After the most recent update of Facebook messenger, I can't filter unread message threads in Facebook messenger. I suspect this has something to do with the European privacy regulations. But it doesn't make any sense they'd remove this feature in particular.

Months ago: I deleted a Messenger chat thread that I had with an individual - this is a long chat thread that is the entire history of us ever talking and all that we have ever talked about on Messenger. Later, after deleting this chat thread, I had further conversations on Messenger with this individual and then deleted that chat thread too. This chat thread is of course much smaller. This second chat thread is a few days' chat, not our entire years' of chatting.

Download Facebook Messenger Thread


Now**:** I am pursuing a legal case against this individual and I need access to these chat threads. This person sexually assaulted me and stole my husband's firearm before fleeing his place of residence. There are references to these in the chat threads that would immensely help my legal case because I believe it shows direct admittance from the individual, from what I remember. When I download my metadata from Facebook, I can only retrieve the most recent chat thread I deleted with this individual - the one that is of a few days' conversations. Is there any way I can access the previous, rather, the original/older chat thread that is our entire conversation history? I Just need the past one year's messages metadata. I need help. We need help. If anyone can help with this, please. Help.

From a lot of searching, I found that using fb-messenger://user-thread/ID can be used to deep link to Messenger and open the existing thread with the passed in FB ID or start a new thread if not existent.

It pops over to Messenger and opens a thread, but the thread is with Facebook User and doesn't actually send. See image below. Clicking Facebook User in the header goes to a detail view with the correct user's image and name.

Given the recent "encouragement" by Facebook to migrate to a separate messenger app, and as a followup to the {very informative!} answer to the question on URL/URI schemes supported by the Facebook app, I've been wondering whether information regarding the Facebook messenger app custom protocol of fb-messenger:// is available.

The functionality I was looking for was an ability to click a button that would open a FB-messenger chat windows with the user whose numeric Facebook ID is known. This also needed to work if the Facebook app (katana) is not installed on the device (i.e. only the messenger, orca).

I found an example of the desired deep linking (fb-messenger://user-thread/{user-id}), but that didn't seem to work. I realized that FB has a tendency of revising the URIs every once in a while, since these are generally not supposed to be available to the public (as far as I understand).

With current version Facebook on android automatically ask user to open the app or open in chrome when you use their domain www.messenger.comIt's better to just redirect user to this url and let facebook handle it

Facebook is making it a bit easier to keep track of who's talking to who in a busy group chat. It's rolling out a thread feature for Messenger that lets you reply to specific messages (including media and emoji). If you ask an important question, you won't have to scroll through chat to see if someone answered it. You only have to long-press on a message to start a response.

While this is just a Messenger addition for now, it could be significant for Facebook at large. The social network is reportedly planning to unify its messaging apps behind the scenes, making it that much easier to add one feature to all of them at the same time. Don't be shocked if Instagram and WhatsApp offer their own threading before long.

First approach : Pass thread control to PAGE INBOX

i set up an intent on dialogflow with 'input.handover' action then when i type handover i call my webhook and make a call to fb api with pass_thread_control and i passe the control to the page inbox, i get a success response and the conversation pass from the BOT to PAGE INBOX. But here a stuck to PAGE INBOX and i cant take_thread_control to the BOT because the PAGE INBOX not linked with the dialogflow or any other webhook.

Second approach : Pass thread control to another app

with the same setup of first approach but this time i pass the thread control to a facebook APP i created and linked with a webhook (with nodejs hosted on heroku), i get a success response but this time no message come to this APP inbox and on heroku console i can see the message come to webhook but not APP inbox.

If you need to involve a third party to escalate a customer service issue, for example, you should ask for express permission to forward the message thread. Otherwise, provide a phone number and/or email address the customer can use to connect with the third party directly.

guess my question was how I can know someone is chatting to me while I am not constantly watching my facebook page. Would it possible to get popup message/reminder on my phone when there is a message.

If that doesn't help, another option would be to delete that particular thread and start over fresh. We also recommend reaching out to Facebook Support to look into this: How to contact an app developer

Facebook is putting an increased focus on its messaging platforms, with the eventual goal of merging threads from WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. Earlier this year, Facebook updated the Messenger design with a focus on de-cluttering the interface. Just a few weeks ago, Facebook also started testing a Dark Mode interface in Messenger.

If you don't want to set a timer, you can manually delete the conversation. Plus, there's no way to turn off Secret Conversations. The only option is to delete your conversation thread and start an new one without turning on the encryption option.

A word of warning, by turning on Secret Conversations, you can only communicate in this conversation thread using the device you used to turn on the encryption option. To talk to the same person using a different device you will need to start a new Secret Conversation.

 ArtiFast can analyze Facebook Messenger text messages, threads, thread participants, users contacted, cashed data, attachments, shared locations, calls, and self profiles, and cached images and messages from the older versions. For demonstration purposes, all artifacts have been chosen but you have the option to parse artifacts individually as well. 

Facebook Messenger Text Messages Artifact 

 This artifact contains various types of messages input by the user or the application, these messages indicate that an activity either has happened or is happening within a conversation. These can include text messages, voice notes, gifs, stickers, pictures, videos, documents, sending location, sharing live location, voice calls, video calls, messenger rooms, changing a user's nickname, changing chat theme, someone joining the call and when the call has ended. The details you can view in Facebook messenger text messages artifact include: 

  Message ID  - Message ID. Offline ID  - Offline Threading ID. Text  - Message Text. Sender ID  - User ID of the person sending the message. Sticker ID  - Unique ID for a sticker. Is Admin Message  - Whether the message was generated from the app itself. Send Status  - Sent message status. Is Unsent  - Whether the message was deleted or not. Cannot Unsend Reason  - Shows the possible reasons for not being able to delete a message. Unsent Date/Time  - Th date and time when a message got unsent. Displayed Content Types  - Displayed Content Types. Sent Date/Time  - The date and time message was sent. 

Facebook Messenger Threads Artifact 

 Facebook Messenger Threads are the conversation that the messages are associated with. The details you can view include: 

  Thread Key  - Unique key for each user thread. Thread Type  - Thread Type. Description  - Thread description. Location  - Description of thread user location. Is Group  - Whether this is a group thread. Snippet  - Last text message in chat. Snippet Sender ID  - Snippet sender contact ID. Last Read Date/Time  - Date and time last message was read. Number of Attachments  - Number of attachments in the thread. Has More Attachments Before  - Has more attachments before. Last Activity Date/Time  - Date and time last message was sent. 

Facebook Messenger Cached Data Artifact 

 This artifact represents the Facebook Pictures artifact found and can be recovered on the system that originated from Facebook itself. These pictures can be user profile pictures, friends' pictures, or any other picture that gets cached while browsing Facebook. The details you can view in Facebook messenger cached data include: 

  Creation Date/Time  - The date and time when the cached entry was created. Cache Entry Last Used Date/Time  - The date and time when the cached entry was last used. Cache Entry Last Modified Date/Time  - The date and time when the cached entry was last modified. Reuse Count  - The number of times the use used the cache file. State  - The state of the cache file. Key  - The cache entry key. Content Size  - The size of the cache file. Content Type  - The type of cache file. File Name  - Represents the cache file name. Payload  - Indicates the cache storage location. Is Dirty  - Indicates whether is dirty or not. Refetch Count  - Indicates the number of times the cached entry was refetched. Long Key Data  - Cache long key data. HTTP Content  - HTTP header contents.  ff782bc1db

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