To help you prepare for the exam, we offer different types of practice, including practice questions and a mock exam, with our Learning Ecosystem. As you work your way through the curriculum, we recommend pausing to answer practice questions, assessing your level of confidence and accuracy along the way. Then, in advance of the exam, take a mock exam, which mimics the exam-day experience as closely as possible.

In terms of structure, each mock exam consists of the same topic area weights and level of difficulty as the actual exam. Questions are based on the current curriculum for the exam level you registered for, and they are in the same format as the questions on the actual exam.

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Please note that this practice test is designed to give you examples of the types of questions that will appear on the actual exam. Your performance on these sample questions should not be taken as an absolute prediction of your performance on the actual SIE exam. Instead, you should use this experience of taking the practice exam as an opportunity to measure your preparation level in advance of taking the actual SIE exam.

When you take the actual SIE exam, the questions you see will cover some of the same content included in the practice exam, as well as some content not tested on the practice exam. Overall, each SIE exam will include some, but not all, of the content covered on the SIE exam content outline. In preparing to take the actual SIE exam, you should anticipate having to answer questions covering any of the content included in the SIE content outline.

The computer-based sample test does not mark your exam, so check your answers as you do the test using the answer keys below. Once the test has finished you will not be able to check them.

The C1 Advanced handbook gives an overview of the exam and its place within Cambridge English examinations. This is followed by a focus on each paper and includes content, advice on preparation, and example papers.

Running a mock test gives your learners a true exam day experience, helps you understand their progress and decide if they are ready for their exam. Our interactive mock test toolkits are full of tips, strategies and materials to help you ensure your students are confident and fully prepared for their exam.

*The Individual subscription starts at $29 USD per month and gives you access to all available resources. For teams of 50+, consider the Team subscription. Please visit tag_hash_109_________________ for the latest information on free and paid exam prep resources. 

Depending on the school, you will generally receive your TEAS scores as soon as you complete the exam. In some cases, you will receive your scores 48 hours after taking the exam. Contact the school or testing center to find out what their permissions are.

The GRE test is timed and takes about 1 hour and 58 minutes to complete the exam. The Analytical Writing measure is timed at 30 minutes, the Verbal Reasoning measure is timed at 41 minutes, and the Quantitative Reasoning section is timed at 47 minutes.

IOT has currently been the most visited website in over 120 countries with more than 28 million students. We are aiming toward a community website that provides IELTS test questions and exam tips for free. Students can easily take the IELTS tests on the website to improve their band scores effectively within a short time through our modern e-learning platform. Moreover, we have developed an ecosystem centred around transnational education, online learning, and study abroad to assist students in the pursuit of international education.

The key elements of my CIA study approach can be broken down into four different areas: pre-study preparation, core study activities performed for all exams, study activities performed for only certain exams, week before the exam preparation and key focus areas for day of the exam.

There were two other key aspects of my pre-study preparation. I researched the approach other candidates had taken to preparing for these exams and the study materials they used. I found the following website very helpful in conducting this research: I also attended meetings of the local IIA CIA study group, which I found useful in testing my ideas on optimal study preparation and study materials.

My first performance goal was to achieve 90% in every single section test/quiz. I would always take tests in date order for tests not taken/performance objectives not achieved. For example, if I took a section test and got 80%, I would only return to the same section test to retake it after I had completed all of the other section tests that I had not yet achieved my performance goals. I found this worked incredibly well as it meant there were often large gaps in time between retesting of tests. This greatly aided the validity of the test retakes in producing sustainable improved performance.

I also recorded all results and dates of tests taken. This was a great way to track performance and encouraged me as I could clearly see my improvement in results over time. Once I had achieved 90% in every single section test, I had two rewards. I booked and paid for my exam with IIA. I was also able to graduate to try and achieve my second performance goal.

My second performance goal was to achieve 10 consecutive mock exams with a score of at least 90% and three consecutive mock exams with a score of at least 95%. Once I achieved these goals, I worked out when would be a convenient time to take the exam and immediately booked the exam date with Pearson VUE.

This method worked great for all three exams. One of the great things about this approach was that the concepts got firmly embedded into my brain and so I became very quick at getting through mock exams. My last five mock exams in preparing for Part 3 I had scores of either 98% or 99% and I completed all of these exams in 30 minutes. This really paid off during the exam as I was able to answer about 30% of the questions very quickly, within 5-10 seconds, which allowed me more time to deal with some of the very difficult/unexpected/time consuming questions and to review these answers. My Part 3 test had two complex financial calculation questions. On one of these questions it took me 5 minutes just to do all of the calculations so I could be certain of the correct answer. However, I could afford to take the time on this because some questions I answered very quickly and was 100% sure of these answers due to my thorough study methods.

For Part 1 and 2, I would do one mock exam per day and 2 hours additional preparation, which mostly involved reading my study notes. For Part 3, my preparation involved one mock exam per day, a two-hour session on GTAGs/IT and another two-hour session on my weakest areas. I typically studied for 6 hours a day for Part 3.

The list below outlines my assessment of the different return on investment (ROI) from the various exam preparation activities I performed. My ROI calculation is my assessment of the payoff I gained in the exams for the study effort expended on each activity. Strong positive ROI is where the exam gains were disproportionately positive to the study effort expended. Positive ROI is where the exam gains were proportionate to the study effort expended. Neutral/negative ROI are disproportionately negative exam returns compared to study effort. Neutral/negative ROI are not activities I would do again to prepare for CIA exams.

I am currently preparing to take the PSMI and it seems I am doing exactly what you did in terms of reading and mock test taking even before reading your post. So it's good to know that this level of preparation may lead to success on a first attempt.

Lots of questions from all the different sources were here in exam, like word-to-word questions... so to answer them was no-brainer, because you memorize everything during mock exams. But a few questions were rather challenging. Somehow I managed to nail most of them. I guess you just start thinking logically and apply common sense in such cases. I prepared lots of notes in advance, but oddly enough I didn't use them. Everything is my notes I remembered by heart, and for every "puzzling question" i could't find clear answer on the internet.

I've been studing for the test since last week: read the Scrum Guide many, many times, took my own notes and done the free mock tests (open assessments in and michael). I started getting very good grades in a row (more tham 95% in average in both) and decided to buy the password for the certification.

Then I read your tips in the forum, and went in as well. Harder mock tests, failed in the first one (40 test questions), barely passed in the second and third mocks. As you mentioned, `trickier` questions (attend x participate) , detailed questions not in the Scrum Guide (cone of uncertainty, scrum poker, technical debt, sucess metrics for PO, automated builds, scrum of scrums, integrated Increment) - though one can guess after a while.

3) I finalized the test in 45min, so I had time to go over all my bookmarked questions. In order words: manage time. Practice the other assesments (open, quizzes, mock) much as possible to finalize early, very early. It can be tough, because in real life, after all hours studying and knowing that you have only one attempt to pass, it's really tempting to submit the test and get the final results asap. By taking time to carefully review your bookmarked questions, for sure you will improve your score.

For ELLA WODZINSKA, thanks for the suggestion of investing (not spending!) USD 10,00 in It was really worth for me. In my opinion their questions are the more similar ones to the real exam. Thanks also for the tip to "look for the obvious "no way!" answers and exclude them." Not so obvious if you only practice with the open assessments. Important tip for non-native speakers, like me. And finally, thanks to Orkhan Efendiev for answering my previous questions. At that moment I was really panicking (could not find any other Brazilian which passed the test recently), so your answers gave me the confidence I needed to keep going, that I was in the right path. 2351a5e196

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