Ever Accountable does not share financial app information on mobile devices. But, if a banking website is visited, it is possible that some information may be recorded. We recommend using a banking app instead of a website.

By default it does not. The magic of Ever Accountable, the reason it works so incredibly well, is that it is built on the timeless principle of being accountable to another person. When we know that someone else can see what we're doing, the temptation to look at bad stuff melts away.

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Accountability partners need to be trustworthy so that honesty can flourish. Reliability is important! Accountability partners need to view reports in a timely manner and not be afraid to call someone out when needed, and have those tough conversations.

We support all major platforms including: Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Chromebook, and Kindle. Work and browse online with confidence, knowing that we've got you covered. Everybody has moments when we're not at our best.

We don't just pay lip service, but take your privacy very seriously. To our knowledge Ever Accountable is the only accountability app to be ISO certified in either information security or in privacy. We have both. That means we put a ton of time and effort into keeping your data safe. This includes things like top notch encryption, a dedicated data safety officer who reports directly to the CEO, and a thousand other details. Our systems are regularly audited to prove it. We did this voluntarily. You are accountable, so we want to be accountable too!

Ever Accountable for Chromebook is a powerful tool in the fight against pornography. The price is 6.99 per month after the 14-day free trial.This app gives you the freedom to use your device how you like, while holding you accountable for the choices you make. We believe that freedom coupled with accountability is a much better motivator than internet filters that try to block you or force you to behave a certain way. We don't password-protect your settings or prevent you from doing anything. You can even uninstall Ever Accountable at any time, just know that your accountability partners be notified and sent a final report of all activity up to the time it is turned off.You can have your weekly report sent to up to 3 trusted friends. The reports contains a list of the websites you visit. Reports are easy to read and pornographic websites and apps are automatically flagged."Sunlight is the best disinfectant" - US Supreme Court Judge Louis Brandeis

Ever Accountable provides software that monitors your browsing history. The Family plan can be a great tool for greater accountability, however, try the 14 day FREE trial, before purchasing. Ever Accountable sends detailed weekly reports to trusted people in your life. Whether you are trying to eradicate your desire for pornography or just greater accountability for social media or internet usage, this will help you with your good or bad habits. This is an accountability software only so we still suggest using one of our recommended filters which you can find.

While I am especially pleased that the bill closes royalty loopholes, so that oil and gas companies can no longer exploit public lands without paying (despite the profits they make selling it to American consumers for ever higher prices), this must only be the beginning.

Legislation I introduced would repeal $35 billion worth of tax credits, deductions, and exemptions over the next five years, and provide us with billions of dollars for our nation's other numerous priorities.

Today we take a first step that we should have taken years ago, but many more advances will be necessary as we work to not just hold companies accountable, but fundamentally change the equation to protect the environment and taxpayers.

The UWAA management team includes, left to right, Office Manager Cathy Billings; Events and Programs Director Aileen Kelly; Finance Director Bill Brastow, '67, '70; Executive Director David Fagerlie, '81; and Strategic Planning Director Mark Gallant, '79. Photo by Jon Marmor.

Our new management team brings a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and plain old-fashioned know-how. Bill Brastow, '67, '70, joined us as director of finance and information systems after a long and distinguished career in the banking industry. Aileen Kelly, who heads up our restructured and revitalized events and programs department, directed the surgical education unit of Stanford University's School of Medicine for six years after a career in hotel management. Mark Gallant, '79, who made his mark as a marketing and advertising manager in private industry for many years, is our new director of strategic planning. Rounding out the alumni association leadership team is Cathy Billings, our office manager, whose savvy and get-it-done attitude keeps everything in the alumni office on track.

But even the best management team can't do anything without a plan, so we undertook the monumental task of creating a strategic plan—a living, breathing blueprint that clearly defines where we as an organization will go in the next three years.

By starting from scratch, we had the chance to review and confirm the philosophical bases upon which the UWAA is built, and identify the few major priorities where we can focus our limited energies and resources in the coming years.

Our strategic plan is lean and to the point. We have three initiatives: striving to more clearly identify our markets and audiences, and figuring out the best, most advanced and efficient ways to serve them; providing support for alumni; and enhancing support and advocacy for the University.

We are now turning our attention to creating a business plan that spells out how we will accomplish our goals. We are hard at work developing the kinds of services you have told us are most important to you and best support our University. Today's times require us to be more flexible, responsive and accountable than ever. Only by being more attuned to your needs and desires can we strengthen the connection you feel to your alma mater. And that is essential now, when the University needs our support more than ever.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) yesterday reintroduced H.R. 1567, the Foreclosure Prevention and Sound Mortgage Servicing Act of 2011. Congresswoman Waters has introduced similar legislation since the 110th Congress, and has long maintained that the servicing industry is broken. By reintroducing and updating the bill, Congresswoman Waters continues to demonstrate her commitment to ending the foreclosure crisis and holding servicers accountable.

"In light of the slap of the wrist our regulators are preparing to give 14 servicers who admitted to breaking the law, legislation to require loss mitigation prior to foreclosure is needed now more than ever before. It's the only way to protect homeowners and to prevent foreclosures."

Congresswoman Waters' bill would require servicers to provide loss mitigation, including loan modifications, prior to foreclosure. Notably, the bill places one entity in charge of modifying primary and secondary liens and requires principal reduction for underwater mortgages. It would also address problems in the mortgage servicing industry by prohibiting dual track, requiring a single point of contact; requiring referrals to housing counseling agencies; regulating fees; and implementing other reforms to an industry in need of structural changes. The bill also reforms short sales, prohibiting on demand payments and providing greater protections for homeowners.

In introducing the bill, Congresswoman Waters acknowledged that the bill will be one of several that she introduces to tackle problems in the servicing industry. "This bill is the first in a series of legislative proposals that I plan to introduce to further regulate the servicing industry and to protect homeowners."

This week the United States suffered a great loss. On September 11, 2012, four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, were tragically killed during a violent protest in Benghazi, Libya. I strongly condemned the attacks that occurred on our diplomatic facilities in Libya and Egypt. My deepest sympathies go out to the families of those who lost their lives or were injured.

I am disappointed in the response of the Administration. These senseless attacks were not warranted and we must not stand by while our sovereignty is violated. The Government of Libya should bring to justice the individuals who are responsible for this vicious attack. All foreign governments must fulfill their responsibilities to keep our diplomats safe and secure. 152ee80cbc

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