In the Level Select (see above), there's a Sound Test that lets you listen to music and sound effects in the game. As of version 1.05 (Sonic Mania Plus), if you play certain sounds in a specific order, you can activate a code. While most codes are No Save exclusive, some can carry over into a normal save file game.

Playing and perfecting all the Blue Sphere bonus stages will get you the Gold Medallions, which will unlock extra features like Debug Mode and the D.A. Garden. However, as of version 1.05 (Sonic Mania Plus), YouTuber CodenameGamma found that there is a multi-step code to unlock everything from the very beginning of the game without playing the Blue Sphere stages (you may need the Encore DLC or Sonic Mania Plus for this):

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It's thought that it could have been activated it at some point during development using the Hunter Bridges' Birthday Code from above, before it was a part of the Unlock All Gold Medallions cheat. Considering this is a music-based function, and the above code is a reference to a Mania composer's birthday, this connection seems likely.

So sometime before this post, I was alerted to some cheat codes that could be entered from the sound test in the level select of Sonic Mania plus. after that i was able to find and enable "Vape Mode" and since then we've been looking at trying to find ones that might enable that, well a few hours before this post i was able to dump them and here is the full list of ones that the game is looking for.

but as you can tell that leaves us with 2 blanks. the first one the code it simple so I can tell you now, that it increments the value that makes Egg Reverie Super Sonic work. When you do Egg Reverie Super Sonic, it sets the value to 2, and this first one sets it to 1, but does it in a way if you do both, it will set it to 3. and that kinda makes no sense, my working theory is that the first code was Vaporwave Mode, but it got scrapped so he changed it so instead of setting the Vaporwave Value it sets the Egg Reverie Super Sonic value + 1, that's the only thing I can think of since it makes no sense.

As far as the other code. 1 9 8 9 0 5 0 1 we know that its someone named "Hunter's" Birthday and he was involved with the game, however, I still don't know what this does by looking at the code. as far as the code i can say that it DOES check if the previous Egg Reverie Super Sonic value is equal to 1, and if it is it will jump to the end of the code to play the ring sound, but before that it checks if the value NEXT to Egg Reverie Super Sonic is 0, and if its 0 also just play the ring sound and nothing else.

what I have done is set both of these conditions to fail so it runs the code its suppose to but it seems like whatever the game is doing or trying to do ends up causing the game to crash for me. not sure why. its also going into other game related processes so maybe it could be trying to run in fullscreen mode or something but can't, or trying to load an object but can't. either way I think this is not going to be explained to a dev explains what its suppose to do, and if it was the vaporwave mode we wanted.

So after checking the code again I can say for 100% certainty that it doesn't do anything when entering it by itself, but when entered with the titlescreen, and stealth's code, it runs the other part of the function, to Change all Medals on the save file, to Gold Medals thereby unlocking everything in the game.

Now, you might be asking "What do you mean it does nothing" what I mean by that is there are 2 things this function does when the code is entered and its called. 1, it checks the requirements and if they're correct it unlocks the medals. 2. if the requirements are NOT met, it plays a ring sound....that's it. my best-educated guess is that Hunter's Birthday at some point enabled the "Vape Mode" cheat but the lines to enable it was removed before release leaving this function that only plays a ring sound, instead of a ring sound and setting the value correctly. what i did do, is make a patch in memory to restore that funcinality and while making it a real patch for the game would be useless here is what it would look like if the code was actually working in game to enable vape mode.

What cheats are there in Sonic Mania? How to you enter cheat codes, and what do they do? Sonic Mania is a big retro love letter to old school Sonic games, and as such, it has a variety of cheats you can use. In this guide, we'll talk you through how to enter cheats and what the cheat codes do.

As far as we're aware, you can't earn trophies while using cheats in Sonic Mania. This is because you need to have Debug Mode enabled in order to enter the cheat codes, and Debug Mode disables trophies from unlocking. You have been warned.

Back in the '90s when micro-transactions were nowhere to be seen, cheat codes reigned supreme. All you had to do was input a code and you became unstoppable - no monetary transactions required, just a series of button presses. When you think of all the cool games during this era, one of them might be Sonic the Hedgehog.

It turns out Sonic Mania is channeling yesteryear, with our friends at PushSquare reporting a number of cheat codes have been unearthed for the nostalgia-fuelled game. To access the codes, you'll need to enter Mania Mode, enable the Debug Mode from the options section, hold Y as you select the 'No Save' option, and then go to the Sound Test to input the following codes:

Well it's a long time since I've seen an article about cheat codes. Nice to see someone still giving them some love. I remember back in the day if really stuck in a game sometimes a cheat would be a life saver (before you judge I was only a kid). Even better were cheat codes you had to unlock by being really good that would then do goofy stuff that allowed you to just fool about in the game.

Play sounds 02, 00, 01, 08, 00, 06, 02, 03 (a reference to Sonic's 27th birthday; a video to celebrate him was uploaded on that same day). This sets the game to Encore Mode, allowing the player to play Encore Mode stages (except Angel Island Zone) and use Debug Mode in Encore Mode. If the player tries to enter Egg Reverie Zone after activating this code, they will be sent to the first Special Stage in Mania Mode instead.

Play sounds 09, 00, 00, 01. This gives Sonic access to the Insta-Shield, Drop Dash and Super Peel-Out at the same time. This code will even allow the player to use the extra moves in Encore Mode if the Encore Mode code above is enabled.

First, while on the title screen, input the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 level select code ( ) in the time between Sonic appearing and the "press any button" text appearing. After that, go into level select and put in the Ricky Mania code. Once that is done, play sounds 01, 09, 08, 09, 00, 05, 00, 01 (referencing Hunter Bridges' birthday) and you will obtain all 32 Gold Medallions. This cheat actually saves the medallions, which is ideal if the player just wants to unlock all of the Extras without having to play the Blue Spheres Bonus Stages.

A mode called "Vape Mode" (short for Vaporwave Mode) was found in the code of the game and CAN be accessed in the level select, but the code to unlock it is unknown. In fact, there may not even be one at all. e24fc04721

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