I disabled spell checking in the preferences but it still pops up e. g. when renaming a file or relabeling something in Excalidraw. How do I disable spell checking for Obsidian completely if at all possible?

How do I fully and wholly and without exception completely disable all spellchecking, autocorrecting and automatic modifications of any and all writing that I do in Writer, all throughout the application, in every context?

Download English Spell Checking

Download 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2y4OlF 🔥

As written in the release notes, it works a little different in macOS.

Obsidian uses the system-wide spell checker. You can change the System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Text. By default, it should automatically detect the language. Works fine with me, switching between German and English.

I am using evernote for English and German content. My Windows operating system primary language is German. Since Evernote 10 it seems that only the system language is considered for spell checking. Now all English text are marked with the red line. For me it is not an option always to change the system language. Could you please bring back the multi-language spelling check option.

Same here, it is pretty ridiculous that checking spelling of multiple languages seems not possible anymore without changing the system language. Please re-introduce this asap, because the current way of handling this is clearly a downgrade compared with version 6 of Evernote.

First off all, I discovered that when I set the 'Windows Display Language' to my native language (Dutch) that then Evernote seem to support spelling check for 2 languages.

That is both errors detection as well as suggestions. Both languages may be used in the same note/line while the check still works.

However, when I switch the 'Windows Display Language' to English, which is my personal preference, then Evernote only support the English spell check.

And as far as I know Evernote does not give any setting to enable/add a second language.

Gladly I've found a work-around to get a second language working (next to English) while the 'Windows Display Language' is English.

Namely I noticed that Evernote uses the bdic-fileformat as dictionary files. This type of dictionary files are also used by other programs like Chrome and Microsoft Teams.

While searching my PC's HDD for bdic-files I found two bdic-files in my native language:

Can someone from Evernote please turn this into a high-priority bug fix? I am working wth three languages and the ability to switch languages for spell checking on a note-by-note basis is absolutely essential. I must say I am very surprised that I am getting a notification to update Evernote to a version that doesn't support working in several languages.

Same problem here... I regularly write in English, Dutch and French. And I mean, daily! So please fix this problem because the only work-around I now have is to write my notes in Word (with multi language spelling control! ) and then copy it to Evernote. But I then have to adjust the layout again in Evernote, which is super annoying because Evernote is supposed to help us gain time. As somebody else also already said in another comment here; if this doesn't get solved I will move to OneNote!

I have the same problem you all, my version is the last 10.3.7, the darkmode is very attractive but the spell check is very annoying, I have notes in English and Portuguese, and some French and Polish vocabulary lists, all words have some red underline...

So I can't use the windows version anymore, I think it's an easy fix for them.

Now I use the web version, is not that great, but has no spell check.

The spell check is still broken (german user). Nearly everything marked red, no option to turn off or to learn words into the dictionary. No idea, what the product manager is talking about when quoting this as a resolved issue. I cannot understand why Evernote is not capable of handling spell checking in a professional and paid (!) product. Cannot remember another software product with problems on this.

Everything was fine since the option to disable "Check spelling when typing" was added, but now the problem is back. My spelling is being checked when I open a note in a new window, even though I have the option disabled. (Screenshot attached.)

I already have this version and it does NOT solve the spellcheck problem. Text in a different language than the language of the OS is still highlighted as incorrect. Maybe it has never occurred to Evernote producers that some people speak and work in multiple languages. How difficult can it be for a software that is not freeware to include a "turn spellcheck off" function (if they are not able to implement a spellcheck in multiple languages like 99% of professional software products are able to do)?

I'm not sure to which extend this thread is followed by the developers of Evernote, but the lack of multi-language support/multiple language spell checking is not solved at all. What we are asking is that in the settings, we can select which language is the prefered language for spell checking. For many people in multi-language environments, the Windows system language is not relevant.

I would extend this.

Not only spell-checking, but also language setting.

The product should look like:

1. Choose, what language you want your app to be installed in + have the option to change it in the app.

2. Choose what languages you want the spellchecking to be at -> it's normal to use more languages at the same time in one space. The enigne could see, if the language of the note, for example, is one of the selected for the spellcheck, and check for that language. 

I wonder, how this can still be a topic nowadays. Big fail, Evernote.

Still no solution to the spellcheck problem. It is so annoying. Evernote made a wise choice to change the data format so that the OneNote importer does not work anymore. I would have left Endnote and switched to OneNote by now.

Joining the conversation to add another voice to the urgency of this issue: my notes are multi-lingual, too (German, English, Italian) and the new Evernote for Windows Client thus unusable, because I will not turn off spell checking in Windows 10 to get rid of the red underlines.

Obviously Evernote has its own priorities, which it does not (usually) share. Until this is available, the options are Legacy (if that works for you) or - maybe - use a word processor that will do the spell check and copy/ paste the completed work into a note - or just attach the WP file.

It is possible to switch off the spell checking in the Windows and Mac App. Check out this. Just did it, and it worked 

System is German, typing in English. The red underlines instantly disappeared.

Whilst Evernote lacks a multi-language spellcheck feature, it should (as I understand it) follow the language settings on the device. If you need to spell check in more than the device base language, the work-around is the same as for any specialised layout feature - just use an external word-processor set to the additional language and save the working file as an attachment to a note.

Exactly, on windows you could choose how many languages you want and need for simultaneously checking in editor. I had this activated, too. After one year of EN 10 out, I have little hope they will ever address this with EN10+.

OK - I sit corrected; never had the need for multi-language checking, so wasn't aware it was a thing. If you're missing the facility though I'd recommend submitting a support ticket to make sure Evernote is aware of the need. Given everything they've done to the app over the last 12 months, and what still remains to be done, this may not be planned anytime soon, if at all. At 40-odd votes so far it's not one of the most pressing feature requests outstanding, and most of the much bigger ones haven't been addressed yet...

Huh? I just came to the conclusion that spell check only works in system language? In what world people do business using only 1 language? I'm a Belgian, we have 3 languages WITHIN our borders, that's excluding English. Please fix this!

The misunderstanding is that this implies that EN does check on one language already. This is WRONG. EN is currently not checking on ANY language at all. Zero. Nada. Because there is NO spell checker build into EN at all.

If I crtl a > under review tab, language, set proofing language dialogue box > the do not check spelling or grammar checkbox is 'squared out'. However if I clear this setting so its blank (neither a square nor a tick) it reverts to the squared out setting again, if I reopen the dialogue box. I've tried set as default and the language dictionary (UK eng) is installed)

I have checked the setting under the home tab > options > proofing and there's nothing wrong there as far as I'm aware (i.e. first four of the checkbox settings are ticked, under 'when correcting spelling and grammar in word')

If its of any relevance, I'm using some different quick styles (headings and main body text) as its a fairly big document (~ 30 pages). I checked the stlye used for main body paragraphs and 'do not check spelling or grammar checkbox' is unchecked.

I had this problem with a Word document sent to me by a student intern. The paper was riddled with obvious (to me) spelling and grammar errors. Not only was the "Do not Check Spelling and Grammar" box checked, but when I unchecked it, many paragraphs were still not being checked. I had to open the review pane and manually remove the "do not check" box therein multiple times. The problem then spread to my new documents! It required going back into options, unchecking the "do not check..." box and checking "set as default" to fix my own documents. e24fc04721

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