Third, because God invites us to ask, seek and knock (Matthew 7:7), I keep asking, seeking and knocking. I ask for direction on how to help our son. I seek after his healing and wholeness. I knock, expecting mercy to answer. As I pray I am mindful that I implore neither a stingy, grace-hoarding deity nor an impotent wannabe god. Instead I come as one welcomed into the throne room of the Most High God, at the invitation of His generous Spirit, through the door opened by His Son.

I wonder if, like Jonah and Javert and many others before us, I have become so identified with the systems that reflect our version of the kingdom that I run from a grace that requires me to transform, more fearful of the kingdom that Jesus came to reveal.

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In the series Extravagant Grace, we'll be looking at God's incredible grace toward sinners, which includes every person in the world. We'll learn why we need grace, how to receive God's grace and how to live in God's grace. At Christmas, we celebrate God's gracious gift of sending His only Son Jesus into the world because of His great love. We'll start off the New Year with a week of prayer, calling on God's grace. Don't miss this series.

And through it all - the theme of grace. God's extravagant grace, extended to us through the cross of Christ, into our everyday situations. The Psalmist urged us to "Taste and see that the Lord is good," so we did. And He is.

A whole weekend to relish that grace - and the chocolate. What could be more fun than that - and to look forward to spending a dull February weekend having a blast as you go deeper into experiencing that extravagant grace.

I knew a lot of songs about grace. I would boldly lift my hands in church upon the sweet utterance of this word, savouring its poetic rhythm in my mouth. I could quote scriptures about grace and give you a theologically sound explanation of its source and effect. But ultimately, the grace of God felt more like an impersonal fact to be memorized. Studied but not lived. Theoretical not practical.

Like the fact that the earth is round, the grace of God displayed through the gospel story was little more than head-knowledge, failing to interrupt my day to day walk. As I saw people around me falling deeper into the mysteries of grace and being transformed by the reality of it in their lives, I began to question whether the grace of God was really meant for me. I believed in God and accepted his gift of salvation in Jesus Christ, but I still felt stuck in sin.

Therein lay my problem. Despite thinking I understood what grace was, my core belief was skewed. I believed grace was conditional upon my goodness. If I got to a place where I was no longer annoying to God then I would unlock the secret volt to his grace and become a real, life changed, testimony giving, back from the dead Christian. If I could just get to the next level of holiness on my own, God would see my efforts and swoop in with some grace to get me over the edge. Instead of seeing God as lavish in the giving of his grace, I saw him as stingy, holding out on the good stuff until I showed I was worthy of it.

I still wrestle with the concept of grace. But now instead of doing so with a spirit of unbelief I am able to do so with a spirit of wonder. I wrestle with it from the position of one who knows she has received grace upon grace, not because of her own efforts but because of the good God who sees her and calls her his own.

With the same wit and insight that have characterized their previous devotionals such as Joy Breaks and OverJoyed!, Patsy Clairmont, Barbara Johnson, Marilyn Meberg, Luci Swindoll, Sheila Walsh, and Thelma Wells shine a spotlight for you on grace. Grace that cleanses your sin. Grace that guides your life. Grace that weathers life's fiercest storms and stamps every cloud with the rainbow of God's promise. Grace to grieve and laugh, give and gain, love and live. Extravagant Grace.

Just before Christmas, the BBC Elders placed specially marked bulletins for the ushers to distribute. Those who received a marked bulletin met with Pastor Tom after the service, and were given informational and financial resources to extend extravagant grace to others during the holiday season. Here is what Pastor Tom wrote to each person,

Grace is something we hear of everyday. But what does it mean to receive this grace? In this sermon we learn from Jesus in how He extended His extravagant grace to transform the life of a sinful woman. You can become a recipient of this grace of God.

There is no one like our God who took the form of flesh and stepped into this broken world to make us whole by giving His life for us; He extended extravagant grace that we may live for Him blameless forever through His extravagant grace.

 This woman was supposed to die the moment they caught her committing adultery that morning. That was the Law. By Law she was condemned and proven guilty. Just like her the Law says that we die. Being heathen in its sight we have no rights to come before God like that woman. But thanks be to God for Jesus through whom we have access to that extravagant grave and truth. We live because of His grace.

For the worker who waited until the last, the grace is sweet in its sudden splendid rush; he knows the great mercy of God. For the worker who started at dawn, the grace is sweet in its slow maturity; he knows the delight of savoring the divine life, letting its goodness seep into his bones as he works alongside it in love. The one is the honeymoon bliss of newlyweds. The other is the satisfied deep joy of love over time.

Simons has discovered the truth: trying to keep people happy and prove our worth is exhausting---and futile! What we need is God's extravagant, merciful, undeserved grace. Sharing her personal story, biblical insights, and practical applications, teamed with her stunning original artwork, she leads us to the freedom of knowing that, in Christ, we are enough.

Ruth Chou Simons knows something about feeling measured by achievement, performance, and the approval of others. As a Taiwanese immigrant growing up between two cultures, Ruth was always on a mission to prove her worth, until she came to truly understand the one thing that changes everything: the extravagant, undeserved gift of grace from a merciful God. In When Strivings Cease, Ruth guides you on a journey to find freedom from the never-ending quest for self-improvement. She shows you how to

Study Passage: Hebrews 4:14-16

Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our

weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 9af72c28ce

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