The Cave is a 2005 American action horror film, directed by Bruce Hunt and distributed by Screen Gems. It was written by Michael Steinberg and Tegan West. Its story follows a group of cave-divers and scientists who become trapped while exploring a cave system in Romania, and encounter a pack of deadly creatures. It stars Cole Hauser, Eddie Cibrian, Morris Chestnut, Marcel Iure, Lena Headey, Rick Ravanello, Piper Perabo and Daniel Dae Kim.

The film was produced by Lakeshore Entertainment and Cinerenta and was released on August 26, 2005. It grossed $6.1 million during its opening weekend and $33.3 million worldwide, against a budget of $30 million.[2] It received negative reviews and has a 12% approval rating based on 111 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.[3]

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During the Cold War, a group of Soviet and British plunderers begin to excavate an abandoned 13th-century abbey in the Carpathian Mountains. As they set up a dynamite charge, the floor splits beneath them and they fall through to the bottom of a vast cave system. They descend further into the cave in the hope of finding a way out, and hear strange rattling sounds in the darkness.

In the present, a team led by Dr. Nicolai, with his associate Dr. Kathryn Jennings and cameraman Alex Kim, are excavating the site of the former abbey. They discover mysterious mosaics and a river that stretches for miles inside the cave system. Local biologists believe the cave could contain an undiscovered ecosystem, so he hires a group of professional American divers led by brothers Jack and Tyler McAllister. The team includes rock-climbing professional Charlie, first scout Briggs, sonar expert Strode, and survival expert Top Buchanan.

After descending to the base of the cave, Briggs is chosen to scout ahead. While he contacts the team, he sees something in the distance and the video crashes. Thinking the problem is an equipment malfunction, the team continues on and eventually finds Briggs downriver. However, Strode is suddenly attacked and dragged away by a large creature. This causes his water scooter to speed off and crash into the cave wall causing a rock fall, leaving them forced to follow the river and search for a new way out.

With no way out and a rescue team not scheduled to retrieve them for 12 days, Jack and Top follow the river together along the line left by Strode. Jack is then seized and scratched by one of the creatures that attacked Strode, but is able to sever its claw. Kathryn studies its cells and notices a parasitic mutation, which Nicolai has discovered in all of the caves lifeforms. She explains that all known cave species originated above ground but have adapted over generations to life underground. Kathryn theorizes this new parasite originated in the cave environment and has never been exposed to the outside world.

The team eventually stumble across the equipment and remains of previous explorers, while continuing to descend through a series of rapids. Tyler sees Nicolai hanging on to the side of the cave, but he is sucked down into the current before he can help. As everyone starts to surface, they hear Nicolai screaming. Jack tries to save him, but he is dragged underwater. He swims deeper and watches the creature pulling Nicolai to his death, noticing tattooed letters on the creature's hands. As he regroups with the team, Jack's body begins changing as the scratches he received have infected him with the parasite. While climbing back up the cave wall to escape, Charlie is attacked and killed by a winged creature.

As Jack continues to mutate, Kathryn theorizes that the previous explorers and all the ecosystem's creatures mutated due to the parasite. Some of the survivors question Jack's judgement and the team splits up. Alex, Briggs and Kathryn go their own way, while Top and Tyler stay with Jack. Jack, Top and Tyler discover a cavern littered with human skeletons as well as a passageway out of the cave. As Tyler goes back to find the others, one of the creature kills Briggs. Tyler regroups with Kathryn and Alex as they all run to rejoin Jack and Top. However, the creatures have entered the cavern and stolen the rebreathers necessary to navigate the passage. Top, Kathryn, Tyler and Alex run into the river toward the passageway, but Alex is killed before he can get in the water, a creature grabbing him from above. Jack sacrifices himself by causing a cave-in, allowing the others to escape.

