Right now I think that Fedora keeps the last three versions of the kernel installed. I think it would be nicer if it kept the two most recent kernels along with an older version that's probably pretty stable. So when 6.1 comes out, Fedora could hold on to the last 6.0 kernel until 6.2.0 came out.

Every now and then I'll have some problem and before I realize that it might be connected to the kernel, I find that the old kernels are already gone. I just had that kind of problem -- a race condition that happened every now and then when I ran virtual machines. The problem resolved itself last weekend, when we got 6.1.9.

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Maybe I'll take a look at doing something like that this winter when I have some time it shouldn't be too hard especially if I can maybe fork from manjaros that being said Ubuntu is sort of built around not changing the kernel drastically except for new releases

If you're concerned with PPAs, just use this for installing unsupported kernels on your distro. It's a simple bash script. You can examinate it yourself if you're afraid of its content. Typing sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -i in a terminal (or kernelupdate or whatever floats your boat once you've set a .bashrc alias) should be easier than signing in on this forum.

However, Ubuntu is a point release that focuses on stability, that's why they don't update to the latest kernel as soon as it's released. Swapping kernels does not appeal much to normies. I don't see why it would bring more people to Linux. One thing this distro lacks according to Martin Wimpress (the genius that brought us all here) is a GUI for tweaking graphics tablets. Maybe it should be better investing some ressources in this than trying to make this distro into a half-baked rolling release.

Using AKM is straightforward. From the GUI, a user can check the checkbox in front of the kernel package name which will mark that kernel to be installed. If the user wishes to uninstall a particular kernel then he/she just has to uncheck the kernel package from the list. Once they have selected or unselected the kernel package to change the status of, they only have to click on Execute to apply the changes. Refer to the image above for clarity.

If a user wishes to more kernels he/she can add the corresponding repository to the /etc/pacman.conf. After adding the repository user must perform a database sync using sudo pacman -Syy or sudo pacman -Syyu. Once this is done, if the repository contains any kernel packages then AKM will try to add them to the list and show them.

This method of automatically detecting kernel names is limited because kernels can be named in various ways. Use configuration variable AKM_KERNELS_HEADERS (mentioned above) to add a list of kernel and header names from an additional repository. This is useful if the automatic kernel name detection does not recognize certain kernel names.

The Visual Studio Code notebooks' kernel picker helps you to pick specific kernels for your notebooks. You can open the kernel picker by clicking on Select Kernel on the upper right-hand corner of your notebook or through the Command Palette with the Notebook: Select Notebook Kernel command.

To see other kernels, you can click Select Another Kernel.... All existing kernels are categorized into kernel source options, with these sources supported by the Jupyter extension out of the box:

By default, VS Code will recommend the one you've previously used with your notebook, but you can choose to connect to any other Jupyter kernels as shown below. VS Code will also remember the last selected kernel for your notebooks, and will automatically select them the next time you open your notebook.

Note: You do not need to install jupyter into the Python environment you want to use. Only the IPyKernel package is required to launch a Python process as a kernel and execute code against your notebook (pip install ipykernel). Visit the Jupyter extension wiki to learn more.

As the name would imply, as with the kernel of a seed, the Linux kernel is the core of a Linux operating system. Every other element of a Linux-based operating system is built around the kernel, which acts as an interface between your computer's hardware and the applications that run on it. As hardware and software applications become more complex and sophisticated, so do the kernels to fully utilise them. As such, Linux kernels are continually under development, with new revisions and versions being regularly released. Further information on the very latest developments in kernel technology can be found at The Linux Kernel Archives

The first Linux kernel was originally developed by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux. It is now an open-source project containing millions of lines of code generated by thousands of programmers. However, Linus Torvalds still has the final authority on their development and release.

Manjaro not only supports the use of multiple kernels (selectable from the boot screen), but allows easy access to the very latest tag_hash_114_____________ kernels as well. This is undertaken through use of Manjaro's own MHWD-kernel (Manjaro Hard-Ware Detection) command. The syntax of the command is as follows:

When listing a new kernel to be installed in the command, it is not necessary to write the entire version number. For example, any version of Kernel 4.19 can be listed simply as 'linux419', and any version of Kernel 4.14 can be listed as 'linux414', and so on.

The optional rmc (remove current) component is of vital importance. Using this will result in your existing kernel being deleted upon the installation of the new kernel. Otherwise, if it is not used, then the existing kernel will be kept, and will be selectable alongside the new kernel at the boot screen. It is recommended - especially if updating to the latest bleeding edge kernel - to keep your old one, even if only for a short time afterwards. This the safer option, and the old kernel can be easily removed when satisfied with the stability and functionality of the new one.

Where multiple kernels are present on your system, pacman can be used to remove them in the terminal. It may be necessary to delete a total of three elements of the kernel in total to completely remove it:

Please note however, that attempting to delete multiple elements at once if they are not present on your system will result in an error message before the operation itself is aborted. It is also worthwhile noting if Manjaro is being run in a virtual machine (e.g. Oracle Virtualbox), you may not be able to delete certain kernels if they contain elements important to the virtualisation process itself.

As with most Linux commands that can be entered into the Terminal, typing the command followed by either -h or --help will print out the usage & available options to the Terminal for your reference. Here is the output of the mhwd-kernel -h command:

Kernels are processes that run independently and interact with JupyterLab. ipykernel provides the IPython kernel for Jupyter, which provides an interactive Python development environment. Kernels in JupyterLab allow the use of different Python versions and virtual environments. By default, one or more kernels will exist when you log into JupyterLab running on Posit Workbench.

Each time you open a notebook, a kernel runs in the background. When a notebook is closed, the kernel continues to run, allowing for long-running computations. Use the Running Terminals and Kernels tab to get an overview of tabs opened, kernels running, and terminals running.

From the Running Terminals and Kernels panel, open tabs, running kernels, and running terminals can individually be closed/shut down by hovering to the right side of the tab for an item and clicking the X that appears. Entire sections can be closed by clicking the Close All or Shut Down All buttons.

The Kernel menu bar button also offers a set of kernel management options. From here, you can restart, shut down, and change kernels. You must have a notebook backed by a running kernel open to use most of these commands.

Virtual environments are an excellent way to create consistent, isolated, and reproducible environments. To use virtual environments with notebooks in JupyterLab, the environment must be registered first as a Jupyter kernel. To register a kernel run the following lines from the terminal:

Use the jupyter kernelspec list command from the terminal to view the currently installed kernels. Use this list to find the correct kernel name. Then use the following command to uninstall the kernel:

Kernel provisioners are not related in any way to the KernelManagerinstance that controls their lifecycle, nor do they have any affinity tothe application within which they are used. They merely provide avehicle by which authors can extend the landscape in which a kernel canreside, while not side-effecting the application. That said, some kernelprovisioners may introduce requirements on the application. For example(and completely hypothetically speaking), a SlurmProvisioner mayimpose the constraint that the server (jupyter_client) resides on anedge node of the Slurm cluster. These kinds of requirements can bemitigated by leveraging applications like Jupyter Kernel Gateway orJupyter Enterprise Gatewaywhere the gateway server resides on the edgenode of (or within) the cluster, etc.

In this example, RBACProvisioner will verify whether the current user isin the role meant for this kernel by calling a method implemented within thisprovisioner. If the user is not in the role, an exception will be thrown.

Once your custom provisioner has been authored, it needs to be exposedas anentry point.To do this add the following to your setup.py (or equivalent) in itsentry_points stanza using the group namejupyter_client.kernel_provisioners: e24fc04721

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