Since update to the latest version, my computer is slowing down substantially. Especially when I open Outlook or open a browser (Firefox or Chrome), the power usage would jump to as very high and the CPU would be up to 60%. Generally the CPU would be around 30% or 40% when I did not have anything open or running.

Try to find which application running in the OS background environment. such as the application running in system boot automatically. A idea could use to search the application. Sort the CPU usage from high to low, and then post the screenshot here.

Download File Pb Launcher


Same problem. Kaspersky Lab launcher 30% CPU usage. Try switching it off and on again. So go to KIS settings, click on File Anti-Virus, make sure Security level is Optimal, turn File Anti-Virus off, save, confirm. You will receive warning notifications. Turn File Anti-Virus back on, save, confirm. Kaspersky Lab launcher should now be using 0 to 0.4% CPU usage.

Just went through the ordeal described on the microsoft page. Yes, finally found the culprits. It was not Kaspersky...I recommend to reserve 2 h or so, since you will go through frequent reboots. I had a scribble block next to me to note down which parts I disabled and what the RAM / CPU usage was after each step. Because after a few changes you turn mad ;-)

But in the end I was able to bring down RAM from 7.3 GB usage to 4.2 GB. Main memory eater was Docker Desktop which I only need from time to time but which after an update was configured to fire up each time Wnidows starts.

And also as a hint, even if I disable EVERYTHING according to the MS article I still have a MEM usage of 3.4 GB. So, at least on my computer (Lenovo Yoga C930 with 12 GB RAM and WIN10) the stories from people saying 2 GB is all that WIN and the basic services occupy is simply not applicable.

Hint #2: I also could not believe that the total of all programs / services listed in the MS resource monitor should amount up to the total RAM usage listed. But I sat down finally with a calculator and it is really adding up to this. So, no hidden VM mem eaters or whatever some people claim that there is in the dark shadows of your MS system ;-)

to add: CPU usage is high after system start, but then in all configurations leveled down to 1 - 4% after 60-90 sec after I saw my WIN desktop, no matter what system configuration I chose. After disabling all unnecessary crap, I finally arrived at 1%.

I figured to uninstall Kaspersky Total Security and remove the Kaspersky Extension from Google Chrome and guess what? From 20% ++ CPU usage, it decreased to 1.1 - 1.5%. My fan noise is not noisy as when Kaspersky was installed. The temperature is slightly better now.

We are on V8.1.0 and are experiencing the same thing. Project title does not have any special characters (though parent project does). Nothing described here has worked. Work around is to add any other application then change its configuration properties to match the project that you are unable to add via the usual method.

Just an addition incase the previous solutions did not help, I faced the problem of not seeing the project on the client launcher and later figured out its because I had a blank project with no windows in it. Just adding even a test window will make the project appear on the client launcher. Hope that helps!

If you want to install for all users, expand somewhere in /usr/local/ or /usr/share or /opt, then copy just the .desktop file into /usr/share/applications/. Tweak the paths in the copied file so it points where you actually put the complete application.

I've had a huge issue with using those directories because of permissions issues. I extracted with sudo in terminal using:

sudo tar xf visionclientlauncher.tar.gz -C /opt/

which worked. But now I can't figure out how to run the launcher .sh file because it's in a restricted directory.

Now that it's where I want it I'm having trouble making sense of the path inside the .desktop file.

The shell file is located at /opt/visionclientlauncher/apps/ and the path in .desktop file says...

So, Path=. means "use the current directory". Replace the dot with the absolute path to the folder containing the shell script. Then simplify the bash command line to not do the cd operation.

Same problem here, I even have the same certificate on the Ignition gateway and the ssl termination point in front of it (a web application firewall). Designer launcher works directly to the gateway, but not through the WAF (SSL Certificate not found). The certificate is trusted: LetsEncrypt.

All, not sure if it has been addressed elsewhere in the forums, but Designer Launcher using Self Signed certificates on a Gateway with redundancy needs to have the Subject Alternates included in the Master and Backup gateways. It will ask to trust both certificates. There should be a note in the section stating this is required for Gateways using redundancy.

