
My ESET Antivirus have that yellow disclaimer for few days now so I've seen notification about my version (8.0.2028) expiration date in November 22, is this going to stand there until November?

I've tried to fix by installing version 9, but i can't do it. Whenever I try to uninstall older version or install new, I get error message.

"We cannot find the installation of ESET Endpoint Antivirus in Windows Installer Database. After Clicking OK, ESET Install Helper will run to restore ESET Endpoint Antivirus entries."

Canceling doesn't do anything, clicking OK gets me to another "ESET Endpoint Antivirus restore unsuccessful where I can click only on "Finish".

Tried to use esetuninstaller.exe from Safe mode but I all got was another error message that this software doesn't support my version of Windows (Windows 10 Pro, 21H2)

Tried to uninstall by using command prompt as administrator and running msiexec /X (with software code from regedit) but that didn't help me too.

What else can I try?

I've noticed for a while that my laptop doesn't really run well. So I tested one with a file that Windows Defender detects and then deletes, but Eset leaves it alone. If Eset is installed, the files will be deleted by Microsoft Defender antivirus service. If I then uninstall Eset, they are indeed under threats in windows defender. So if I exclude the folder where the file is located from scanning in Windows Defender, then defender will leave it alone when I have installed Eset.

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But i'm a little mad ad myself. ? It happens to me more, that i found the problem after i post about it. The problem was AdGuard for Windows. For some reason it triggers windows defender. I think it has to do whit the redirect driver you must use if you use 3rd party antivirus or the WFP driver, I don't know. But I'm a little shocked that this could happen. Never new this. It was a great peace of software for years, but i think it is way to aggressive. I switch to ublock, because i have every time some other issues.

However, I can see how this issue is related to MD running concurrently with Eset. As far as Win 11 22H2 goes, it appears the new SmartApp feature is the cause of this. See this prior forum posting: -windows-defender-still-running-after-install-of-eset-internet-security/?do=findComment&comment=159509

So I've been using for several months my computer in the organization domain, but yesterday they called me from the TI Antivirus department asking me why I was not using antivirus, I explained that I was using nod32 but they said that the cannot control this so they ask me for enable windows defender so they can manage or they will block my access.

This is the closest thing I could find via google, today I caught a virus and thing is I didn't even run any kind of exe and eset caught it as it was downloading 

So I figured to do a system restore just to be safe. 

This is the error I got after I sat here for a hour n half mind you this is a M.2 NVME drive I rewrote some of the BIos through tutorial to boot from M.2 Drive on older UEFI system, Windows installation only takes 4 minutes and change. So not sure why that was so long.

Yesterday i refused to install an update because computer would not get out of updating sat for 3 hours, so I hard reset it manually and went into system repair. 

Neway, this is the error I got just a little bit ago on why system restore couldn't be done. 

I had saw in the other guys post you wanted a windows log. If a log would help you, what part of it would you need?

My advice for a trouble free system restore operation is to do exactly what the Windows pop-up states; run system restore from the Win 10 recovery environment per below screen shot. Once the recovery environment starts, perform system restore as shown in this article: -restore-rollback-windows-10-recovery-options/

This fact is noted in this Eset KB article stating that System Restore should be run from either Win Safe or Recovery Environment mode: -using-windows-system-restore-to-resolve-issues-with-windows-eset-corruption-or-malware

Yes I am able to see IP address on both the systems from Connected Home Monitor display.

However wanted to share one more thing in the Networks section when i click and page opens i can see both systems in Media devices on both the pc's when i open them windows media player opens up. however still cant see the shared folder from desktop on my laptop.

You could check -share-files-and-printers-without-homegroup-windows-10 and temporarily pause ESET firewall on both machines to rule out the possibility that the communication is blocked by incorrect firewall configuration, especially with regard to the trusted zone.

Also one reply to this article stated it doesn't work. If that's the case for you, then follow this guide: -to-share-drives-windows-pc,36936.html . In this case, you are creating a mapped network drive. Also take note of this:

We tried starting the eset service manually on ~10 machines. There where no more obvious errors afterwards. We have not tried additional reboots, since we need the machines online. Is there a way to make the agent try starting the security product?

The windows update detection was a good way of having feedback to know when workstations were being updated and when they were not and I would really like that functionality back in some form. Either by ESET making it available again, or at the least if there is someway I can do it from my end with dynamics groups or something.

I am not sure if this was unchecked by an update or probably someone trying to fix an earlier issue, not placing blame, but once I checked it, I was able to get the workstations that were needing windows updates to show back up in yellow again.

With mawarebytes it was so easy, cause malwarebytes has an exit mode and a disable startup with windows mode which completely disables it and actually refers protection back to windows defender. In this mode it's as if MWB is not installed at all and not interfering with the system in any way, i.e. there are no MWB processes running, the app is completely and truly closed.

If not, can ESET be safely removed without a trace? This one was a new system, it never had MWB or others on it. ESET was the original AV install. But I still have a seat of MWB I could go back to if needed and I guess use their companion app, windows firewall control. Just a thought.

@Lightning As @itman pointed out, there's no such thing as what you're explaining That said, if you indeed have an ESET product installed and need to remove it but cannot go about removing it by traditional means, you may use the ESET Uninstaller tool: _apps_remover/latest/esetuninstaller.exe

Thanks for reply. When I got home I fired up my windows 10 Eset had a pop-up in lower right bottom saying an error had happened at loading. The attached screen is what I have on my screen. It has cleaned up files before several times.

I open this program by clicking windows icon on task bar & program list comes up & I choose ESET Security & this opens. When starting computer it normally doesn't have a loading error. If itman is correct that mac program works on windows too.

Thanks BaldNerd for your input. I checked out the links you sent & they look promising, but above my compute ability comfort zone, so i will take your info to a computer repair guy to try your suggestion. Attached is eset error message & AVG report

Also you mentioned the mac version - this will not work on windows - the one you have installed is eset nod32 which is esets antivirus - eset also has internet security which includes firewall and other stuff and then a premium version which has a password manager and encryption tool.

I noticed you mentioned eset free - the only thing I can think of is you are running a trial - it's a while since I have ran a trial of eset but I believe it is 30 days. There is no free version, just the 30 day trial.

I found that from the windows boot options menu (press F8), if I chose the very last option to disable Early Launch Anti-Malware the system would boot and run normally. Afterwards I ran the ESET uninstaller tool (in safe mode) and then reinstalled version 8 Security and Agent.

Sorry about the delay, but I had limited windows in which to test this on two of the three affected servers and just finished last night. To reiterate for clarity, no, I do not have ESET Inspect/EDR running in this environment. Only the Mgmt Agent and Server Security are on each system.

Because I have seen people doing it (with the same device but they probably didn't have ESET), there is a way to avoid that, you can boot windows in order not to verify the digital signature ( Shift+reboot button, then and when it reboots you choose something like "disable the verification of signed driver").

I've also flashed my surface back to stock firmware 3 times, reset it a dozen more and this is just one of the many critical problems I have with, quite unbelievablebly, every device I have. I explained this to Microsoft and they told me to send it in for a replacement. It will be my second replacement in 3 months.

Smart App Control's primary protection method is its cloud scanning component. Smart App Control like Microsoft Defender uses file "Mark of the Web" (MotW) status criteria for cloud scanning: . There currently exists a vulnerability in MotW: -attacks-use-windows-security-bypass-zero-day-to-drop-malware/ , yet to be patched by Microsoft, that is currently being actively exploited by hackers. In reality and withstanding any vulnerability status, it is rather trivial to strip MotW ADS from a file download. ff782bc1db

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