The java.util.Dictionary class in Java is an abstract class that represents a collection of key-value pairs, where keys are unique and are used to access the values. It was part of the Java Collections Framework introduced in Java 1.2 but has been largely replaced by the java.util.Map interface since Java 1.2.

The Dictionary class is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, it provides the basic operations for accessing the key-value pairs stored in the collection, which are implemented by its concrete subclass java.util.Hashtable.

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The java.util.Dictionary class is a class in Java that provides a key-value data structure, similar to the Map interface. It was part of the original Java Collections framework and was introduced in Java 1.0.

I was just seeing the difference between a HashMap and HashTable. Other than the obvious synchronized and unsynchronized difference, I noticed that HashTable extends the Dictionary class while HashMap implements Map. Both of them store pair, so what's the difference. I tried Googling for it and I found few questions on SO (1, 2 and 3). I didn't find anything satisfactory other than the fact that Dictionary class is obsolete. Is there any difference between thee two classes? If no, why is the dictionary class obsolete now?

A Java dictionary is an abstract class that stores key-value pairs. Given a key, its corresponding value can be stored and retrieved as needed; thus, a dictionary is a list of key-value pairs.

In Java, Dictionary is the list of key-value pairs. We can store, retrieve, remove, get, and put values in the dictionary by using the Java Dictionary class. In this section, we will discuss the Java Dictionary class that stores data in key-value pairs just like the Map interface.

Java Dictionary class is an abstract class parent class of any class. It belongs to java.util package. Its direct known subclass is the Hashtable class. Like the Hashtable class, it also maps the keys to values. Note that every key and value is an object and any non-null object can be used as a key and as a value. The Dictionary class hierarchy is as follows:

The Java HashMap class and the Dictionary class both perform a similar function. The only difference is that HashMap implements the Map Interface while the Dictionary class does not. According to Java documentation, the Dictionary class is no longer in use because it is outdated. Instead of the Dictionary class, the HashMap class is used. Since we can say that HashMap is a type of dictionary.

In Java, dictionaries are created using HashMap or Hashtable classes, with the syntax HashMap map = new HashMap();. These classes allow you to store and retrieve data in the form of key-value pairs, similar to a real-world dictionary.

Choosing the right dictionary implementation depends on your specific needs. If you need your keys sorted, TreeMap is an excellent choice. If you need to preserve the insertion order, LinkedHashMap is your best bet. However, for most use cases, HashMap and Hashtable provide excellent performance and are easy to use.

We began with the basics, explaining how to create a dictionary, add elements to it, and retrieve elements from it. We then delved into more advanced topics, discussing how to iterate over a dictionary, sort it, and use methods like keySet(), values(), and entrySet(). We also explored alternative approaches, such as using TreeMap and LinkedHashMap, and provided practical code examples for each concept.

LibreOffice generally does not need Java except for a couple of legacy items such as the document converter wizard. Thus, you can use Writer. However, certain extensions do require Java (apparently, your dictionary extension does).

Unlike the family of interfaces that extend Localizable which support static internationalization, the Dictionary class is fully dynamic. As a result, a variety of error conditions (particularly those involving key mismatches) cannot be caught until runtime. Similarly, the GWT compiler is unable discard unused dictionary values since the structure cannot be statically analyzed.

Dictionary (map, association list) is a data structure, which is generally an association of unique keys with some values. One may bind a value to a key, delete a key (and naturally an associated value) and lookup for a value by the key. Values are not required to be unique. Simple usage example is an explanatory dictionary. In the example, words are keys and explanations are values.

When it comes to programming language advantage , both java and python have their own strong points. One of the most useful feature offered by both Java and Python are the HashMap and Dictionary. The use cases for both of these are similar. Basically whenever we need a Key value pair to be stored , these data structures are used in their respective languages. Even though both of them seem to be doing the same function , this article explains how both of them differ internally.

So these are the differences between the two data structures in java and python .Both are useful for different business solution. Making the best use of the programming language is ultimately left to the user.

SAP Production ABAP R/3 ERP SRM CRM ERP PPM SEM APO XI PI PORTAL Test development QA, ENGINEAPI SERVERCORE J2EE-FRMW java.lang.NoSuchMethodError exception Java Virtual Machine ClassLoader java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError intertwined dependencies 1794179 1974464 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: FRAMEWORK.SCA 2462712 1715441 , KBA , BC-DWB-JDD-DB , Java Dictionary: Database , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , Problem

One example of an extensible application is a word processor that allows the end user to add a new dictionary or spelling checker. In this example, the word processor provides a dictionary or spelling feature that other developers, or even customers, can extend by providing their own implementation of the feature. Another example is the NetBeans IDE, which in many cases allows users to add editors and other modules without restarting the application.

A service is a set of programming interfaces and classes that provide access to some specific application functionality or feature. The service may simply define the interfaces for the functionality and a way to retrieve an implementation. In the word-processor example, a dictionary service can define a way to retrieve a dictionary and the definition of a word, but it does not implement the underlying feature set. Instead, it relies on a service provider to implement that functionality.

Consider how you might design a dictionary service in a word processor or editor. One way would be to define a DictionaryService class and a Dictionary interface. The DictionaryService provides a singleton DictionaryService object that can retrieve definitions of words from Dictionary providers. Dictionary service clients -- your application code -- will retrieve an instance of this service, and the service will search, instantiate, and use Dictionary service providers. The underlined attributes and methods in Figure 1 are static.

Although the word-processor developer would most likely provide a basic, general dictionary with the original product, the customer might require a specialized dictionary, perhaps containing legal or technical terms. Ideally, the customer would be able to create or purchase new dictionaries and add them to the existing application.

The Java SE 6 platform provides a new API that helps you find, load, and use service providers. The java.util.ServiceLoader class has been quietly performing its job in the Java platform since the 1.3 version, but it has become a public API in Java SE 6.

For example, if you implement the com.example.dictionary.spi.Dictionary service type, you should create a META-INF/services/com.example.dictionary.spi.Dictionary file. On separate lines within the file, list the fully qualified binary names of your concrete implementations. The file must be UTF-8 encoded. Additionally, you can include comments in the file by beginning the comment line with the # character.

To provide this service, you must create a Dictionary implementation. To keep things simple for now, start by creating a general dictionary that defines just a few words. You can implement the dictionary with a database, a set of property files, or any other technology. The easiest way to demonstrate the provider pattern is to include all the words and definitions within a single file.

Before you compile and create this provider's JAR file, only one task remains. You must comply with the provider registration requirement to create a configuration file in your project and JAR file's META-INF/services directory. Because this example implements the com.example.dictionary.spi.Dictionary interface, you create a file of the same name within the directory. The contents should contain a single line listing the concrete class name of the implementation. In this case, the file contents look like this:

To demonstrate how multiple providers can implement the same SPI, the following code shows yet another possible provider. This provider is an extended dictionary containing technical terms familiar to most software developers.

This additional ExtendedDictionary follows the same pattern as the GeneralDictionary: You must create a configuration file for it and place the JAR file in your application's classpath. The configuration file should again be named using the SPI class name of com.example.dictionary.spi.Dictionary. This time, however, the file contents will be different from the GeneralDictionary implementation. For the ExtendedDictionary provider, the file contains the following single line that declares the concrete class implementation of the SPI:

The dictionary service uses the ServiceLoader.load method to find the target class. The SPI is defined by the interface com.example.dictionary.spi.Dictionary, so the example uses this class as the load method's argument. The default load method searches the application classpath with the default class loader. 2351a5e196

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