In the US, the film opened ranked #5 grossing $6,147,294 at 2,195 sites, averaging $2,800.[10] It went on to have a final US gross of $15,007,991.[2] In Australia, it opened at 89 sites, averaging A$3,204 grossing A$285,121.[11] It had a second-weekend decrease by 74%, and had a finishing gross of A$570,131.[12] Worldwide, the film has grossed $33,296,457.[2]

Two soundtrack CDs were released on August 26, 2005 by Lakeshore Records, one with the score by the film's composers Reinhold Heil and Johnny Klimek and the other one which features tracks by heavy metal bands including Atreyu, Lacuna Coil, Diecast, Burning Brides, Ill Nio, Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, It Dies Today, Trivium and more. Also, the single Nemo by Nightwish is featured during the end credits of the film.

Hello everyone. I would like to apologize for my English first of all. I'm from Turkey and I have been living in New York for 6 years now. I studied filmmaking at School of Visual Arts. I have this 5 minutes short film project which I have been meaning to shoot since I was in film school. This is a no dialog film opens with a caveman's attemp to create something in a cave. The film ends in present day New York. Basically the film tells what kind of understanding enabled us to get out of our caves and carried us to present day and what is imprisoning that understanding now. I really want to shoot this film but I don't know how i can get access to a real cave. I would love to shoot it in a real cave but probably I will need a permit to do that. I don't know how I can find a cave and get a permit for that cave. If I was in Turkey I could even demolish a cave and sadly nobody would say anything. Finding an actual cave and get a permit for that seems pretty hard to me. I am even thinking to create paper mache panels and paint it like a cave wall and put the panels together like a tent and use it as cave somewhere in the woods. That doesn't seem impossible to me. I even bought some wood glue, brush and created a 24 x 36 sheet looks like a rock panel. It takes just 5 minutes to make one before painting. It needs to be dried before you paint. I'm sure I can make 50-60 panels like that in a month by spending a few hours a week. Honestly I would like to shoot it in a real cave but if it is not possible I will make that cave and shoot this film. When I showed it to my professors they all said it was a high art and the only reason holding me shooting this is the cave problem. It sucks. I am even thinking to change the setting but cave was an important element for this film. The caveman's attemp to paint by using very unusual technique is the key here, and it goes well with the cave because of the cave paintings. Also getting out of our caves is the symbol for getting out of the dark ages. I would appreciate any suggestion. Again I apologize for my English. Thanks in advance.

I find that people's idea of a reasonable fee for a location can be very high, possibly because everyone assumes that all film productions are huge American feature films. Sometimes this is understandable. I once needed an industrial interior. An electrical generating station nearby was on the location lists. They wanted UK2000 a day. We couldn't afford it, but I didn't object. They're a generation station; film work is very much a secondary task and they have a very unique-looking location.

Other places, such as your cave, are more commonplace and have no real purpose, but the people and organisations which are in charge of them still tend to think they're worth thousands a day. By the time you've paid for the location, any required insurance, and things like transport, it can be worth paying for a set and a place to build it. After all, you can build sets in lots of places.

First off, the make-your-own-cave idea might not be so bad when you consider all the perks. If you were in a real cave, how would you light it? Where would you get electric from? If you could find a big room somewhere, or even a large self-storage locker, and build your cave set, you'd have the luxury of shooting when you want to for as long as you want to. Also, by building in panels, you could make some break-aways so you could put in light. Also, I picture the inside of a cave as pretty dark (maybe lit by fire?) so the darkness would help cover up any issues with your set. Also, if you find a real cave, you have to get your actor and crew out there and probably put them up. I think there are a lot of pluses to shooting this in a studio type thing.

If you still want a real cave, keep in mind, there are a lot of decent size caves on private property, especially around Kentucky. We stayed at a rental house once in Kentucky that had their own cave on their property. It wasn't huge, but might be usable depending on how you shoot it (also you might be able to use their electric.) There's also a great big cave in Pennsylvania called Laurel Caverns. They run it as a tourist wild cave business, so they would probably want some money, but maybe not much, it's a small operation. I remember them being kind of fast and loose with proper cave maintenance so they might let you shoot in there. You may want to try contacting your local spelunker society, maybe go to a meeting, and they may be able to help find you an accessible cave. Please keep in mind, that real caves (as opposed to tourist caves, or sets) can be quite treacherous to get around in, especially with equipment. If you go in by any more than a few feet they get dark really quick and very often have nothing even close to smooth surface to walk on. ff782bc1db

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