We do not transmit or record the curl commands you enter or what they're converted to. This is a static website (hosted on GitHub Pages) and the conversion happens entirely in your browser using JavaScript.

curl is an immensely popular and widely (one can't stress widely enough) used tool for doing anything that is remotely related to HTTP (and other network protocols). You can use it for a variety of use cases:

Download File With Curl Python

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Being an open-source project, it has a very active community with lots of contributors who make sure it is secure and up-to-date. All of this made curl a ubiquitous tool, which you can find anywhere from small shell scripts, to large enterprise applications, to IoT devices, and even in cars.

Originally published in 1996, coinciding with the advent of the first mainstream version of HTTP, it has become since then the defacto standard for handling HTTP requests in shell scripts and many programming languages alike. curl comes in the form of a command line application, as well as the C library libcurl, for which countless of bindings exist in different languages, among them Python.

While the native library will be in most cases the best option, there still can be reasons why one may want to use the command line application instead. For example, your code could run in an environment where you cannot control, or install, third party dependencies or you may want to send just a quick and simple HTTP request without the usual boilerplate code of initialising objects and calling a plethora of methods.

At ScrapingBee, we really embrace the low and no-code approach and want to offer the easiest path for your scraping projects. To support you in this endeavour, we have our own, custom converter tool to turn a curl command into working Python code with a few clicks.

If we now run the script, Python should send the same request as curl did earlier and save the response in the - aptly named - variable response. With our additional two lines, we parse the response as JSON (-> response.json()) and access .data.companyName from our JSON object.

In these cases, you can simply call the curl binary as if you were directly on the shell and pass all required and desired parameters. The following example sends a basic GET request to example.com, pipes the standard output stream (where curl returns the content) back to Python, and accesses the output using the stdout member of the process object we received from the run command. As curl will print status information to the standard error stream, we configured that with DEVNULL to be suppressed.

Pretty straightforward and works with all command line parameters the curl binary accepts, but it may become a bit fiddly if your request is more complex or involves uploads. For these cases, it is best to switch to something more native to Python - welcome PycURL!

As mentioned in the introduction, curl provides its feature set also in the form of a C library, for which varieties of native bindings exist across the different language platforms. For Python, that would be PycURL.

In this JSON document, the headers object contains all the request headers we sent with our request (notice the default user agent, as we didn't send any this time), whereas the form object contains the POST data we sent with our request (remember post_data).

Next, we'd like to check out how we can handle user authentication and cookies with PycURL. As we really love Hacker News at ScrapingBee, we often use it as example for such tasks and this time shouldn't be any different, as it is once again a perfect occasion.

The example above is actually quite similar to what we learned in our earlier POST demo. We set our POST data (this time our logon credentials), we allocate a buffer, we initialise a PycURL object, and we send off the request with perform(). However, you may have already spotted the one big difference - the cookie jar ?.

While most HTTP libraries provide direct access to HTTP headers and cookies, curl (and by extension PycURL) follows a rather Unixoid approach and uses files. Here, we used the pycurl.COOKIEJAR option to pass the path to a text file where curl will store the cookies it received with the request. This means, once our request completed we have a new file hn_cookies.txt in the local directory which contains our user session information. We can use this very same file for all our subsequent (and to be authenticated) requests, by simply passing the (read-only counterpart) pycurl.COOKIEFILE option to our PycURL object.

With this line, we'll use the file where we stored our session cookie in the previous step and and send that information along with any following, new requests. By doing so, these requests will be authenticated with our original user session and we can perform all the possible actions in this context.

One important part of HTTP are request redirects. This is, when the web server tells us to find a certain resource at a new location. Such redirects are indicated with a 300 response code and can be found in the HTTP status line.

The crucial line in question here is curl.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True). This option tells curl to handle redirects automatically and fetch their content transparently, without us having to check and issue sub-requests. If we run the example, curl will first send a request to httpbin.org, receive the redirect, and send a second HTTP request to example.com. There, we get a response with a 200 code and the HTML document, which curl will eventually return to us.

