The relative time tags added to the topic titles are great! But they are a bit unreliable. Most of the times they appear, but not always. I think editing the post randomly helps trigger something, but posts that had the tag can lose it later, even if the event box is there and the event appears in the calendar. Any ideas about what might be causing this problem?

In fact, somehow I managed to get the source text and the event box out of sync, no matter how hard I try to edit the event, the post, or I rebuild HTML. Now the event box information is wrong even when the source text is correct.

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2. String theory offers understanding for this problem as well as deep and interesting insights on various issues from physics. Motl list of 12 appears to be very impressive. (And apropos Motl, I even conjecture, perhaps contrary to this example, that most string theorists are neither bullies nor male Chauvinist.) Not many other scientific theories can match such a list. String theory is the only major theory that offers such understanding for the unification problem. It also led to great mathematics.

I find the sociology of science rather interesting. We talk about heroes who have a pure drive for understanding, but Tycho Brahe gave Kepler the Mars problem, because he thought it would be too hard for the young whipper snapper to solve. Correct theories (plate tectonics) get rejected for decades. Wikipedia still lists only string theory as a theory for quantum gravity, even though many alternatives are out there.

I think most of my trouble is coming from complete ignorance of star geometry. I tried to draw it out and kind of make triangles between the points, and I've tested a few different things, but I keep getting lines that resemble this: VVVV and turn slightly left.

Just tried a several hour session following Firefox troubleshooting guide, and problem appears to go away if I disable Password Manager extension. Note I also use Norton 360 and had gone thru a long troubleshoot with it to see if other components of it might be the cause.

This will create a loop event. Have another condition at the end of the original workflow and both trigger events that state: if counts value < multi file value, then go to a particular page or do another action instead.

Quite as you done it in working alternate way: have the event be playing all the time, and use labeled parameter (values false/true) then on parameter sheet placing your instruments/nested event with loop on true, false leaving empty

This actually used to be the default behavior across all customers because event properties are designed to be event specific. When you aggregate multiple event types together like "Any Event" and "Top Events", the event types that compose these aggregates will likely not share the same set of event properties. This is why Amplitude's charts do not support event property filters/group by's for aggregated events.

Amplitude does, however, support user property group by's for aggregated events. User properties are designed to be global properties because every user is expected to have user specific properties. If you instrument some custom user properties, they will appear as an option in the drop downs (details here).

I am looking to somehow get rid of this edge and create a smooth, even shape that slowly curves outward to the full width of the cylinder. I have been unable to find any solutions to this problem on both Google and this website.

It's not easy for a child who has had mental health issues to make a successful transition into adulthood. But even children who have symptoms that are mild enough that they wouldn't be diagnosed are more likely to struggle with life as adults, a study finds.

"People are coming around to the notion that these [mental health] problems are significant and can have long term affects," says Copeland. "Kids continue to have problems in adulthood even if it's not psychiatric problems."

With my last video we noticed the blurriness was because the video frame rate in Shotcut was not set to match the video resolution of our original footage. We thought we fixed it, but today I am exporting a new video and the blurriness is back even though the video frame rates are the same.

"We are having trouble matching your events with Pinterest activity. Please include a user email with each event, including your base code. The email should be stripped of whitespace, lower-cased, then hashed with MD5, SHA1, or SHA-256. Learn more"

but not how to resolve it. A representative has twice CONFIRMED that the tag is firing well and had sent PrintScreen to me. A third party has also confirmed that the tag is working. When I go to Conversions I see Page Visits and Init are working and can see the numbers on these events and recently they have increased. Yet my tag is deemed UNHEALTHY. I had gone to upload my catalog but the little corrections I had to make to my website can not be uploaded because the link is disabled.

It sounds like you have your base code (Init) and Page Visit events firing, however, in order for your tag health to be "healthy" you'll also need add to cart and Checkouts firing. (These events should include Product ID and Value)

The Add to Cart should be placed on the checkout page and fire when products are added. The checkout event should be placed on the order confirmation page to measure that checkout conversion.

