In my terminal shell, I ssh'ed into a remote server, and I cd to the directory I want. Now in this directory, there is a file called table that I want to copy to my local machine /home/me/Desktop. How can I do this?

The scp command issued from the system where /home/me/Desktop resides is followed by the userid for the account on the remote server. You then add a ":" followed by the directory path and file name on the remote server, e.g., /somedir/table. Then add a space and the location to which you want to copy the file. If you want the file to have the same name on the client system, you can indicate that with a period, i.e. "." at the end of the directory path; if you want a different name you could use /home/me/Desktop/newname, instead. If you were using a nonstandard port for SSH connections, you would need to specify that port with a "-P n" (capital P), where "n" is the port number. The standard port is 22 and if you aren't specifying it for the SSH connection then you won't need that.

Download File From Ssh Server To Local Machine Mac


I think it is better to copy files from your local computer, because if files number or file size is very big, copying process could be interrupted if your current ssh session would be lost (broken pipe or whatever).

This may not be a viable option but I wanted to hear the ideas of the GeoNet first. I have ArcGIS Server (Standard Workgroup 10.4) installed and licensed on a local computer on my company's local area network. I can get to the server manager on this computer by going to :6443/arcgis/manager/site.html .

How can I access this server manager from another computer on the same network? I know the PC's local IP address and have tried all sorts of combinations of accessing this from another PC but have had no luck. I can also see the PC's files by typing in \\and the IP address, etc.. Is this sort of thing possible?

I can see the entire C drive on that machine if I look in a Windows Explorer folder by typing in \\ . Everything is "shared" on that PC but I am not sure how to get in it from another PC on the same network.

My main issue is that I want to publish my data to this 'server' from a different computer than what the server is on. Though, I'm not sure how to make that initial connection to the 'server' computer (which is why I am trying to log into server Manager just to see how to make this connection).

Have you tried that yet? That is the connection you need to publish from another machine. But make ysure you have those rights to publish with whatever account you use in the connection file. If your personal account doesn't have the rights, you can connect as the AGS administrator.

Just fyi, I used ArcMap 10.3.1 on my local machine to publish to an ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 on a server (although that shouldn't matter) just now with this process, and it when smooth, although I had to register the data, which is easily done the the analyze window when publishing. I did this to my dev machine, which has expired ssl certs, and it gave me warnings, (3 I think) but did it just the same. I'm now able to see it in REST directory.

I'm currently logged onto my remote server and I need to transfer a file from my local machine to my remote server using SCP but it doesn't seem to be working. I was able to do it using SFTP but I don't know why I am having such a difficult time with using SCP.

I have a virtual server instance on a cloud with Ubuntu 18.04 running on it which has public ip 123.456.789.100 (dummy ip here). I installed OpenVPN server which has added private ip of virtual server instance as (dummy ip here). I connected my local machine to vpn and got ipv4 address (dummy ip here). I am able to ping server to my local machine as they are in the same vpn and I am able to ping server on

I have hosted XAMPP server on local machine(windows) and I want if a client goes to 123.456.789.100 then it should internally route the traffic to my local machine as its active and i am able to ping.

I want to establish a connection to a remote server from my Mac using SSH. So far so good.Now the tricky bit, with the connection to the remote server established I want to then initiate a connection from the remote server BACK to the local machine. I know, crazy. Basically I need to jump through these hoops to be able to browse the remote server and then send file information back to my local machine so it can be dealt with by an application on the local machine. Hopefully that makes sense!

Things I have established:I'm on a Mac(OS X 10.6.4) and I have Remote Login enabled in system preferences/sharingIf I try and SSH into my mac from another machine on out LAN I can connect no problems.If I try and SSH into another server (not my local machine) from my remote server, I can get connected up with no problems.