If I click on the Splunk Icon at my Splunk Web Interface I get a error message "The app "launcher" is not available " instead of the overview which got mentioned in the Splunk tutorials where you can describe your forwarded data or watch your collected data summary. After I got this error question I only can go to apps like "Search and Reporting" or "dhcpd" etc.

I've already looked to see if the "launcher" app is under etc/apps, but it's missing, even though I thought that this is a "core app" after a fresh installation. Otherwise I cant forward data from my forwarders to this Splunk master.

When the User setting for default App is set at the User level in 'Access Controls' - if the Launcher is not the default app then clicking the Splunk Enterprise Logo will always take the user back to the Default App.

@trungleduc Glad to recieve this reply, thanks. I already tried this and create a path named jupyter_app_launcher under the directory of jupyter data path, then created a jp_app_launcher_my_extension.yaml , customized my conten into this yaml file and it displays ok. But what confuses me is why neither compilation nor direct installation can display the samples contained in code.(jupyter_app_launcher/samples at v0.1.7 trungleduc/jupyter_app_launcher GitHub). In the installation or compilation progress , does it copy this yaml file to data path?

What do you think about adding functionality similar to jupyter-app-launcher into JupyterLab core say for 4.2. or 4.3? It seems like customization of the laucher seems like a common use case. In lab we could have a just a list of settings for it.

This issue is still present. When some of our staff try's launching a MS office file from drive it will only give the option to open with Google Sheets or Docs. I have to tell them to back out of the open with screen that come up with a preview and try again. This works 50% of the time. This just isn't expectable.

I will state, that this seems to be only happening on Windows 10 machines, since the December update to Chrome I haven't had any issues with my Windows 11 machine. I will have to ask around and see if this is 100% the case with Windows 10 only.

Unfortunately, this issue is also still present on Windows 11. We've checked all the updates for Windows and chrome, deleted caches etc. However we have at least one member of staff who can still open with MS and Adobe apps- but we can't find any difference in settings or OS and browser versions.

February '24. This is still not working for anyone in my team.

I've updated Chrome to the latest version available to me: 122.0.6261.58 (Official Build) (64-bit). I've uninstalled and reinstalled the extension (From the old Chrome Web store). The new Chrome Web store does not list the application launcher - could this be anything to do with the issue?

This is really frustrating for teams managing files in a Google Workspace environment through Chrome who also have to open certain files in native software, such as complex excel workbooks or InDesign files. Any ideas of what to try next?

Dear colleagues, we are facing this issue now and the funny things that it works for some people and it doesn't for others. I tried to update, reinstall etc.. but still it did not work. I know the process is tedious re this darned app launcher.

With the latest 1.12.4 update, SQUAD / Private Division decided to introduce an additional launcher to the game which will start up after hitting the "Play" button in Steam instead of launching the game directly. IMO this is rather annoying and doesn't provide any actual benefits, in fact, it actually causes some trouble especially for mods.

Since the update, me and others figured out multiple ways to circumvent the launcher which come with their own benefits and drawbacks, so here are a few for you guys to choose from, depending on which solution fits the best for you

@R-T-B wrote this wrapper which replaces the original executable of the launcher. Simply replace the "LauncherPatcher.exe" provided by them with the one from the stock game and you're already done and ready to go.

Steam allows to setup individual launch options for each game, which can be used to redirect the target for the "Play" button in your Steam library. This particular solution by @Gotmachine redirects the button to point to a shortcut, which then again points to the game executable:

Doing that will have the side effect of having KSP running from the wrong working directory.

In stock KSP, the only likely side effect will be that the KSP.log file will be generated in the "PDLauncher" directory, but this will definitely cause cascading side effects on various mods.

So, this was the solution I came up with like an hour after the update but which turned out to be problematic later on. Works in the same way as the previous solution but instead of redirecting the "Play" button to a shortcut, it gets redirected to the games executable:

The window is not resizable to show the full command but I guess you get it If you are having trouble to find the path to your game executable, you can right click the game in your library -> "Manage" -> "Browse local files". This will open up a window with your game files, showing the path at the top navigation bar. 152ee80cbc

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