Moments later, the Indoraptor suddenly attacked and killed two of Mills' guards, much to the horror of Mills, Claire Dearing, Owen Grady, and Maisie Lockwood. As Owen leaves in one direction, Owen, Claire and Maisie escaped and tried to take refuge on the main floor of the Lockwood Manor and noticed a human corpse near the skeleton of a Ceratopsian dinosaur. Suddenly, the corpse was dragged away by a creature on the other side of the ceratopsian dinosaur's skeleton, leading them to realize that the Indoraptor was nearby. The Indoraptor climbed on top of the dinosaur skeleton's skull and didn't notice Owen, Claire, and Maisie hiding underneath him until a nearby walkie-talkie went off. He jumped off the fossilized skeleton and pursued the three humans, and tried to reach them up a spiraling staircase before the three escape into a power supply room, where Owen turned off the entire mansion's power supply. The Indoraptor pursued Maisie as she ran towards her bedroom. He then climbed into her room through the window and was about to snatch her from her bed when Owen shows up, armed with a gun he'd taken from a dead mercenary. He fired two rounds at the dinosaur but it doesn't do much, bar stunning him for a brief time. As he approached Owen, ready to attack, Blue arrived and assaulted him, keeping him occupied while Owen and Maisie escaped through the window.

The Indoraptor pushed Blue out the window, with the two being separated from their fight, before cornering Owen and Maisie on the roof. Claire arrived behind it and pointed the laser gun at Owen, prompting him to attack, in an attempt to get him to fall through weakened glass. He nearly fell through the glass roof, but managed to haul himself back up and recovered.

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Isfansyah had originally wanted to turn the book into a film, but then brought the idea of adapting the wide-ranging saga as a series to his wife Andini, the filmmakers explained at a premiere of the first two episodes in Busan in October.Advertisement

"The first thing I wanted to highlight is this character of a woman with a very rare talent," Andini said. "I didn't know that this profession existed. But in many industries there are talents, and to see a woman having these kinds of abilities, to be able to taste and to smell and [to be] so sensitive about it -- it's amazing and I wanted the audience to go into her world."

The series also offers a fascinating deep dive into a setting rarely seen on streaming services as Indonesia, the world's fourth-largest country, with a population of over 270 million, is starting to emerge as a filmmaking powerhouse.

This year's Busan International Film Festival held a special showcase of seven features and five short films from Indonesia, and Cigarette Girl was the only non-Korean language streaming series to compete in the fest's On Screen section.

"It's not just about romance -- there is also an industry conflict, there is a political situation, there is women's empowerment," Andini said. "We want the audience to really feel the emotions ... but when you see the whole series, to also reflect on the [range of] events that are happening."Advertisement

Information released online from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017.

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The industries of this economy are focused on creating innovative products and services in fields such as software, film or music. They make semiconductors and other high-technology products. Their raw materials are creativity, knowledge and information. And they are among the most powerful generators of economic growth and jobs today.

This country has one of the highest numbers of Facebook and Twitter users in the world. Internet penetration grew by 17 percent last year, according to one report. And there are now more cell phones than people in Indonesia.

President Jokowi established the Creative Economy Agency, which has identified the eradication of film and music piracy as a top goal. And he appointed Pak Triawan and his colleagues to find ways to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit in Indonesia.

The Office of Website Management, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department.External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.Note: documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to view, download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

"It is all not about what to give and what to take, it is about humanity. There shouldn't be any fights. There is equal love on both sides. Yeh siyasi khel hota hai jo sab nafratein paida karta hai. (It is the political game that gives birth to hatred), and you will see the same in this film as well.googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-8052921-2'); });

For the first time, violent protests that erupted last week spread to Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation. Outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, hundreds of people threw rocks and firebombs and battled with police in their fury over an anti-Islamic film made in the U.S.

To create the Indominus rex, the development team acquired the 3D model that was created for 2015's Jurassic World by Industrial Light & Magic, as well as audio files to make the most authentic representation of the hybrid.[4] To further differentiate it from other large carnivores, the development team gave Indominus rex the ability to kill large sauropods, as a reference to its film counterpart.