If when you connect back to your local it allows you to login before hanging, then this isn't the answer. If you don't get that far, you're probably not getting back to your Mac (either not getting anywhere or hitting SSH on a gateway). Try a reverse tunnel (it will require GatewayPorts set to On in sshd_config on your server, but I believe this is default):

you@yourMac$ ssh -R 2000:localhost:22 user@remoteserver

That should allow you to connect to the server as normal, but also open a tunnel so that you can connect back on port 2000 (any port over 1024 should work), so you@yourserver$ ssh -p2000 user@localhost

Is your local machine accessible from the server? Can you ping it? I'm asking that because what you are doing should work if your machine is accessible. Your server is on internet or in LAN, same subnet?

Anyways if you only need to edit a file, why don't you simply use scp to copy the file to your local machine? You can use ssh to browse for the file on the remote server and when you have its path, enter in your local machine (in another terminal):

This above is if you need to access it in terminal. On linux (and certainly on Mac but I don't know how to do it), you can mount an ssh remote location in Networks and use the connection as you use a local disk (this is sftp and the connection is in the form: s @server:/path/to/mount and I guess this is what you need instead of a remote terminal connection so you can edit the file directly with the Mac application.

You may also want to take a look a sshfs (you need MacFuse for this). This allows you to mount directories on the remote machine and access them just like regular folders on your machine. On top of that, you could still ssh into the machine and create/search the files you need. Transferring them would then be as easy as transferring local files.

So how do you test this? My server is headless, so I have to ssh to it but then I can't ssh or use any of the tools that work on ssh to connect back to my workstation. The reverse tunnel fills the bill. Another option is to run the test using the at command then drop the tunnel before the job kicks in. Both are somewhat clumsy but the reverse port is both easier and more flexible. Plus I already use the local port forwarding to build VNC tunnels to other computers.

my task is about moving some file from server with SAS Plaftform to my local machine, using SAS Enterprised Guide (Server and Local Machine under Windows Environment), but i don't want to use the upload/dowload task or with the custom task proposed by Chris Eminger at this link but using a custom task by code.

I'm not so pro in technology but i think i can use the PIPE Command and send some command to system and moving file by File Transfert Protocol? can be a good and feasible idea? what type of information i need to do this, like permission, password, test network between server and local machine(how i can do this?) or other? how to do in Windows Environment, because in past i used in UNIX Environment and SAS Base the PIPE and "SCP OS command" from SERVER to SERVER and not in my local machine?

In most cases, working with EG means that SAS runs on a remote server. Using any external utility from SAS code will therefore necessitate that some kind of transfer server process runs on your PC, as the SAS code on the server will be using the client for the respective protocol.

In order for me to interact with much of our data storage I have used odbc connections to sql server to transfer data from my local machine to our Sql Server databases. I am curious as to whether or not SAS has a way to run jobs on a server instead of a local machine, as a means to increase efficiency by reducing the network bottlenecks. (I'm sure that SAS does have this, I have just never used it before and don't know where to start).

You can run SAS locally. And when you run a SQL query against a remote database, you can do an explicit pass-through query which will have the query run on the distant SQL database, and return just the results back to you. For that, you would want to look for papers on connecting to SQL server etc from SAS. So the SAS job runs locally, and the query runs on the SQL server database.

So I am running sas on a local machine, the server says "local". What you mention in your third pararaph (using the explicit pass thorugh query) is actually what I do in a large portion of my code. However, my local machine is in in the mid-west and the sql server is way over on the east coast. So running a query that takes 5 seconds in sql server turns into 3-5 minutes because of the transfer of large portions of data (lots of large comment data) over our network. (this is how I understand it, but again I have never worked with or even heard of servers until about a year ago, and am still very new to this subject).

In order to get around this problem, I had a VM set up in the same location as our servers, and then I had base sas installed on the VM. Now when I run a job to return results to sas from the sql server database it runs a LOT quicker, and it seemed to fix this problem.

However I have heard that you can install SAS on a server (which I do not have), and I would think that programs run from this would theoritically be faster since a server has greater resources than a local machine. e24fc04721

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