We have a group of 3 Ultimaker S5 and 1 S3. We are running them in a group for 2 years . Since the digital factory firmware upload , we have a lot of troubles with untimely disconnections with times from 1 minute to hours long. But i don't think it is really disconnections , because when i type the Ip on chrome i can still access to the temperature graph or the api, i just can't access to digital factory via web or cura.

In general I advice not to group printers in the local network anymore because of a whole range of issues that can occur related to local network configuration. We've noticed that its much stabler to connect printers to the Digital Factory individually. Sometimes these issues are caused by a bug on our side, but sometimes also by a customers' network configuration that is not fully supported by our printers.

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Secondly, the more printers you have grouped, the more performance is required of the host printer, which can cause performance issues if the printer is also printing (the printing process always has the highest priority on the embedded Linux board).

If you can properly work with both printers separately connected to Digital Factory I suggest you keep that configuration. We are planning to introduce more virtual grouping features in Digital Factory at some point as well.

I have set up a printer on the cloud and created a group of individuals. I can print via digital factory but my student can't. He is on a mac and I am on a PC. He is in the people shared to use the printer. In Cura, when I go to monitor, I see the 3D printer and a link that says manage in browser. He does not see that link. He only has the option to "print to file" in Cura. I have "print via cloud." Rather rambling message, but I hope to clarify with some useful discussion.

He can't. I think I misunderstood the "factory cloud" concept. Does this only work if you are on the same subnet as the 3D printer? With Covid, my student is at home on a different subnet etc. I assumed that when I share the 3D printer I was setting up an accessable IP address through the cloud to the 3D printer at my home. I tried two methods of connecting to the printer. I made the student a member of the shared computer group where I shared the printer. He shows up in the group and he can login the Ultimaker.com. That did not work as he could not print via cloud.

I gave the student my external home IP address to put in for the connection. I opened port 5353 on my router and pointed it to the UltiMaker 3 Extended. I assumed that port 80 and 8080 was already open. It did not work. Cloud printing works perfectly on my computer at home, but then again, I am on the same subnet as the 3D printer. Thanks for your help in understanding.

It sounds like you're forwarding the local interface instead of using the Digital Factory cloud functionality. To set up a printer via the cloud and share it with other people I recommend to follow the steps outlined in this support article.

After that you can share the printer with your students as explained here, after which the printers will automatically be synchronised with Ultimaker Cura when signed in with one of the accounts that the printers were shared with.

This does not help me however. I am able to create an app and get client ID and secret, however, I cannot get an access token nor a refresh token. The page showing how to get access and refresh tokens requires a redirect URL? What is this when working with Azure data factory. Besides, it requires a code which is also never mentioned anywhere. How can I connect HubSpot to data factory?

Thanks for your reply. However, I am still struggling with the redirect URL. I do not have one. I am using a Data Factory which is a fully managed service of Microsoft, hence, how can I create one? In your documentation, it only says I need to set the redirect URL, but I do not have a redirect URL. Data factory is meant to run autonomously without any human intervention, hence I am not entirely sure what I need to give.

You will be wanting to authorize your portal to use this app. This is done with the redirect url. You can just copy it into a browser window. It should aske you to authorize the app to have access to whatever your app requested permissions for. Once approved, you will be sent to a new page (that you set up in your app settings). At the end the url, you will find an authorization code. When you have this code, you can then request the access token and the refresh token using this endpoint

This document explains the steps required for connecting an Azure Data Factory account with a Microsoft Purview account to track data lineage and ingest data sources. The document also gets into the details of the activity coverage scope and supported lineage patterns.

When you connect an Azure Data Factory to Microsoft Purview, whenever a supported Azure Data Factory activity is run, metadata about the activity's source data, output data, and the activity will be automatically ingested into the Microsoft Purview Data Map.

If a data source has already been scanned and exists in the data map, the ingestion process will add the lineage information from Azure Data Factory to that existing source. If the source or output doesn't exist in the data map and is supported by Azure Data Factory lineage Microsoft Purview will automatically add their metadata from Azure Data Factory into the data map under the root collection.

Multiple Azure Data Factories can connect to a single Microsoft Purview to push lineage information. The current limit allows you to connect up to 10 Data Factory accounts at a time from the Microsoft Purview management center. To show the list of Data Factory accounts connected to your Microsoft Purview account, do the following:

To view the Data Factory connections, you need to be assigned the following role. Role inheritance from management group is not supported.Collection admins role on the root collection.

To add or remove the Data Factory connections, you need to be assigned the following role. Role inheritance from management group is not supported.Collection admins role on the root collection.

A warning message will be displayed if any of the selected Data Factories are already connected to other Microsoft Purview account. When you select OK, the Data Factory connection with the other Microsoft Purview account will be disconnected. No other confirmations are required.

Data factory's managed identity is used to authenticate lineage push operations from data factory to Microsoft Purview. When you connect your data factory to Microsoft Purview on UI, it adds the role assignment automatically.

Grant the data factory's managed identity Data Curator role on Microsoft Purview root collection. Learn more about Access control in Microsoft Purview and Add roles and restrict access through collections.

There are several patterns of lineage that Microsoft Purview supports. The generated lineage data is based on the type of source and sink used in the Data Factory activities. Although Data Factory supports over 80 source and sinks, Microsoft Purview supports only a subset, as listed in Supported Azure Data Factory activities.

Another common scenario for capturing lineage is using a wildcard to copy files from a single input dataset to a single output dataset. The wildcard allows the copy activity to match multiple files for copying using a common portion of the file name. Microsoft Purview captures file-level lineage for each individual file copied by the corresponding copy activity.

You can use Data Flow activities to perform data operations like merge, join, and so on. More than one source dataset can be used to produce a target dataset. In this example, Microsoft Purview captures file-level lineage for individual input files to a SQL table that is part of a Data Flow activity.

A resource set is a logical object in the catalog that represents many partition files in the underlying storage. For more information, see Understanding Resource sets. When Microsoft Purview captures lineage from the Azure Data Factory, it applies the rules to normalize the individual partition files and create a single logical object.

WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) is a command-line scripting interface that allows system administrators and operators to initiate, manage, and make persistent WebLogic Server configuration changes interactively or by using an executable script. See Using WLST to Manage JMS Servers and JMS System Module Resources.

Java Management Extensions (JMX) is the Java EE solution for monitoring and managing resources on a network. See "Overview of WebLogic Server Subsystem MBeans" in Developing Custom Management Utilities Using JMX for Oracle WebLogic Server. 152ee80cbc

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