2022 was a banner year at the Indonesian box office. With the pandemic in the rear view mirror, movie-goers returned to theaters in a big way and pushed ticket sales of domestic films to an all-time high of 54 million.

KKN di Desa Penari benefited from unique circumstances. It was based on a viral Twitter tale that had been doing the rounds in Indonesia for a couple years, so there was already substantial pre-release marketing and word of mouth buzz. The easing of pandemic restrictions also released a lot of pent-up demand right as the film hit theaters.

One reason why the horror genre has such staying power in Indonesia is because it generally tells stories that local audiences are familiar with. Belief in the ethereal and the unseen runs high in Indonesia, and these horror films create experiences that are steeped in local mythology and lore not easily found outside the region. Movie-goers in Indonesia have likely embraced such films because they are tailored to local tastes and stories that people here grew up with.

Cost is also a factor. According to media reports, KKN di Desa Penari cost half as much to make as Gundala, but sold five times as many tickets. If producers know they can turn out low-budget horror films and audiences will show up, they have less incentive to experiment with bolder and more innovative styles and genres.

When people go to the movies in Indonesia, they typically have a choice between local productions or foreign imports, like action blockbusters or superhero films. Cinema is an increasingly big business in Indonesia, and for now horror stories featuring kuntilanak, pocong, tuyul, wewe gombel and all manner of local ghouls, ghosts and monsters have a real chance of out-performing foreign blockbusters in any given week.

While deadly tsunamis had happened in the Indian Ocean region (5% of the tsunamis between 1900 and 2017 occurred in the Indian Ocean), the last major tsunami was in 1883. So at the time of the event, there was little public awareness about tsunamis, and there was no official tsunami warning system.

In 2004, if there had been a tsunami warning system for the Indian Ocean, better communications networks, and greater public understanding of tsunamis and how to appropriately respond to them, many tens of thousands of lives likely would have been saved.

Flores is one of many Wallacean islands, which lie east of Wallace's Line and west of Lydekker's Line. Wallacean islands are interesting because they have rarely, if ever, been connected via land bridges to either the Asian continent to the west or the Greater Australian continent to the east. This longstanding separation from the surrounding continents has severely limited the ability of animal species to disperse either into or away from the Wallacean islands. Thus, on Flores there were only a small number of mammal and reptile species during the entire Pleistocene. These included komodo dragons and other smaller monitor lizards, crocodiles, several species of Stegodon, (an extinct close relative of modern elephants), giant tortoise, and several kinds of small, medium, and large-bodied rats.

In 2001, an Indonesian-Australian research team began excavations at a large limestone cave located in west central Flores. This cave, known as Liang Bua (which means "cool cave"), was first excavated by Father Verhoeven in 1965. Professor Raden Soejono, the leading archeologist in Indonesia, heard about Liang Bua from Verhoeven and conducted six different excavations there from the late 1970s until 1989. All of this early work at Liang Bua only explored deposits that occurred within the first three meters of the cave floor. These deposits are dated to within the last 10,000 years and contain considerable archeological and faunal evidence of modern human use of the cave, as well as skeletal remains of modern humans. However, in 2001 the new goals were to excavate deeper into the cave's stratigraphy to explore if modern or pre-modern humans were using Liang Bua prior to 10,000 years ago. In September of 2003, they got their answer.

At the time of the discovery, the Liang Bua Research Team included specialists in archeology, geochronology, and faunal identification, but there was no physical anthropologist. Dr. Mike Morwood, the co-leader of the project, invited his colleague at the University of New England in Australia, Dr. Peter Brown, to lead the description and analysis of the skeletal remains. Dr. Brown is an expert on cranial, mandibular, and dental anatomy of early and modern humans and he agreed to apply his expertise to the study of the new bones from Liang Bua. This important scientific work resulted in the first descriptions of these skeletal remains in the journal Nature on October 28, 2004. This work also gave the scientific name, Homo floresiensis, to the hominin species that is represented by the skeletal material from the Late Pleistocene sediments at Liang Bua. ff782bc1db

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