Thank you for posting this, I watched the movie shortly after I had heard about it (on 19kids and counting). Although the acting lacked, and there was more religion in it then was my taste, I liked the film understanding it was a movie that I had expected to be religious even though I am not.

Hello my name is Angela Cowan and my husband and I Have been struggling a lot. Whenever i saw the movie firer proof i really enjoyed it so very much. I liked the 40 day challeng that was in the movie. I am going to start the 40 day challenge with my husband and i and see if it will help us in our relationship.

Download Fireproof My Marriage Full Movie


Wow. This is amazing! This is the type of love that you do not see in the world today. I am very happy that your blog is promoting a deeper love, the love of God. There is no greater love. I am excited to have found this blog and I look forward to reading it and applying it to my daily life.


We are praying, and we will continue to pray for God to work miracles in your life personally and in your marriage. What seems impossible now is not for God.

Take care,

Tom and Debi

i loved the movie from the first time i watched it. even though i am not married yet, it helps me to realise that marriage takes more of the grace of God that just romantic feelings when it begins. i loved the fact that you included the part about Caleb not being able to love his wife from his heart till he gave his life to Christ. that is so true. only God can keep us loving people even when we dont feel like it. keep up with the good work. marriage was God s idea and there is no better way to talk about it than from His perspective. God bless you!

I had seen this movie last year, and loved everything about it. Over the weekend while out of town on a three day trip, my wife admitted to me she had had an affair a few months back. She broke down to me crying, stating it was the biggest mistake that she had ever committed. At this time, I have all these feelings inside of me from anger, hate, revenge, sadness, and guilt. I have extreme anger toward the individual who she was with. I have told her that I forgive her, but I am having a hard time accepting this news. I am also having feelings of guilt, as I too am a first responder, that works multiple jobs, with different shifts, that keeps me more out on the front lines, than more so being a supporting husband for my wife. I let my guard down, believing that bringing home the bacon to keep us financially stable was being a good husband. Instead, she has been alone and continued distant, which I never even realized until it was too late. The verbal arguments have been numerous, so much, that we have both threatened to seperate to initiate cool down periods. Today, it came to a head to where I went out on a drive and cried out to God asking for his forgiveness and guidance in this situation. We are scheduled to start marriage counseling this week. I have printed off the list and will start initiaiting it immediately into our daily lives. I ask for continued prayer where both my wife and I can find peace during this difficult time, and that I am able to remove my hatred and forgive my wife and the other party involved.

I am trying hard Debbie I am. Im trying not to give up I know what the dare is more for. You change your way and life and it inspires the other to trust and believe. This morning she let me do something nice for her I didnt ask I just did cause I know the area has been hurting her so I massaged it for her. She stayed like that for half and hour or so and let me. She knows I am also doing this program and trying my hardest to stick to it and mocks me for it.I keep praying for the strength to overcome this but I am ready to give in and just say forget it cause it hurts to much her doing this.

Thank you for your prayers!God will get the glory!Im on day 9 and this love dare is already working. My husband said last night for the last week ive been the woman he fell in love with.God works miracles!i will forever be changed!thank you in advance for continued prayers!


Our encouragement to you is to pray for God to help you be creative with the love date challenges. It might be that you can do some of them from a distance if you give it a little thought. If not, then start when you are able. The most important thing is that you both go for counseling to get your marriage back where it needs to be. We pray God leads you every step of the way.


Tom and Debi

Dear Lord,

Please BLESS my marriage. We need to spend time alone with kids, family or friends. We have been through alot over the 20 years of marriage even a divorce. I want to get re-married he does not yet we both live together. Help him clear his eyes from evil, temptation, women, co-workers, negativity, etc. make him see that I am the only women for him. He loves me but doesnt say it frequently. Lead him into my arms I am waiting patiencly. Bring our heart together as one. AMEN

Hi i just watch the movie and it really touched me cuz i am in the same situation where my wife is asking for divorce cuz of my outside behavior. you may guess yes i am desperate but i know its gonna take time and i really want to try to make this work even thou i have a weakness. any suggesstion

