I will detail the steps when attempting to install Firefox. Screen prints attached.1. Go to the "New Firefox" webpage2. Run is not an option, so exe file is saved to "Downloads"3. FFox installer indicates "Now Installing"4. This process runs, and runs, and runs until the blue bownload arrow is clicked (top right hand corner)5. This closes the Now Installing Window and a box appears indicating "Completed". I presume the installer has fully downloaded... ?6. Clicking the exe file in downloads folder starts the installation process.7. After 2 or 3 minutes an installer message appears indicating "Hmm, for some reason we could not install Firefox". The suggestion is try again, which I have done 3 times with no success.

Then, I ran the Firefox Installer, newly downloaded, and when running it, it gives the same error, "The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."Selecting "Restore Defaults" has no effect either way.The installer then appears to complete in the background, and the Firefox directory is created, along with the executable.

Download Firefox Installer

Download File 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2y4Nsx 🔥

Trying to resolve this problem for a friend. She had the same problem of Firefox not loading any websites so I tried refreshing and then reinstalling Firefox v80. I got this same error during installation "firefox.exe - System Error The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."

A customer's PC had the same issue - unable to install Firefox, got "firefox.exe - System Error The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." I continued with the Firefox installation but was still unable to navigate to any websites. Also, 2 Firefox processes remains open and need to be manually closed via Task Manager. My post is here: -US/questions/1308396

actually it looks like there is some issue with the if statement in this script -Nation-Scripts/blob/master/FirefoxInstall.sh and the script actually runs on M1 system. But the problem is is that it installs firefox version 98.02 and not the current version as of 6/17/2022 (which is something like 101).

However, having downloaded the installer, when I try to run Firefox Setup.exe, after extraction, it asks me whether I want to run it as the current user or change users (the current user is an administrator) and whichever option I select, when I click Ok, the box disappears and nothing else happens.

I have tried downloading the installer again, but it's the same, and I have also tried installing an older version of Firefox but exactly the same thing happens... I really hope someone can help! Thanks.

The full installer provides a number of options that can be used either from the GUI or from the command line. The following command line options are accepted. The list is valid for Firefox 62 and later. Prior to Firefox 62, only /S and /INI are accepted, and /StartMenuShortcut is not available in INI files, only the plural /StartMenuShortcuts works (even though only one shortcut is created).

Extract the application files to the given directory and exit, without actually running the installer. No other options may be supplied along with ExtractDir, and ExtractDir is not available for use in .ini files.

The LibreOffice installer in Windows shows a popup saying that Firefox first has to be closed or else the PC needs to be restarted. This happens at LibreOffice 6.2 installation. But it has been there for many years.

The popup window is not only annoying and confusing, it also seems to be false. Because if I choose to not close Firefox the installer proceeds and then at the ends shows a new popup asking me to restart the PC. But if I decline that too then both LibreOffice and Firefox appears to work just fine, no PC restart needed.

LibreOffice installer for Windows is just a simple MSI (Windows Installer) database that tells system service which files and registry entries to put where. Windows Installer service (Windows component) takes this database, asks user which features to install, and creates resulting list of these files and registry settings. Then the service checks if the files are already present, what are their existing versions, and if they are in use by some process. This is just a magic performed internally by system service, not something LibreOffice does.

I test and use a lot of software in Windows, in many cases with shell extensions. My impression is that it is very unusual today for software installers to demand a reboot or closing other applications. That was much more usual 5-10 years ago. Seems to me like the LO installer is stuck in those bad old days while other software installers has progressed.

The more basic problem is that it is bad that the LO installer is designed in such a way that demands for closing browsers and/or rebooting happens at all. I hope LO in the future switches to an installer without those problems.

If I uninstall LibreOffice, reboot the PC multiple times, after that start the LibreOffice installer again and disable the Explorer component in the installer options then the popup about closing Firefox still appears. Are there some additional steps to do to avoid that popup?

If I uninstall LibreOffice, reboot the PC multiple times, after that start the LibreOffice installer again and disable the Explorer component in the installer options then the popup about closing Firefox still appears

I think the problem (a probably loop) can be in firefox kantu addons 5.2.3 because if I use firefox kantu addon 5.2.3 with old xmodules give me same bug, to not have bug i must use firefox Kantu addon 5.1.9 + xmodules v201905.

I've been using this for the last three monthly Firefox ESR updates. Firefox will update itself but I've seen issues where for whatever reason it doesn't fully update itself and gets stuck in a scenario where it keeps prompting the user to Restart Firefox to update, but when they restart it throws a UAC prompt. I think it's tied to users not fully signing out and leaving disconnected sessions on PCs with multiple users.

This package works great as a supplement to help resolve that issue, as well as guarantee all browsers are being updated even if users don't use that browser as their primary. 

Each month I download the new MSI installer, duplicate the Installer, and then update the version number and the Registry check value. 

No issues that I'm aware of so far. 

From what I've seen even if someone has Firefox open at the time I deploy this, it still updates Firefox on the PC, and whatever browser session they have open at the time stays active on the old version until it's closed, then it gives them the new version when they reopen. This also pushes the new Mozilla Maintenance Service if the PC is not already on the latest update.

Some antivirus software are detecting the installers as malware on VT, this is due to the files being created with Pyinstaller, which has had problems of being falsely detected for a while, and there is little that can be done to solve this.

Due to Apple's policies, the installer might get blocked by SIP (System Integrity Protection), and it will just tell you that it could not complete because it had insufficient privileges (even if running from root). The only way around this is to disable SIP temporally.

The installer lets you patch or unpatch Firefox and Firefox nightly to use external Javascript as well as to add multirow, tabs below, or focus tab on hover functions. Currently only Windows and Linux versions available.

29/08/2020 - v1.7.5-rev2 (Windows) -> I created the installer with a self-made bootloader, so that at least windows defender doesn't flag it anymore as malware.

23/08/2020 - v1.7.5 -> The installer shouldn't crash when not finding at least one profile folder now (for non standard installations or firefox portable versions).

02/08/2020 - v1.7.4 -> Better compatibility for different resolutions and different OS's for tabs-below.

29/07/2020 - v1.7.3 -> Compatibility fix for FF81.

03/07/2020 - v1.7.2 -> Fixed some issue with the new tab and the scrollbar getting glitched sometimes on multirow-tab scrollable scripts.

05/06/2020 - v1.7.1 -> Fixed some regressions when updating function files after running the patcher a second time in the same session.

03/06/2020 - v1.7.0 -> Added the megabar resize disabler function to the installer, since after FF77 the option in about:config was removed.

21/05/2020 - v1.6.1 -> Fixed an issue where the installer would force-quit when not finding any Firefox path. The profile select buttons should now open in the profiles path when available.

16/05/2020 - v1.6.0 -> Added command line support. Also added support for Firefox developer.

15/05/2020 - v1.5.6 -> Fixed wrong module call from v1.5.5.

15/05/2020 - v1.5.5 -> Fixed a problem on Linux where functions installed in a a profile shared by more than 1 user would not get read.

12/05/2020 - v1.5.4 -> Fixed an issue of the new tab disappearing when placing it in front of the tabs.

11/05/2020 - v1.5.3 -> Changed the misleading "autohide" label to "autohide scrollbars".

11/05/2020 - v1.5.2 -> Removed the need for the .bat file to fetch non-administrator username on Windows.

03/05/2020 - v1.5.1 -> Changed fixed paths to enviroment variables on Windows. e24fc04721

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