Hot on the heels of last week's release, version 2.12.0 of the developer tools for the next-generation Slack platform is here! We've updated the slack app list command to display Enterprise grants for multiple workspaces, and fixed a few bugs behind the scenes. Check out the changelog for more details.

If you see or experience any violation of those standards, or feel unsafe or upset, please contact us by sending an email to All communications will be treated confidentially but incidents may be shared with the Julia Stewards (who will treat all information confidentially as well).

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In general, any feedback or feature request is best delivered to Slack themselves via email to People can describe their feedback at length and can attach anything that they think will be useful for our engineers. Sending a Tweet to @SlackHQ is also great for short form requests.

A good way to introduce slack into planning is to use it to cope with the inherent uncertainty of planning. A team that averages 20 stories per iteration won't complete exactly that number every iteration. Instead we'll see a range: say from 15 to 22. In this situation the team can plan at their lowest consistent number (15) and treat the additional time as slack.

People often fear that slack will lead to idleness, but there are many productive ways to use that slack time. The most obvious is to tackle additional stories as an uncommitted bonus. This doesn't affect the predictability of the lower commitment rate, but gets more done on an as-possible basis.

But doing more stories is often not the most productive thing to do. Most teams are slowed by factors in their working environment. There may be inefficiencies in the build process, cruft in the code base, or unfamiliarity with productivity tools (most people have all sorts of undiscovered gems in their IDEs). Spending the slack time on these can make a big difference by increasing productivity in future interactions. Indeed the most common productivity problem teams face is due to a congested schedule that allows these impediments to fester.

Slack improves a team's ability to respond to urgent requests. Often teams need to collaborate, such as extending an API for another team's feature. Without slack, such work needs to be scheduled into the plan, increasing delay, and the cycle time of other teams. Small tasks can be handled in slack, done quickly with little ceremony. Remember that high utilization increases latency.

While I've described slack here in terms of Timeboxed Iterations it is also important to Continuous Flow. The smell here is if a continuous flow team is always busy - that indicates not enough slack, which will make them slower to respond to requests and unable to look after their working environment.

While slack is both important and often undervalued, it's a seasoning not the main dish. A schedule that's all slack gives up visibility and longer-term planning. But to run without it is like skimping on your oil changes.

Anyone with an email address can become a full member of the ASF Slack workspace. Use that email address and the link above to log in to You can then browse for the open channels you want to join.

So, as the title says; is there a workflow logic or any property that allows me to send a slack notification whenever a Note inside a Deal is created or updated? And, if possible, for Slack to ping the corresponding users within a channel. If not,the Note creation is more than enough. Thanks!

Slackness refers to vulgarity in West Indian culture, behavior and music. It also refers to a subgenre of dancehall music with straightforward sexual lyrics. Again, slackness refers to the absence of a binding constraint. In this case, common decency or politeness.

Maya is in a world where she must signal she has no Slack. Slack means insufficient dedication and loyalty. Slack cannot be trusted. Slack now means slack later, which means failure. Future failure means no opportunity.

You were broke in college so you always spent time to cook yourself low cost food. Now you have a job and you are short on time and (relatively) more abundant on money, you can afford to order seamless sometimes and create some slack time for yourself.

You were a broke as an intern so you got a place far from work that you could afford. Now you have a better job and you are short on time and (relatively) more abundant on money, you can afford to pay more for a shorter commute and create some slack time for yourself.

In a Malthusian society with variable resource availability there will still be slack in the times of relative abundance. I also have a hunch that more optimization will increase the volatility in resource availability since it creates more opportunities for positive as well as negative black swans.

Slack is a team messaging application used by all walks of life. From a project management term for float, slack is frequently used to describe how much time a project can absorb delays in milestones and tasks without consequence. Leeway. As their Twitter feed proclaims:

For thorough partial word and phrase searches use the asterisk after a fragment to pull up all words containing it such as slack* resulting in search items including slacker, slacking etc.

The amount of slack you need doesn't depend on the number of problems you face. It depends on the randomness of problems. If you always experience exactly 20 hours of problems in each iteration, your velocity will automatically compensate. However, if you experience between 20 and 30 hours of problems in each iteration, your velocity will bounce up and down. You need ten hours of slack to stabilize your velocity and to ensure that you'll meet your commitments.

These numbers are just for illustration. Instead of measuring the number of hours you spend on problems, take advantage of velocity's feedback loop (see Estimating later in this chapter for more about velocity). If your velocity bounces around a lot, stop signing up for more stories than your velocity allows. This will cause your velocity to settle at a lower number that incorporates enough slack for your team. On the other hand, if your velocity is rock solid, try reducing slack by committing to a small extra story next iteration.

Only the constraint needs slack. The rest of the team organizes their work around the constraints' schedule, resulting in slack for the entire team. (XP Concepts in Chapter 3 discusses the Theory of Constraints in more detail.)

In this book, I've assumed that programmers are your team's constraint. If that isn't true for your team, you will need slack that is appropriate for your constraint. Talk to your mentor (see "Find a Mentor" in Chapter 2) about how to modify this advice for your specific situation.

Dedicated research time is an excellent way to encourage learning and add additional slack into your iterations. To introduce it, set aside half a day for each programmer to conduct self-directed research on a topic of his choice. Be completely hands-off. I recommend only two rules: don't spend this time on project stories or tasks, and don't modify any project code.

I schedule research time for the morning of the penultimate day of the iteration. This is late enough in the iteration that we can use the time as slack if we need to, but not so late to distract programmers with the upcoming deadline. Mornings are better than afternoons because it's harder to start on time when production code is occupying your attention.

If you work overtime, cancel research time, or don't pay down any technical debt for two or three iterations in a row, you've over-committed and have no slack. Congratulate yourself for delivering on your commitments anyway. Now add slack by reducing your velocity.

In my experience, there are two big sources of randomness on XP teams: customer unavailability and technical debt. Both of these lead to an unpredictable environment, make estimating difficult, and require you to have more slack in order to meet your commitments.

On the other hand, if programmers often encounter unexpected technical delays, such as surprising design problems, difficulty integrating, or unavailability of a key staging environment, then your need for slack comes from too much technical debt. Fortunately, using your slack to pay down technical debt will automatically reduce the amount of slack you need in the future.

However, you shouldn't use them as slack. Pair programming, test-driven development, and similar practices maintain your capability to deliver high-quality code. If you don't do them, you will immediately incur technical debt and hurt your productivity. You may meet this iteration's commitments, but you'll do so at the expense of the next iteration. If your existing slack options aren't enough, you need to replan your iteration, as discussed in Iteration Planning earlier in this chapter.

The book Critical Chain [Goldratt 1997] argues for creating a single buffer at the end of a project rather than padding each estimate. It's good advice, and adding slack to each iteration might seem to contradict that.

When you incorporate slack into your iterations, you consistently meet your iteration commitments. You rarely need overtime. In addition, by spending so much time paying down technical debt, your code steadily improves, increasing your productivity and making further enhancements easier.

The danger of thinking of these tasks as slack is that you'll think they aren't important. They're actually vital, and a team that doesn't perform these tasks will slow down over time. They're just not time-critical like your iteration commitment is. Don't use slack as an excuse to set aside these tasks indefinitely. 2351a5e196

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