Before we begin, I should add that without the EX Kernel Manager app, a custom kernel will NOT be useful and you will NOT see improvement in battery life. The app is 4 bucks, it's on the Play Store. It's kinda pricey, I think anyways, but I do think it's worth it for the stuff it does. Now, there are other kernel manager apps, some are free, and they can absolutely be used for Elemental X, BUT I can't help you with that because I've never used them, and these profiles and settings are made specifically for EX. (I'm continuing the guide under the assumption you have the app)

Touchboost is a stock kernel feature. What this does is that every time you touch yourself your phone, the CPU throttles way up to max and stays like that for some time. It's very unnecessary and it uses a LOT of power. This is turned off, and instead we have the other two options under CPU>CPU Boost options that compensate for that but use significantly less power and give the optimal level of smoothness.

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I don't have a 6P, so I can't say which is the better kernel to use. I've found hawktail 1.2 to be the best on the 5X, but I had to make a small tweak of my own because the default one is a If someone could message me the value under CPU>CPU Boost>Input boost milliseconds I may be able to help.

Using AKM is straightforward. From the GUI, a user can check the checkbox in front of the kernel package name which will mark that kernel to be installed. If the user wishes to uninstall a particular kernel then he/she just has to uncheck the kernel package from the list. Once they have selected or unselected the kernel package to change the status of, they only have to click on Execute to apply the changes. Refer to the image above for clarity.

If a user wishes to more kernels he/she can add the corresponding repository to the /etc/pacman.conf. After adding the repository user must perform a database sync using sudo pacman -Syy or sudo pacman -Syyu. Once this is done, if the repository contains any kernel packages then AKM will try to add them to the list and show them.

This method of automatically detecting kernel names is limited because kernels can be named in various ways. Use configuration variable AKM_KERNELS_HEADERS (mentioned above) to add a list of kernel and header names from an additional repository. This is useful if the automatic kernel name detection does not recognize certain kernel names.

Today I tested around 6 kernels, and after installing and deleting each one I couldn't scroll or click anywhere on a tool for about half a minute. Also, linux-tkg-bmq-sandybridge can't be installed, and the whole program freezes after I try to read the error message.

Kernel provisioners are not related in any way to the KernelManagerinstance that controls their lifecycle, nor do they have any affinity tothe application within which they are used. They merely provide avehicle by which authors can extend the landscape in which a kernel canreside, while not side-effecting the application. That said, some kernelprovisioners may introduce requirements on the application. For example(and completely hypothetically speaking), a SlurmProvisioner mayimpose the constraint that the server (jupyter_client) resides on anedge node of the Slurm cluster. These kinds of requirements can bemitigated by leveraging applications like Jupyter Kernel Gateway orJupyter Enterprise Gatewaywhere the gateway server resides on the edgenode of (or within) the cluster, etc.

In this example, RBACProvisioner will verify whether the current user isin the role meant for this kernel by calling a method implemented within thisprovisioner. If the user is not in the role, an exception will be thrown.

Once your custom provisioner has been authored, it needs to be exposedas anentry point.To do this add the following to your (or equivalent) in itsentry_points stanza using the group namejupyter_client.kernel_provisioners:

The final step in getting your custom provisioner deployed is to add akernel_provisioner stanza to the appropriate kernel.json files.This can be accomplished manually or programmatically (in which sometooling is implemented to create the appropriate kernel.json file).In either case, the end result is the same - a kernel.json file withthe appropriate stanza within metadata. The vision is that kernelprovisioner packages will include an application that creates kernelspecifications (i.e., kernel.json et. al.) pertaining to thatprovisioner.

To confirm that your custom provisioner is available for use,the jupyter kernelspec command has been extended to includea provisioners sub-command. As a result, running jupyter kernelspec provisionerswill list the available provisioners by name followed by their module and objectnames (colon-separated):

Enterprise Gateway is follow-on project to Jupyter Kernel Gateway with additional abilities to support remote kernel sessions on behalf of multiple users within resource managed frameworks such as Apache Hadoop YARN or Kubernetes. Enterprise Gateway introduces these capabilities by extending the existing class hierarchies for KernelManager and MultiKernelManager classes, along with an additional abstraction known as a process proxy.