What a beautiful inspiring movie, we will be married ? 31 years this year God willing and so blessed, praying ? for our three beautiful daughters that they too will have marriages like ours built upon the Rock our Lord Jesus Godbless

Wilfred and Penny Williams SA

Debi thank you so much, my husband and I were bestfriends,and loved everything about each other but some how at some point in the year and a half we have been married we have completely fallen apart its like we do not know each other anymore .im planning of started the 40 day challenge tommorow. Ive read many of the stories on here and have done nothing but cry and cry and hope all these storys had a happy ending and that God blessed them with there relationship and that he will hopefully bless me too thank you so much.

Please continue to pray for me and my wife. I am still praying and Believing God will touch we Heart. I love this woman with y whole Heart, she is truly the whole package. I ask that when you pray Believe with me that the Holy Spirit will move on her and she will come back to The Lord. A lot of this was my fault I acted like a child and Annoyed my wife to the arms of another Man.. Please please pray for our marriage, and that he will fall in Love with me in a whole new way in Christ.

I am Believing for complete restoration in the name of Jesus..


We do pray that God will bring about complete restoration to your marriage. The best you can do as you wait is to seek The Lord as to what areas in your life need the most attention, and to cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. He is faithful and will fill your lonely days with peace and even joy. He loves to comfort the broken hearted.


Tom and Debi

I am so thankful for the response. My wife is Mad at God. I am currently on day 11 of the love Dare. It has allowed me to view my wife in a more Clear way.

She always lived for The Lord, she just needs the great Shepard, I am kinda gla all this has happen I have become Humble and on Fire for God.. Although I have lost 44 pounds in 2 months.

Thankfully she wants to work it out, he says she loves me, just not in Love with me.. I am praying The Lord will touch her life , Love is a choice..

I watched the movie again and now that I am having problems in my marriage I will follow it to help my marriage be strong again. My wife has become bored in our marriage and is on the internet talking to strange men and I do not know what I can do to stop her aside from divorcing her. I do not want a divorce as I still love my wife but what else can I do?

I will do the 40 days and if it does not work then after the 1st of the year I am going to tell her if the electronics do not go and if she truly is not in love with me { I figure if she really loves me she will get rid of them} then I will tell her I am moving on. I would appreciate any responses Thank you

Hi Debi walter I am gonna start the 40 day love dare challenge starting DEC 02 2014 hope for the best n would love to chat with u plis when u can by email I left it there I need help I want to save my marriage thanks a lot for this amazing site and movie ? !!!

I am on day 9 and it feels like my marriage has been completely rejuvenated. I can proudly say that my whole marriage has completely turned around. My wife has found new love in me and divorce is off the table. I will continue with my challenge and create a new love between us. Thank you for your prayers. ?

To whom this may concern

I am starting this challenge on Monday

In hopes that my marriage get stronger and better.

My husband had been very rude and listens frequent to what I have to say.

I feel as if whenever I talk with him, that my words goes in one ear out the other one. I also feel that he has stepped out of our marriage and that he lies to me.

I hope and pray that I still have time to fix what I have done wrong. Please pray for us and our marriage. I am desperate to make amends. I am on day 3 and it feels like my marriage. My husband is adultery and I have been fighting ruthlessly over the past 10 years

Hi guys. I have been going through a difficult time in my marriage. My husband did not grow up in a loving family, and though he believes, he does not express his religion or christianity. I think its hard for him to even to give and accept love at times. He also suffers from depression which is well controlled, but once a year, around May (his brother passed away in May), he becomes very depressed and acts out in anger. It has reached a point where I cannot deal with this anymore. The way he treats me during such an episode is very hurtfull and discouraging. We have been married for almost 18 years. Today on my way to work, the only thing I could think of was the Fireproof movie. We watched it a few years ago, and I remember how touched he was after seeing it. I believe it was Gods way of speaking to me, and I had to search the internet for the love dare challenge. I am starting today, and ask that you please keep us in your prayers. I do believe God can do miracles 152ee80cbc

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