High speed is getting pretty trendy these days. A lot of people are thinking, "Let's make a cool music video with a Phantom. What would look cool at 1000fps?" rather than, "we've got this concept and vision for a really cool music video and we need a tool to make it happen. oh, phantom looks like a good option." For the record, 1000fps plays back really freaking slow. I gaffed a music video where in pre-pro everyone was talking 1000fps and when it came down to it on set we never went above 400fps and still ended up shooting literally hours of footage for a 4-minute video. Make sure the shoot really requires 1000fps before you choose your lights if you are on a budget.

That being said, to get back on topic, I wouldn't mess around with the dinos either. Big single-lamp units will be the sure and consistent bet. Supposedly 2k and larger are flicker-safe for 60hz (never used 2k myself but can confirm 5k+), but I do wonder whether 50hz would require going a little bigger (maybe only 5k and up?) Regardless, if you do indeed go for the full 1000fps you're probably not going to use anything smaller than 10k.

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Now, no guarantees, but - I've shot with Wendy lights at 1000fps and not had any flicker. They've got even smaller globes (think it's 650W). What's good about it is that it's instantly viewable on the playback, but still, please do tests if you can.

SUKABUMIUPDATE.com - Libur lebaran 2023, ditemani oleh sajian film-film dalam negeri yang cukup menarik salah satunya Sewu Dino. Masih diadaptasi dari Thread Twitter Simple Man, film Sewu Dino digadang-gadang akan sukses seperti film KKN di Desa Penari.

Bagi kamu yang sudah membaca threadnya mungkin pasti akan menemukan kekurangan di beberapa bagian filmnya. Versi threadnya lebih lengkap dan detail dibanding film Sewu Dino yang diangkat ke layar lebar.

Dibanding KKN di Desa Penari, film Sewu Dino memiliki cerita horor sederhana namun langsung kepada inti ceritanya. Oleh karenanya, penonton yang belum membaca threadnya pun akan langsung paham dengan alur ceritanya.

When I was very young I loved all things big and noisy. Trucks, elephants, and (of course) dinosaurs were my favorite things. Once I discovered dinosaurs my fondness for trucks faded, but I still loved dinosaur-machine hybrids like the "Dinobots" on the Transformers television show.

After the success of the 2007 live-action Transformers film, I was hoping that the Dinobots would appear in the sequel, and early rumors suggested this was being planned. In February last year, however, director Michael Bay confirmed that the Dinobots would not appear in the second film. There simply did not seem to be a good way of explaining why these alien robots would choose to transform into dinosaurs given the story he wanted to tell. I guess the appearance of dinosaurs in a movie about warring robots from outer space that transformed into cars and airplanes just seemed a little too weird...

Whether the Dinobots Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Snarl, and Swoop will ever appear on screen will likely depend on the success of the second Transformers movie, but never fear, dino fans. It has just been announced that the film studio Dreamworks has acquired the rights to the book Dinotrux about a prehistoric world ruled by dinosaur/truck hybirds. The book is not due to hit the shelves until this summer so it is not clear what the film adaptation would be about, but one way or another, robotic dinosaurs may soon be coming to a theater near you.

Sri is tasked to do a cleansing ritual for Dela Atmojo, an unconscious girl who is suffering from 1000 days-hex. The terror begins when her friend neglects to finish the ritual. Failing until the 1000th day will result in their demise.

In the midst of economic difficulties, Sri (Mikha Tambayong) is accepted to work for the Atmojo family for a high fee, because she is unique: she was born on Friday Kliwon. Together with Erna (Givina Lukita Dewi) and Dini (Agla Artalidia), they are taken to a hidden hut in the middle of the forest. In the hut, Sri, Erna and Dini are tasked with washing Dela Atmojo (Gisellma Firmansyah), the granddaughter of Karsa Atmojo (Karina Suwandi), who is unconscious because of Sewu Dino's (A Thousand Days) witchcraft curse. They cannot run from the hut because they are bound by a mystical agreement with Karsa Atmojo, and they must complete the ritual until the 1000th day. If they break it, death awaits them.

On the first day of it released Sewu Dino has gained 187,000 moviegoers, it is one of biggest opening day for local film.[9] As of April 25, the film surpassed one milion tickets sales, making it one the fastest local film to reach one million admissions.[10] And it surpassed 3 million viewers on two weeks.[11]

Dino Dana The Movie finds 10-year-old Dana, who sees dinosaurs in the real world, completing an experiment that asks where all the kid dinosaurs are. To find the answer, Dana, her older sister Saara, and their new neighbors Mateo and Jadiel go on a dinosaur journey bigger than anything Dana has ever faced before.

Jadiel is an incredibly no-nonsense 10-year-old, a dinosaur lover who prefers facts and figures to maybes and possibilities. When he meets Dana, he learns he can be swayed by the power of imagination too. Jadiel and his newly-blended family have just moved into the apartment above Dana and Jadiel is not super excited about it, or sharing a room with his new 8-year-old stepbrother, Mateo. Jadiel's not the kind of kid who likes change - new neighbourhood, new stepbrother and new ability to see dinosaurs. Thanks to Dana and her Dino Field Guide, Jadiel starts to see that dinosaurs aren't just in the past and when a T-Rex dino-naps Mateo, Jadiel realizes that he does love his stepbrother and just needed a little push to get there.

Mateo is all nonsense. He is an 8-year-old who loves life, laughing and his new older stepbrother Jadiel. In fact, that's why Mateo started to like dinosaurs. Jadiel is the one who introduced him to the prehistoric world, but after Dana's magical Dino Field Guide unlocks Mateo's ability to see dinosaurs, and her magical transforming Dino Backpack makes those dinosaurs think he's a baby T-Rex, he really does learn to love dinos. When Mateo is dino-napped by a mama T-Rex who thinks that he's her baby, it kicks off a dinosaur adventure that has Mateo chased by a Spinosaurus, dropped into a dino nest with actual baby T-Rexes and puked on by their mom. It's an adventure most kids would dream of, but in the end, all Mateo really wants is for Jadiel to love him back.

Steiger and Plummer often narrate sections in voice-over, presenting thoughts of Napoleon and Wellington.[8] The film takes a largely neutral stance and portrays many individual leaders and soldiers on each side, rather than simply focusing on Wellington and Napoleon. It creates a generally accurate chronology of the events of the battle, the extreme heroism on each side, and the tragic loss of life suffered by all the armies which took part.

The film is most famous for its lavish battle scenes,[9] shot on-location in Uzhhorod, Ukraine.[10] The impact of the 15,000 authentically dressed extras, recreating the battle sections with true numbers and without special effects, is unsurpassed, and remains the highest number of costumed extras in any film.[11] Despite mixed critical reviews, it won several awards, including BAFTAs for Best Costume Design and Best Art Direction, and the 1971 David di Donatello for Best Film. 006ab0faaa

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