The first component is a set of five zero-MQ ports used to convey the Jupyter protocol between the Notebookand the underlying kernel. In addition to the 5 ports, is an IP address, a key, and a signature schemeindicator used to interpret the key. These eight pieces of information are conveyed to the kernel via ajson file, known as the connection file.

This component is the core communication mechanism between the Notebook and the kernel. All aspects, includinglife-cycle management, can occur via this component. The kernel process (below) comes into play only whenport-based communication becomes unreliable or additional information is required.

The primary vehicle for indicating a given kernel should be handled in a different manner is the kernelspecification, otherwise known as the kernel spec. Enterprise Gateway introduces a new subclass of KernelSpecnamed RemoteKernelSpec.

DistributedProcessProxy - largely a proof of concept class, DistributedProcessProxy is responsible for the launchand management of kernels distributed across and explicitly defined set of hosts using ssh. Hosts are determinedvia a round-robin algorithm (that we should make pluggable someday).

DockerProcessProxy - is responsible for the discovery and management of kernels hostedwithin Docker configuration. Note: because these kernels will always run local to the corresponding Enterprise Gateway instance, these process proxies are of limited use.

On the other hand, the DistributedProcessProxy essentially wraps the kernelspec argument vector (i.e., invocationstring) in a remote shell since the host is determined by Enterprise Gateway, eliminating the discovery step fromits implementation.

The wait() method is used by the Jupyter framework when terminating a kernel. Its purpose is to block returnto the caller until the process has terminated. Since this could be a while, its best to return control in areasonable amount of time since the kernel instance is destroyed anyway. This method does not return a value.

The kill() method is used by the Jupyter framework to terminate the kernel process. This method is only necessary when the request to shutdown the kernel - sent via the control port of the zero-MQ ports - does not respond in an appropriate amount of time.

confirm_remote_startup() is responsible for detecting that the remote kernel has been appropriately launched and is ready to receive requests. This can include gather application status from the remote resource manager but is really a function of having received the connection information from the remote kernel launcher. (See Kernel Launchers)

handle_timeout() is responsible for detecting that the remote kernel has failed to startup in an acceptable time. Itshould be called from confirm_remote_startup(). If the timeout expires, handle_timeout() should throw HTTPError 500 (Internal Server Error).

As part of its base offering, Enterprise Gateway provides an implementation of a process proxy that communicates with the YARN resource manager that has been instructed to launch a kernel on one of its worker nodes. The node on which the kernel is launched is up to the resource manager - which enables an optimized distribution of kernel resources.

Derived from RemoteProcessProxy, YarnClusterProcessProxy uses the yarn-api-client library to locate the kernel and monitor its life-cycle. However, once the kernel has returned its connection information, the primary kernel operations naturally take place over the ZeroMQ ports.

This process proxy is reliant on the --EnterpriseGatewayApp.yarn_endpoint command line option or the EG_YARN_ENDPOINT environment variable to determine where the YARN resource manager is located. To accommodate increased flexibility, the endpoint definition can be defined within the process proxy stanza of the kernelspec, enabling the ability to direct specific kernels to different YARN clusters.

Like YarnClusterProcessProxy, Enterprise Gateway also provides an implementation of a basicround-robin remoting mechanism that is part of the DistributedProcessProxy class. This classuses the --EnterpriseGatewayApp.remote_hosts command line option (or EG_REMOTE_HOSTSenvironment variable) to determine on which hosts a given kernel should be launched. It usesa basic round-robin algorithm to index into the list of remote hosts for selecting the targethost. It then uses ssh to launch the kernel on the target host. As a result, all kernelspecfiles must reside on the remote hosts in the same directory structure as on the EnterpriseGateway server.

With the popularity of Kubernetes within the enterprise, Enterprise Gateway now provides an implementationof a process proxy that communicates with the Kubernetes resource manager via the Kubernetes API. Unlikethe other offerings, in the case of Kubernetes, Enterprise Gateway is itself deployed within the Kubernetescluster as a Service and Deployment. The primary vehicle by which this is accomplished is via theenterprise-gateway.yamlfile that contains the necessary metadata to define its deployment. e24fc04721

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