16 gb card for my 8 gb fuse yesterday. its a Sandisk class 2. I put everything from my old 8 gb card on there and added some new songs as well, now most of the flac songs (even ones that were on there before the new card) play very slow and distorted. I used windows media player to sync these files over. While im here, let me also ask what the most approved method of getting files onto the player are. wmp in mtp mode or just dropping them onto the device in msc mode. Abd how does the hierarchy work for album >artist > song? Thanks a bunch!

It sounds like there is something wrong with your card. You can use H2testw to check your card for defects and bad sectors. Or it could be that when the songs were placed on the card, the files somehow got corrupted. You could also try formatting the card and just drag-and-drop a few FLACs onto the card and see if it still plays slow and distorted.

I seem to be having the same problem. Sansa fuze 4 gb I downloaded an update for it when I got it a few weeks ago refurbished. 8 gb sandisk micro sd (forgot what class) with two flac albums for testing ran without problems. 32 gb micro sd card class 4 sandisk with my thousands of mp3 and flac and some other file types such as txt and jpg ran slowly when opening music list. Music playback ran slowly and laggy on either file type.

I don't like having too much music on my iPhone, - (I have about 224 songs). I do not notice any difference between FLAC and AIFF on my iphone, - or on my bedroom system, - which has a primary IF of squeezebox touch with a LPS.

There are no Muse flacs for sale. I would email their management from the contacts on the main site requesting it, and would encourage others to do so too. If the demand is there they might considering it.

I would like to know if it is possible to filter albums with conditions in foobar2000. Here's an example. For this artist I have an album twice, one is in flac and the other one is in mp3, I like to have mp3 as they take less space when on the go on my phone and with my mediocre headphones. But at home I prefer listening to flac. What I would like to achieve is tell foobar to only show the flac/wav(lossless) version of this album if it is available, otherwise show the other version (any format). Is such a thing possible in foobar2000?

I have a new installation of 12.04 and I just copied over all my music to the ~/Music folder. Rhythmbox found all the mp3 and ogg files, but it refuses to import flac files. They simply do not appear in my music library.

I have all the dependencies for Rhythmbox installed, along with all the suggested and recommended packages. I can play a flac file with gst-launch-0.10 and gst-typefind-0.10 correctly identifies flac files as audo/x-flac.

Suppose I have a compressed version of a song in .flac format that I want to listen to using a music player. Since flac is a lossless audio format, I know that the original (uncompressed) song can be reconstructed from it.

Yes. Without decompression a flac file contains just pseudo-random data. A media player requires an ordered stream of PCM stereo audio samples in order for them to be converted to analogue audio via a DAC chip. Therefore, we implement 'codecs' (Code-Decode) to handle the decoding of the flac data to the ordered stream of PCM samples we require to be fed to the DAC.

Save your personal music collection to your YouTube Music library by uploading your songs and albums. Once your music is uploaded, you can use YouTube Music to play your uploaded music as part of your listening experience. 17dc91bb1f

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