The Evernote screen snipper was a daily-use tool for me. Looking forward to the fix.

In the meantime, here's all the ways you can snip in's not horrible, just note as slick as EN-Snipper.

How to Take Screenshots in Windows 11


I just got upgraded to windows 11 a couple days ago, and dismayed to see this still not working. I take screenshots often with Evernote (10.50.10-win-ddl-public (3842) as part of my workflow. I'll try some of the workarounds, but hope it gets fixed soon

Download Evernote For Windows Pc


I can't start evernote on windows. When I click the icon an image flashes briefly in the middle of my screen and disappears. I have restarted my computer multiple times. I have uninstalled/reinstalled. Restarted again. Nothing is working.

Using windows 8.1 64 bit. Had evernote application downloaded and mounted to taskbar. has always worked flawlessly. This morning it tries to open but nothing happens and the processes just dissapear. tried rebooting, reinstalling etc nothing working. any help appreciated TIA

Removing the sync was terrible. I've made changes on my IOS phone and several hours later the changes aren't on my windows computer despite "all changes saved" message. Now i'm creating duplicate notes routinely.... something's not right.

I just did what you said and it worked fine.... I'm using the windows client. I typed test and waiting for all changed saved to appear then shut down the client instantly. I loaded the web and it had synced fine.

I have a couple of computers, one is Linux (Where EN works well, still waiting for more speed and response times), and the other is a Samsung Rf511 with Intel Pentium iCore7 and Windows 7 (an extremely fast version that runs smoothly with a good firewall and antivirus) and today, I was using my w7 laptop and all of a sudden got the Java error after updating to version "Evernote-10.44.8-win-ddl-ga-3632-36e33ef8ac-setup" downloaded first at "E:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending" So, I won't deny I have to update my OS, but in the meanwhile. I let everybody know that version 10.42.7 still works on my Windows 7and will remain on it till I migrate to a more modern OS. (Pink Elephant, I listened, just give me some time bro or sis?)

Thanks for the message. However, working at a tech company myself, I understand that, regardless of the continuous struggle to maintain systems up to date, it is impossible for any application developer/service provider to maintain focus on supporting a platform when the underlying infrastructure (e.g. hardware, OS, etc.) is no longer supported by the vendors. Windows 7 support ended 2.5 years ago: -us/windows/windows-7-support-ended-on-january-14-2020-b75d4580-2cc7-895a-2c9c-1466d9a53962

if just logging out of windows to protect evernote security is the only solution; then why introduce passcode for mobile app? why not just lock the phone when you stop using your phone, and set it to ask for pin/fingerprint when phone needs to be used?

Why don't they then argue the same with mobiles? what was the purpose of the evernote team to waste valuable resources to make an in-app passlock protection, when mobile devices themselves have their own security. And since when are personal mobile phones shared between users? --> same argument can be used that PC's are shared between multiple users (on the same profile) especially at home environments.

Did they ever resolve this?

I don't want to lock my PC and have to re-enter a password every x minutes I happen to pop away for cuppa or whatever

, just want a pin or passcode so the occasional times I use evernote I can just pop it in. 

There must be a dozen threads with this that come up in Google, it's clearly a user requested feature.

We have it on our phones and they also require a password to get in so that is a redundant response.

Just a simple 4 digit pin would suffice, something so somebody steals the PC or something they can't directly acccess evernote.

When Evernote closes, it saves the relative position of the note windows. But when it opens note windows, it opens them on whatever monitor the main Evernote window is running on. Here's the scenario that creates the problem: I have the main Evernote window running on my primary landscape display and a random note window open in the upper area of my secondary portrait display. If I completely close all Evernote windows, relaunch Evernote on my primary landscape display, and then re-open the individual note window, it will open on the primary landscape display at the same relative position it was on the secondary portrait display. This position can easily be off the screen and inaccessible. No clever Windows shortcuts seem to resolve this once it occurs, nor does closing the re-opening Evernote, since that creates the problem in the first place.

To fix this, close the individual note windows from the Windows taskbar. Move the main Evernote window completely over to the offending display, in my case the secondary portrait display. Then open your note in a new window. It should open at the same relative position it was at previously, but now on the portrait display. The window is now accessible.

They're using the Electron framework like dozens of other desktop applications. Electron is known for being slow and bloated, but I don't typically have window position issues. Then again, Evernote is the only Electron application I use where I always have multiple windows open. Who knows... software is complicated.

OMG this has been one of the worst aspects of Evernote for me. Finally got fed up today. Took forever to find a solution. The above didn't work because for whatever reason, my Win11 Pro version doesn't (easily?) allow me to drag icons onto the deskop... doesn't allow cascading of windows... just a mess. But I did have Evernote in my taskbar and this is what worked:

I just spent 1.5+ hrs trying to fix this after a month or so of losing productivity by sometimes having to access most notes most times only in the main window. Sometimes I could get one or more notes up in child windows but usually by the time I went to them one or twice they would disappear. I am running Windows 10 and Evernote 10.54.4 (latest).

I tried all the methods in this thread. Most did not work for me, and no single solution worked for all my windows. Matt's solution above worked for one note, and the other solution was in a MS thread which I have included below referencing Matt's. Quite possibly I will find other hidden windows that need new tricks to get them back... until Evernote gets this sorted out and saves us all a bunch of time.

I too have the same problem with windows 8.1. As an "expert user" I looked for the solution in the forum. Other less experienced people may not understand the problem. As already written by others, it would be useful to be able to install the old version. An official communication from Evernote is welcome.

I'm having the same issue - in the windows app I can find and click on any note and the preview of the note shows up in the note list, but when I click on the note the contents won't appear (it's just a blank screen). Closing and reopening the app doesn't solve the issue; the only fix I've found is restarting my computer. My app is up to date, although I first noticed this issue when the new version of the app was released. I would guess it occurs every ~2-3 days. Any suggestions?

I have Evernote on a laptop, desktop, and Android phone. The desktop and Android are fine, but the laptop has started displaying a version of this symptom of blank notes, not blank on other devices or in preview. One of the suggestions I saw elsewhere on the forum was to do a sync, but if you see the images below, there is no sync button on the laptop. I have also noticed that the About, Check for Update, and Release Notes windows are also blank on the laptop. I think everything was normal Friday night, but then like this Saturday morning. The difference in screen layout is puzzling.

Thanks for that. This topic has been discussed a few times, e.g. most recently: -after-latest-evernote-update-10437-it-opens-the-main-window-every-time-i-log-into-windows/. One question that keeps coming up is the inability to open the app minimized on computer startup (see -allow-autostart-settings/?do=findComment&comment=638224 and the discussion following that post). Can that be added at some point?

I so need this. Have been writing on screens for 8 years, moved from ipad to windows and have a Samsung Galaxy tab pro. The Windows version of evernote really needs proper writing functionality. It's just a ticket to the game these days and not just a 'nice to have'. Sure this must be on the radar? What are your plans for the android and windows? I have started using Onenote purely because of the writing. Shame. 2351a5e196

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