Good luck!

I do not know what is happening. I have been asked to paste in the base code and the event codes and then my email. Everything is confusing to me and I have been on these for some months with no change of status. Have you ever come across this confusion? Do you have further suggestions?

@ewoteraio How odd that you are getting this error even though you (and Pinterest) have confirmed your tags are firing properly. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what else could be done to resolve this issue. This may be something a developer or someone with more in-depth experience with tracking codes could help you resolve. 

Tagging @PinterestJazmin to see if she has any thoughts or know of someone else who could help. Also @andrealidesigns is a whiz when it comes to the Pinterest tags. Any thoughts, Andrea?

You can remedy this by adding a $0.00 product somewhere on your site that doesn't get much traffic to manually trigger a checkout event yourself. If you have a free shipping code to use at checkout you should be able to successfully complete a 'purchase' without the need for payment.

Yes and now. It's a combination of the matter protocol being updated to expose certain things. (Lets take power reporting). Matter has to be able to expose that to be used elsewhere (such as hubitat). As matter versions progress, that eventually will be here. It's similar in exposing clusters on z-wave....

Yea, and even thread devices could phone home, if your Thread controller allows it. I'm sure if you're using a trusted hub like HE you'll be fine (ie given control). But I've got $10 that says Amazon/Apple/et al will be auto-allowing direct communication to any device/info/data they can.

I am relatively new to javascript, and I am having problems grasping event listener functions for a series of button inputs and text inputs linked to arrays. All the functions focus on a single task and are relatively simple-- at least in conception, if not my execution.

First, can you provide some background info on what the web app is about, what those listeners and buttons are supposed to do?

It seems you are stepping ahead of yourself, trying to create something, while not familiar with how to cache the DOM or attach event listeners.

There are simple guides out there, which can show you simple projects, covering those same techniques.

Here is a good bunch of them, start with the first ones and do as much as your ability allows(until you advance enough in your skill to be able to work on the rest).

What is it supposed to do. I suppose, you were intending to cache the DOM(reference elements on the document). For this you just do the respective selector- querySelector, querySelectorAll, getElementById etc. Attaching forEach(), method, not only produces the array of the elements(technically its not exactly considered an array but a more particular list of elements), but you also iterate throught it and apply some actions on the elements, determined by the callback you provide to forEach as parameter, but you didnt include that. In the end, even if you provided a parameter, you wouldnt really make the desired reference to the nodes, but just bunch them up, execture some actions, and not return any value, to be assigned to the bttns variable. Its also recommended to use const, not let for caching the DOM, because you are not expecting to change the value, when targeting DOM elements.

Another syntax error i was pointed by the console, was, you created a buttonsToggle function, but then tried to reference to it with bttnsToggle as name(at least i assume whats what you intended`.

Another mistake you did is trying to attack event listener to all buttons at once, as an array, instead to each one of them individually.

Ive just setup my Notebook for University which should preferably run Linux and I was like aah lets give Proton a shot.

I installed Eve using Proton Experimental (Not correct Graphics installed yet) and could run the Launcher aswell the Client well until i finally logged in and realized FPS Problems which led to me installing proprietary drivers from Nvidia.

After i installed the new Drivers all other games had tremendous FPS Boosts.

I could install and run other Games like Europa Universalis IV without Problem, even WoT through wine was possible.

But after installing the NVIDIA Drivers the Launcher didnt startup until i changed Proton to 5.0-10. That made the Launcher work but i still got a BlackScreen only when the game launched.

So i simply tried uninstalling Eve and Install it again but here is where the Black Magic happened. Now when i try to launch the Game it says playing on steam for one second and instantly stops again. The Launcher isnt opening anymore after the reinstall.

Are there any files / folders besides the one in steamapps that i need to remove for a clean uninstall?

Sorry if my English sucks 006ab0faaa

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