While there will be use cases where you specifically want to handle a redirect yourself, in most cases you should enable pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION and save yourself the trouble of re-implementing that logic.

Here, we pass the CSS selector span.titleline > a to the select() function and receive in return a list of all matching DOM elements. The selector essentially tells Beautiful Soup to search for tags which are immediate children of a tag with the HTML class titleline. If you like to learn more about the intrinsics of CSS selectors, check out our article Using CSS Selectors for Web Scraping.

Both ScrapingBee request builders, the HTML API Request Builder and the Google API Request Builder, support - among popular language libraries - also curl template strings and you can assemble the perfect curl command with just a few clicks from the UI.

We hope we did not promise too much in the introduction and managed to successfully show the versatility of curl, be that as command line tool or as library for Python or many other languages. One can really call curl the Swiss Army knife of HTTP.

So if you love curl, but still don't want to have to bother with rotating proxies or making sure all the site's necessary JavaScript code is executed, take a look at how ScrapingBee and its vast support for scraping screenshots, JavaScript, and REST APIs can help you with your latest web-scraping project. As mentioned earlier, every new account comes with the first 1,000 requests for free.

I had this exact question because I had to do something to retrieve content, but all I had available was an old version of Python with inadequate SSL support. If you're on an older MacBook, you know what I'm talking about. In any case, curl runs fine from a shell (I suspect it has modern SSL support linked in) so sometimes you want to do this without using requests or urllib.request.

For the last few months, I've been spending a lot of time building things with the Contentful GraphQL API. I had dabbled with it before, but having GraphQL become part of our free tier motivated me to create some cool new projects.

Before we can get started, we need a query and an API endpoint to hit. Getting both of those items via Contentful is a breeze. For the API endpoint, we can use Contentful's API Base URL , taken from the GraphQL docs. To find a query we can use GraphiQL, an in-browser GraphQL IDE. Open up {SPACE_ID}/explore?access_token={accessToken}, replacing the spaceID and accessToken with your own.

Similarly to the Python instructions, we'll be making use of an HTTP library for JavaScript. Since the JavaScript version of requests is no longer supported, we'll take advantage of got. In a new directory, run npm install got. Create a new request.js file with the following code.

Making HTTP requests with Ruby is something that we can do without installing libraries. Everything we'll use in the following example is already built into Ruby. Create a new requests.rb file with the following code.

Hopefully these examples can inspire you to dive deeper into this new way of querying data. If you're interested in learning more, check out our GraphQL course. In it, Stefan from our DevRel team will walk you through how to get started with GraphQL, React and Contentful covering GraphQL tooling, fragments, directives, variables, query complexity costs (and much more).

Python with cURL can be used to perform a variety of tasks such as sending HTTP requests, handling HTTP headers, and web scraping. The PyCURL library allows you to utilize cURL from within your Python applications.

We also plunged into the depths of web scraping, a potent technique for extracting data from websites. Armed with Python, cURL, and BeautifulSoup, we discovered how simple and flexible it can be to scrape and parse web content, dealing with everything from basic pages to complex websites fraught with redirects, cookies, and custom headers.

Gabriel is the owner and founder of IOFLOOD.com, an unmanaged dedicated server hosting company operating since 2010.Gabriel loves all things servers, bandwidth, and computer programming and enjoys sharing his experience on these topics with readers of the IOFLOOD blog.

A curl is a request tool that is used to create network requests so that it allows it to transfer the data across the network, which is done using the command line. In this article, we are going to discussing curl in Python. In python, a curl is a tool for transferring data requests to and from a server using PycURL. This tool is used for testing REST APIs, downloading files, etc. this PycURL is an interface to the libcURL library in Python, and hence the PycURL is capable of inheriting all the capabilities of libcURL. e24fc04721

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