I have the following usecase of remote port forwarding using ssh. I have a licensing server (L) on my local network. I want the licensing to be able from a target server (T). T is only accessible via a jumpbox (J). For the licensing to work, I need two specific ports to be accessible to T. I don't want to locally forward them from T for reasons I won't develop here. So to sum-up, I need to remotely forward a port, let's say 1025 as follows:

For usability and security reasons, I'd like the forwarding to be done with one tunnel, or at least one command. Ideally, the forwarded ports should not be available from J.After having read some ssh documentation and blogs, I came up with the following command from L:

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Newer, more advanced cybersecurity technology, such as SSH-fueled tunneling and privileged access management solutions, have diminished the popularity of jump servers. Still, jump servers can be valuable in organizations that lack the resources to upgrade their IT infrastructure.

A jump server is an intermediary device responsible for funneling traffic through firewalls using a supervised secure channel. By creating a barrier between networks, jump servers create an added layer of security against outsiders wanting to maliciously access sensitive company data. Only those with the right credentials can log into a jump server and obtain authorization to proceed to a different security zone. Administrators can also use a jump server for auditing traffic and user activity for real-time surveillance.

This connection can also move the opposite way. Virtual network computing servers, or VNC jump servers, support cross-platform screen sharing, allowing a privileged account to access a device remotely with their own mouse and keyboard controls. Those working in IT, or who have needed IT assistance, may be the most familiar with this service, where clients grant access to an authorized user to troubleshoot hardware and software issues.

However, before any employee or administrator can start work, the main network must ensure that only authenticated users are entering it. Usually, at least one firewall is set up as a foundational security measure, with a jump server housed between it and an untrusted public network, such as the internet.

Before being implemented, jump box servers are hardened, meaning they have very few touchpoints. This makes it difficult for hackers to discreetly install malware or infiltrate jump box servers through brute force attacks. By their nature, jump box servers separate internal workstations from the private servers they work on so that device-related breaches can remain isolated from the entire system. Additionally, jump box servers never house sensitive data, although leaked access credentials, such as keys or passwords, can compromise the whole private network it aims to protect.

Jump box servers also improve productivity by eliminating the need to constantly log in and out of separate security zones to access certain assets and resources. Instead, authorized users can seamlessly utilize what they need without interruptions.

Jump servers also require coding expertise to configure and set up, making it difficult for those unfamiliar with script writing to install the appropriate safety precautions. This can ultimately lead to human error and vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can harness.

I have changed the admin password across "publishers/authors" and after changing the password if i run the below curl command on Jump server to check the bundles count, i am getting below error but if i login to the corresponding publisher, i am getting successful output. Something got changed after admin password change. Can someone please check & assist?

There are many reasons for using a jump host. One reason is to have a single point of entry to your network, thereby reducing the size of any potential attack surface. Another reason is that it makes it easier to have an aggregated audit log of all entry connections to a network. The jump host can provide improved security and accountability by consolidating user activities through a single entry point.

A jump host that is compromised is a huge risk to the infrastructure of a network. If a bad actor breaches the jump host, they gain access to every other part of the network accessible from the jump host with relative ease. This can include private user data and trade secrets.

The Secure Shell protocol (SSH) is a network protocol that allows two computers to communicate securely over an unsecured network. The most commonly implemented software stack for the SSH protocol is OpenSSH, which comes bundled with most Linux distributions. SSH is widely used by system administrators to manage applications remotely, send files, and log in to another computer over a network. A jump host can be used to enable remote SSH access to internal servers.

There are many ways to secure SSH connections. At the most basic level, usernames and passwords can be used, but a more common and secure option is to use SSH keys to authenticate the client with the server. SSH keys need to be generated and distributed between the clients, servers, and jump hosts that will use them. To learn more, see guides such as this one.

SSH key-based authentication lets users authenticate to SSH servers without needing to use a password. It uses a cryptographic key pair to authenticate with the remote server. To set this up, start by generating an SSH key pair on your laptop with the ssh-keygen command:

In this example, the jump server and destination server are specified in a single command using the -J option. The -J option connects to the jump host, user@jump_gateway, by making an SSH connection, then forwards a connection to the destination server, user@destination:

To jump from the originating client to the destination IP through a jump IP, issue the command ssh host_dest. This will establish a connection to jump_gateway, which will then forward it to the destination host, host_dest.

In the context of implementing access to servers using an RDP jump host, the Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) can be used to set up secure remote access to a server using RDP. The Remote Desktop Gateway is a server that filters RDP connections from external resources. It uses RDP to allow access to network resources by boosting security through encrypted HTTPS connections, effectively acting as a jump host.

On Windows Server Manager, head to the Remote Desktop Services section, then navigate to Add Roles and Features Wizard, then click Next. Choose Role-based or feature-based installation, then Next again. On the next screen, select a server from the server list, then go to the next screen, select Remote Desktop Services, and click Next. Use the wizard to install the Remote Desktop Gateway Role service by selecting Remote Desktop Gateway, then clicking Next.

Navigate to the Remote Server Manager, go to Tools > Remote Desktop Services and select Remote Desktop Gateway Manager. In the left sidebar, click the server and navigate to Policies > Connection Authorization Policies. From the Actions pane on the right, click Create New Policy. Select Create a RD CAP and RAP policy, then click Next.

Add a name for the connections authorization policy (CAP). Click Add Group, and select the user group you want to give access to RD Gateway. Next, select Resource Authorization Policy (RAP) on the sidebar. Add a policy name, and select the user groups that are allowed to access servers on the network remotely.

There are some best practices to follow when working with RDP. Users should be required to use strong passwords and multifactor authentication, and idle sessions should be disconnected. The RDP server is best placed behind a VPN to reduce malicious login attempts, and the default listening port, 3389, should be changed to something else to evade hackers scanning the network for computers on the default port.

By restricting access to the SSH server to users who have logged in to Tailscale, the need for a jump host is removed. Additionally, Tailscale allows you to force two-factor authentication, which is a stronger protection than traditional SSH keys.

Another reason to use Tailscale instead of a jump host is that using a jump host creates added latency, especially when the jump host is not near the destination server. The speed of light is only so fast. Jump hosts centralize traffic, which increases latency because all traffic has to pass through the host. If your laptop is in San Francisco, your jump host is in Toronto, and your server is in Seattle, your traffic is bouncing across the continent up to four times for a single packet. Imagine how that adds up. With Tailscale, centralization is avoided by allowing users to connect to each other directly, significantly reducing latency. This lets your laptop in San Francisco connect directly to your server in Seattle, which is way faster.

In this article, you learned what jump hosts are as well as the benefits and pitfalls of using them. You also learned how to use a jump host to access a remote server using SSH and Remote Desktop Protocol, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods. Finally, you saw how Tailscale can offer you a more secure way to access a remote server.

A jump host needs to be set up on a security-hardened machine. It also needs strong authentication, which could include requiring stronger passwords; the use of multifactor authentication; aggressive monitoring and alerting; drastic restrictions of which programs that can run on the jump server; and using access control lists to restrict role access to the bare minimum needed for people to do their jobs. 2351a5e196

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